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    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15501 Copy


    Are Returned the same person-- like is a Returned the same person they were before they were alive or-- 'Cause it says in the book that it is a Shard that Awakens the body so is it the consciousness-- Well not the Shard--

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is the same soul.


    The same soul.

    Brandon Sanderson



    I was wondering if it was the consciousness of the Splinter.

    Brandon Sanderson


    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15502 Copy


    Is Harmony only able to see and watch over Scadrial or will he be able to see the potential of other parts of the cosmere?

    Brandon Sanderson

    We'll talk about that in an upcoming story. You'll get more clues about that very soon.


    Very soon?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Very soon.


    Like before the end of the night?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Poten-- Well not-- Potentially before the end of the night, yes.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15503 Copy


    Do you have a layout of the cosmere, like everything is happening written down or is it just up here?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's written down. Some of it's up in the head, some of it's written down. Most of it is somewhere...



    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah most of it's somewhere.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15505 Copy


    I was at-- I think it was at Way of Kings or Towers of Midnight, and I think I might your dad?

    Brandon Sanderson



    At least I think it was your dad. He said he was your dad. *laughter* I realized like two years later that it might not actually be your dad.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was, it was. *laughter*


    I'm relieved. Old, white hair, he said he was sort-of going to voice act Grandpa Smedry.

    Brandon Sanderson

    So my dad. She may have met my dad. And she really did meet my dad. *laughter*


    I realized like two years later, "Wait what if that wasn't really his dad? Just some crazy guy?"

    Brandon Sanderson

    My dad looks like--


    Your dad was very nice.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, he looks vaguely like Alan Alda. Much more when he was younger, now he looks like a grandpa-ish Alan Alda.

    Bystander 1

    So like Alan Alda.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, maybe like Alan Alda still is. So the funny story about my dad is-- She wanted to know if this was really him and he said he was going to voice act Grandpa Smedry. So what my dad loves to do is he likes to show up at my signings, particularly-- He had a job where he moved around a lot. He would be at home in Idaho for a weekend and then he would go and work somewhere for a week and come back-- One of those jobs, right? And so I would go do my signings and never know where he was, right? And so I'd be doing a reading-- And I did one once in, this was in Ohio--


    I met him in Portland.

    Brandon Sanderson

    You met him in Portland?


    The year someone brought you a massive box of Voodoo Donuts...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, yes, the Voodoo Donuts...

    Questioner don't like chocolate?

    Brandon Sanderson

    But I love Voodoo Donuts! I'm just not going to wait in line for it.


    But you don't like chocolate!

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't like chocolate flavored donuts, I like a piece of chocolate, but like the chocolate flavoring they put on donuts is such fake chocolate...


    I think it was the CocoPuffs one.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. So anyway my dad, he'd just show up at places like this, and I'll be doing my signing, right? And I was doing a reading once in Ohio and there's a disturbance at the back, and I'm like "What is going on?" And people kind of part, and there's my dad signing books. *laughter* Seriously. He's just signing books, and he's just laughing about it like "Oh I taught him everything." *laughter* He's never read a science-fiction book in his life. He reads the books like, that we replaced over here for our signing that are religious books and stuff. He reads-- Oh it was the cart, the cart said religious books and they had stacks of my books on it-- He reads stuff like that, he reads biographies. My dad does not science-fiction.


    Has he read your books? I know he's read Alcatraz, because he was talking and quoting it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He's read my books. He's read the Alcatraz books at least. This is my dad, he's signing my books... The other part of that story is that he then took off and like seven kids came through the line-- like twelve-year-olds that he had bought a hardcover for because he'd seen them with a ratty paperback and knew they couldn't afford one, so he just bought if for them. *audience awws* And he did that for just tons of kids in the line. And he will do that at the signings. If he sees some young kid with a paperback, he'll buy them a hardcover. So that's my dad for you. *applause* I'll tell him you applauded for him. I'll tell him that you remember him...

    Bystander 2

    Will you bring him back?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Will I bring him back? I'll tell him he has to come to the signing next time.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15506 Copy


    Of all the characters you've written which one has the most of you in them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Of all the characters I've written which has the most of me in them. Boy, y'know every character is a bit of me and every character's got something that's very unlike me. Um, I really have trouble answering that. People have asked it of me before. Some days I think it's Jasnah, some days I think I'm arrogant to assume it's Jasnah. Any character I would mention it would feel like the things I like about them are the things I wish I would have, if that makes sense? I don't know if there's any one that is really just me. My mother reads the Alcatraz books and says that's me. *laughter* She really does. Like she loves those books because she says "No that's you". When I have no inhibitions and I'm not trying to be self important I just do stupid things like in the Alcatraz books so maybe Alcatraz?

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15507 Copy


    Do the Shards move-- Other than Odium do the Shards move around and have we seen-- Or have Shards moved to worlds after the events that we have read about?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Do Shards other than-- Do Shards move around? The answer is yes, there are several of them. Have Shards moved around after the events you've read about? Yes, there are Shards that have moved around after that.


    That have moved to the worlds we've read about?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a RAFO. I'm not going to tell you whether they've moved to the planets you've read about or not.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15508 Copy


    So Nightblood is sentient, he can make choices, and now he is in Roshar. Could Nightblood bond a spren and become a Radiant?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Could Nightblood bond a spren-- *drowned out by laughter* That one's just a bit farfetched. *laughter* I rarely say anything is impossible but let's just say that one's pretty farfetched.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15509 Copy


    Where do koloss-bloods come from?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Where do koloss-bloods come from... Good question. So when two-- When a mommy koloss and a daddy koloss… *laughter* Any natural offspring from two koloss become koloss-blooded, they do not become full koloss unless they decide to take the initiation which involves the spikes.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15510 Copy


    How did you come to know Joshua Bilmes?

    Brandon Sanderson

    How did I come to know Joshua Bilmes. Joshua is my agent, for those who don't know. So when I took the class at BYU, that I now teach, from David Farland, I was writing Elantris and he was very impressed with the book and he said "Look, you're writing to get published." And I said "Great, what do I do?" And he said "Well how much money do you have?" And I said "None." "Well borrow some 'cause I want you to go to the Nebula Awards because they're in New York and when the Nebula Awards," he said, "are in New York a lot of the agents and editors go and it's one of the best places to just go meet them."

    So I managed to scrounge up enough money to fly to New York, I stayed in a friend's basement. It was actually the brother-in-law of Skar the bridgeman, Ethan Skarstedt, my friend he came along with me. We stayed in his brother-in-law's basement and took a train into the city just for the Nebula Awards. We couldn't afford the banquet so we just sat in seats on the side of it. And beforehand Dave said to me "Alright I want you to go, and when you get there I want you to go to the bar, 'cause everyone is there, and I want you to start talking to people." And I'm like "I'm like a Mormon kid, what am I doing in a bar?" "You're ordering a Sprite and you're talking to people, that's what you do in a bar." And so I went and I sat down and ordered a Sprite and started talking to people. Meanwhile Ethan went upstairs to the little lounge area where they also had a bar and ordered a Sprite and started talking to people. I ended up talking to Jim Minz an editor at Tor, who rejected the book I sent him. Now Jim is at Baen Books.

    He ended up talking to Joshua Bilmes. He came down afterwards and said "Who'd you meet?" "I met this guy" Introduced him, they chatted, and then I said "Who did you meet?" "I met Simon Green's agent" And I'm like "Cool I like Simon Green's books" And we went up and I chatted with Joshua and he gave me a card. And then I came home and I sent him a book and he rejected it. *laughter* And I sent him another book and he said "Ah let me see more of this one" And then he read that and rejected that one. And I sent him another book and he rejected that. Then I sold Elantris to Tor and called him and "I've got a book deal" and he said "Well I think I'll probably represent this one." So he was very skittish of taking me on at first but he's an excellent agent and I'm very glad I ended up with him. But yeah Mormon kid trolling for editors and agents in a bar in New York, that's how it happened.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15511 Copy


    *audio obscured*

    Brandon Sanderson

    So Elend's name came from the Germanic word for misery and Straff's name means punishment. The question is did I do this intentionally. I didn't do either one intentionally. I don't speak German, what I did was I went to Germanic morphemes, I didn't even know what they meant, and just got a feel for "Okay this is Germanic, this is Germanic" and then put those aside and said "Alright can I come up with a bunch of names that sound Germanic" once that mood is in my head. Because English has a lot of Germanic influences I guess I did it too well and I named a whole bunch of people things that are actual words in German. *laughter* But you know I'm actually fairly pleased with that, it means I was doing my job. But you know I didn't intentionally make them mean anything in German, at least this time I didn't accidentally pick a swear or something, which I’ve done before. *laughter*

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15513 Copy

    Questioner 1

    So I hear that you have a director for Steelheart--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Do we have a director for Steelheart. So Steelheart was purchased by Shawn Levy's company, at Fox, Shawn Levy directed the film Real Steel, which I really like, he also directed the Night at the Museum films, which I enjoy.

    Questioner 1

    Do you have an idea as to when casting might start?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So the way this goes-- breaks down for those who aren't aware. First thing they do, usually, when they buy a property is they commission a screenplay. Which they did. Screenplay came in some time in January, I haven't seen it yet they are sending it out for a polish. Once they are satisfied with the screenplay, at that point that's when they go to the studio and try to-- Oh that's when they try to get talent attached. Usually a director, like Shawn Levy is enough talent if he says "Yup, this screenplay turned out good, it's my next project" that would get it a greenlight and they would go to casting. So it's actually going really well. If it weren't a studio deal, if it weren't through Fox, at that point they would have to get some talent attached and then they'd have to convince a studio to give up funding and stuff like this. But if Shawn Levy likes the screenplay and says "Yes I'm doing this" it will then go to casting.

    Questioner 2

    Would you have any option on the screenplay?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Would I have any option on the screenplay-- No I do not have any power over the screenplay. No. When you sell rights like this most of the time you just have to hope they do a good job. I feel I gave them a pretty good screenplay in Steelheart in the book itself so I'm hoping Steelheart the book works out as a film.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15515 Copy


    When Galladon appears in Way of Kings why is his skin not silvery?

    Brandon Sanderson

    When Galladon appears in The Way of Kings why is his skin not silvery. That's a RAFO but there is a good reason for it.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15517 Copy


    Was the Rose Empire ever under threat from Shu-Dereth? And can you speak a little bit on fitting The Emperor's Soul into a world you'd already created?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So was the Rose Empire ever in danger from Shu-Dereth and could I speak a little about fitting The Emperor's Soul into a world I'd already written. So when I designed Elantris, I knew where I was going, and I knew a lot about the world. This is how I am in building. So when I wanted to do The Emperor's Soul I already knew where I was going to place it, I knew which magic system I was working toward, and things like that. So it wasn't terribly hard since I already knew what was over there.

    The fun about that is that you should go look at the map commissioned, the one Isaac drew, that's done by the Derethi and see how they view the Rose Empire and where they put it on their map. And then you'll eventually get a map of the whole world, and let's just say they don't have a really accurate representation of the world and their place in it. As was very common for a lot of early societies, early European maps are hilarious.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15518 Copy


    Why was Dalinar able to feel the Thrill during his visions from the Stormfather?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Why was Dalinar able to feel the Thrill during his visions from the Stormfather. Well that would indicate that the same reason he feels the Thrill now still was in existence. Well not-- I mean was still affecting him. Does that make sense? He was in the real world, his body was in the real world. Whatever makes him feel the Thrill was still affecting him. Does that make any sense?

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15520 Copy


    Who's going to make the Mistborn game, and when is it going to come out?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Who's going to make the Mistborn game and when's it going to come out. So they bought the rights to that like four years ago and then their game studio divided and the people-- the gaming guys were like "Yeah this happens" and they had an architecture but then it fell through and they said "Oh we're going to do it for nextgen" and since they said that we haven't really heard anything. So...

    Y'know, this happens in gaming all the time, they're a good studio, they have lofty ideals, but most of the games they make are not on the scale of Mistborn. And so they have until 2017 to make something. I still have not seen any sort of playable architecture or anything like that… So we'll just wait and see... Their name is Little Orbit. They have mostly done movie tie-in games. There's a bunch of people-- It's the gaming industry out in California so three of the people there were from Interplay and three of the people there were from this studio and they've all made big games before but this studio itself, they just aren't being able to get it together to make a big game. So if they do-- I mean I really like them, if they get it going I'll be super excited to see it happen but once 2017 rolls around I probably won't renew their option and say "Well it's time to let this one lapse".

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15521 Copy


    I have a young game-development studio and we're interested in making a Rithmatist game because I think the magic system lends itself very well to tablets and mobile devices. So what type of prototype or product would you have to see to be able to say "Yes this is good or no this is "--

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is an excellent question. So the question is he works for a game development studio and he wants to potentially make a game from The Rithmatist. And he's asking how he would go about doing that. So, we have had about five proposals on The Rithmatist and we haven't taken any of them. This is mostly because the game studios who proposed them, none of them have actually been able to show us developed games they made on their own. They all were game studios that were still working on something. And knowing the little I know about the gaming world, having friends who are in gaming, I take people who have actually finished things with more respect.

    So, I’ve sold video game rights before, except nothings ever been made, I've sold Mistborn and things. I sold it to the people who came and said "Look we have a bunch of games". So if you have actually built games then I am really interested in talking to you about the potential of doing a Rithmatist game. If you haven't actually built and released games I would suggest go and build and release some of your own games, let us see that you can do it, and then come and talk with us. And if you do have released games and it's all good come up and I'll point you at my assistant Adam and he can tell you how to get in touch with my agent and send a proposal to me and the agent at the same time and we'll look it over.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15522 Copy


    With the AonDor seems to based on the geography of the place, could there be AonDor based on other geographical features, like Kholinar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um… *hesitantly* Yes, but it's-- There's something weird about Sel that is making that happen that way on Sel. So...


    But you could have it in other places on Sel?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You could-- Yes, it does exist in other places on Sel but yeah.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15524 Copy


    If the Stormfather were to turn into a blade for Dalinar, would it be bigger than other Shardblades?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um… That's a RAFO. *people get excited* That doesn't mean that I'm going to answer it, that means that answering it would either canonize something I don't want to canonize or it would mean that it is something irrelevant and I don't want to send fans spiraling into-- and so... It doesn't necessarily mean that something that will be included in the books.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15528 Copy


    So for most of your planets do you just assume that gravity is 9.8 m/s, and do you have a reason for that, or--

    Brandon Sanderson

    It just depends on the planet. Like Roshar… it's 0.7 Earth gravity on Roshar.


    Oh really?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, otherwise they couldn't lift those bridges, and you couldn't have the-- Even with the help of the spren, you couldn't have the giant beasties. So it's a high-oxygen, low-gravity environment. So fire acts a little differently on Roshar than it does on other planets. People are taller, like if you put a Rosharan next to someone else the low-gravity would have had that effect.


    Oh, I didn't even know that.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Generally you should assume when I'm using numbers they're in-world numbers. So, for instance, a Rosharan foot is actually larger than a foot in another-- Stuff like that. I have to do some jockeying of these things to not be completely off-putting and confusing to people who are not expecting-- to the casual reader, but like days. A Rosharan year is 500 days, but they're twenty hour days, I made an hour basically our hour just to keep it from being too crazy for people. But that means when it says Kaladin's 18 he's really actually like 20 years old and a little over, or something like that, I forget the numbers. Everyone's a little bit older than they sound but it works just for the average reader.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15529 Copy


    Could you use steel or iron to Push or Pull off Shardblades or Shardplate?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Anything that's Invested resists, the more Invested it is the more it resists.


    Okay, so you could technically--

    Brandon Sanderson



    --if it was not charged?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well-- Certain objects just have more Investiture and are more purely of the Investiture. A Shardblade's going to be really hard, but it's possible, it's just going to be really, really hard. Even more hard than an absolutely full Feruchemical metalmind because the Shardblade is being created directly out of the Investiture, it's basically all Investiture, it's not a metal that is Invested. It's going to be real hard.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15531 Copy


    Is there a comparable way-- like you can become a Misting by burning an alloy of lerasium and some other metal--

    Brandon Sanderson



    Is there a comparable way of becoming a Ferring?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uh… *carefully* Comparable within certain limits of the definition of that word, then yes.


    Just meaning, is there some in-world way--

    Brandon Sanderson

    There is some in-world procedure yes.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15532 Copy


    If you were a Twinborn with both steel, would you be able to move faster than people could use atium to see what you were going to do?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So you couldn't move faster than their atium, but you could move potentially faster than their mind's ability to process what they're seeing. You might be able to-- but the atium does lend a certain ability of natural reaction, but you are still limited by your muscles, and things like that. So I think you could probably beat atium that way. That would be a valid way.

    Bands of Mourning release party ()
    #15535 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    *discussion fades in* ...I doubt they would come to regret that. It depends on your threshold for characters with depression but--


    They haven't minded that so far. That's not an issue. I think they just want to make sure he doesn't end up leading the Voidbringers or something.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah I think you'll be okay.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15539 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    *reading a personalization request* Did Kelsier fill copperminds for reasons other than to share knowledge? Did he want to forget certain memories?

    *written* Yes. Yes.

    Those may not be causally related. You asked two separate questions and got two separate answers.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15540 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    *reading a personalization request* In the concept of an unreliable narrator, there is a...scope of unreliability. One can be limited by perspective, another can be unreliable with intent. Could you...examine the second type in the Cosmere? Who would be a good example?

    Hoid can be very intentionally misleading. The thing is, there aren't many first person viewpoints in the Cosmere stories so if its ever from someone's actual viewpoint-- Like Kelsier is a little unreliable in his viewpoint in that he doesn't go into his plan, which is technically unreliable narrator and it technically is by intent, but it's more like, he's like "I can't think about this" and stuff, but is also him lying to the reader a little bit. Does that make sense? Kelsier is probably the best example of unreliable narrator.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15541 Copy


    Is the Felt question the one that you got away with?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, that really is-- Felt really is Felt. He's been around, let's just say.


    Are there more places I should look for him?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Eeehhhh, there are more places you could look for him, whether you find him or not is a matter of…


    I'm going to guess that he's going by a different name in other places.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Things that he s-- There are things that he said in Mistborn which are relevant in minor ways... These are not huge big things, when you read them you'll be like "Oh, interesting".

    Footnote: The questioner is referring to these exchanges from the RAFOlypmics event the previous day.
    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15542 Copy


    I was wondering if the size of a piece of metal determines the amount of Feruchemical charge that can be stored in it.

    Brandon Sanderson



    So how does that scale, like, in terms of the volume or mass of the metal or...

    Brandon Sanderson

    It-- So I've talked about this before, I'm trying to remember exactly what I've told people-- It does not scale as logically as you think it does. How about that? It's more like certain thresholds. You can have a-- You can store a Hemalurgic or Feruchemical charge even in very small pieces of metal, but larger pieces of metal will let you get more.


    So it's kind of like there are different classes of sizes?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, kind of like that.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15543 Copy


    What is Syl's favorite form? What is her favorite form?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Syl is kind-- kind of ephemeral. Meaning she has a peculiar little personality and her favorites change quite often. I would say, she probably likes being the human-form the most, because she gets the best reaction from the people she's interacting with. But that wouldn't always have been the case, because she is responding to how people are perceiving her.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15544 Copy


    Are we ever going to get an official Cosmere timeline?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, we will eventually. We're really close to being able to release it, I'm not sure when we will. Um, the real trick is-- Like now that we're locking down White Sand, that's kind of like the last wild card because the novel version wasn't canon. So it's like where do we make sure this is, and stuff like that. So yeah we should be, once White Sand is out I think, everything we can lock down. The trick is, like if I release it there are certain-- like where is Sixth of the Dusk exactly? It's not something I want because that's got spoilers.


    ..It is actually canon that Era Two [of Mistborn]takes place between the first half and the second half of [The Stormlight Archive]?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well I haven't written the second half of Stormlight so that--


    But does it take place after the first half?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes it takes place sometime after the first half, but it depends on how long I break and things like that, whether they overlap, maybe it takes place after 7, maybe it takes place after 5, maybe it takes place after-- Like we'll see when I get there how many years, because the timing on those is a little more tight.


    So they're more interweaved with those, those are closer to the same time period.

    Brandon Sanderson

    They are much closer to the same time period than other things, which is why I have to be dodgy on those ones, mostly just because they are on a similar timeline.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15545 Copy


    Have Hoid and Sazed, since he became Harmony, had a conversation?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um… yes, that has happened.


    Was it meaningful?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um, Hoid considers everything meaningful.


    Of course he does. Would Sazed consider it meaningful?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ok, Sazed considers every individual important.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15546 Copy


    I currently have a pet theory--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh yeah? What is it?


    That... there's a-- That there was-- Whatever the fourth Shard that Odium [Splintered]-- People-- The people who founded Threnody were--

    Brandon Sanderson

    So you should read Khriss' introductions to the worlds in the Cosmere Collection.

    Footnote: The essay for Threnody in Arcanum Unbounded did reveal that Ambition, the "fourth" Shard Odium Splintered was dealt a grievous wound in the Threnodite system, and it's Investiture has had an effect on the planet and it's inhabitants.
    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15548 Copy


    Can you clarify what the structure you are planning on, is going to be for Dragonsteel is? Like for some reason I have it in my head that it's seven?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah it was originally, way back when, seven. I've-- Right now I've cut so much out of that and stuck it in other books, I'm only at three. So we'll see.

    JordanCon 2016 ()
    #15550 Copy


    Has Wax seen the influence of a Shard other than Preservation, Ruin, Harmony--

    Brandon Sanderson



    --i.e., like Autonomy?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He has seen the influence of another Shard.


    Might that Shard be Autonomy?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It might!

    Ben McSweeney
