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    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8252 Copy


    Is there a correlation, at all, between Awakening steel, a blade, and the revival of spren every time a Shardblade is summoned? I mean, I know Invesiture is Investiture is Invesiture.

    Brandon Sanderson

    So revival of the spren so--



    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay. So, are you talking about a live Shardblade or a dead one, or it doesn’t matter.


    Like Nightblood.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Awakening the steel, like that, Shardblades <are like Awakening metal> and stuff.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The big difference here is that in one you’re using a physical component, right, and Investing it. In another, a more pure Investiture is passing into the Physical Realm and taking on an embodiment, a shape. Does that make sense? And so, similar but different things. There is a correlation, but it’s not--yeah.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8253 Copy


    What’s your favorite part about touring? Like the q&a’s or the readings?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, the readings get old.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Well each signing I’ll do a different little speech. The q&a’s are more fun because they are different. The reading gets a little old, but the first few times it is good because I’m refining it and it’s fun. So, I’ll say the actual interactive part is my favorite.


    *inaudible <compares signing to marathon>*

    Brandon Sanderson

    Though I will admit that sometimes the best part on tours is going back to the hotel and going to sleep. But that really depends on how late the signing is going. Like starting at 4, it’s easy here.


    What’s the latest you've ever gone?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I’ve gone ‘til 5.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. That one started pretty late but they went pretty late. Normal signings, 1 or 2, is as late as they go.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8254 Copy


    Are you going to make a sort of [Mistborn: Secret History] for Vasher?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, you’ll get some more Vasher stuff. I will write a sequel to Warbreaker that shows Vasher kind of bridging--but you’ll also see some more of the stuff behind the scenes that he did.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8255 Copy


    So the last several books you’ve been bringing the whole cosmere together, has that changed how you are putting your books together? Now that you're tying everything?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not really, it’s been planned for a while to do that. For instance, Stormlight will still kind of remain its own thing and Mistborn was always going to point that direction. Now I accelerated it a little bit because of the Wax and Wayne books, which I kind of put in as interim stuff.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8256 Copy


    In the alternate reality, where David’s father is still alive, is there another Steelheart?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Was there ever another Steelheart?

    Brandon Sanderson



    He is the only Steelheart.

    Brandon Sanderson



    So who killed David, <Deathpoint>?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Was there never a bank scene?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, there was a bank scene. And yeah.


    There was a bank scene, and it was Deathpoint. Okay.

    Footnote: It says either "Deathpoint" or "that point", audio is obscured.
    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8257 Copy


    Are you interested in seeing any of your books become video games?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would love to see my books get made into video games. Yeah, I’m a gamer. So if I had the right company, I would love to do it.


    Have there been any offers, anyone vol--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Someone optioned--or bought the rights--to Mistborn. They were never able to get a game off the ground. I don’t think it’s going to happen. They still have the rights for another year but it’s looking really slim that they’ll get it made.


    That’s unfortunate, that’d be a great game to play.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. And consoles are doing better, there was this time between the last generation and this generation where mobile took off and it was mobile that just kind of--and there was all this question about console, that’s when they were working on this and a lot of people were really timid about jumping in and making a big budget fantasy game.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing ()
    #8258 Copy


    Would Vasher be able to use Stormlight in the same way that he can get Breath?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That would not be immediately easy, but Stormlight could feed Nightblood.


    Which is why Szeth can wield Nightblood?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Eh, you'll have to see if but yes. That could theoretically happen. You can use most of the magics on most of the planets to fuel the other magics, if you know how to do it, it is not easy.

    Warsaw signing ()
    #8261 Copy


    Will we ever see such things as... in the future Mistborn books... the unkeyed metalminds, will we see something like people donating <brothers>?

    [From notes and Polish clarification: Can unkeyed gold metalminds be used in hospitals? That people would just turn them in so others can heal?]

    Brandon Sanderson

    You're likely to see such things in this. Not a RAFO. <It takes> figuring it out, <they didn't figure it> out yet.

    It's possible, they didn't figure it out yet.

    Warsaw signing ()
    #8262 Copy


    <Did the man Lift met is Hoid>?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is Hoid.

    In book three, right? In book three.

    Oh *inaudible* Lift? *inaudible* No, that's not Hoid. So she references having talked to him but it's not someone she meets in this. In the beginning, she mentions him but he's not specifically in this. Right? Sorry, I thought you meant *inaudible*.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, of course, that makes sense. But yes, so, she met him - but she talks about him, she didn't - it's not him on the street.

    (From my notes:

    In Edgedancer, Lift references talking to Hoid but he doesn’t show up himself there. She met him, she talks about him but he doesn't appear in Edgedancer.)

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing ()
    #8264 Copy


    When does a person become a Surgebinder? Cause Kaladin talks about when he was a child, talked about it being a familiar feeling, and Shallan obviously was younger. Or is it when they speak the Words?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The bond starts forming before the Words are spoken, but if the words are never spoken that bond will eventually evaporate and get broken. But the bond will start forming before. Just like an emotion attracts a spren, acting in the way that the spren you would eventually bond will start drawing them toward you and that will start to create that bond.

    Warsaw signing ()
    #8265 Copy


    <Could you tell me something about the Shard that is hiding>?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is a pretty big spoiler. I can give you a RAFO card. Yes, the Shard that wants to hide, let's just say, they are quite intelligent in their decision to not get caught.

    Footnote: based on Oversleep's notes it's probably about Survival Shard
    Warsaw signing ()
    #8266 Copy



    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes that is common.



    Brandon Sanderson

     Will there be a what spren?



    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, yeah yeah yeah. So most of the spren are involved in either-- are kind of involved in all three. And so it's mostly Honor and Cultivation. But some lean one direction or the other: you'll see that lifespren will pop up more commonly around Wyndle then they will around <Sylphrena>.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing ()
    #8268 Copy


    If someone—Vasher says that Nightblood would kill him, is that just because he has this one deific Breath? Would it kill an ordinary person, like a drab?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It would suck the Breath from anybody, and if they were unable to feed it he would feed on their soul.


    So they would die?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Anyone wielding Nightblood, he will suck their soul. If for too long, he will eventually—if you draw him—will suck your soul.

    Warsaw signing ()
    #8270 Copy


    How many bridge runs did Kaladin make in the Way of Kings?

    Brandon Sanderson

    How many what? Bridge runs, oh boy. Fewer than he thought, but still a lot. Several dozen. He would have said hundreds but it wasn’t hundreds.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing ()
    #8271 Copy


    The letter in the epigraphs in Way of Kings, the recipient—is he or she—are they in Words of Radiance?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They are not in Words of Radiance in person.


    Will they be in the next book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a RAFO. But they have not appeared in person in the series yet.

    Footnote: The letter in The Way of Kings was written from Hoid to Frost.
    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing ()
    #8274 Copy


    Which of your characters do you think would win in a fight?

    Brandon Sanderson

    At what stage in their career?


    Not the Slivers.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, so they don't count, the Shards of Adonalsium don't count… Does Kelsier have atium?


    Yes, atium exists.

    Brandon Sanderson

    A Mistborn burning atium is really hard to beat in any other way.


    So you think that Kelsier would beat Vin?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, Kelsier would beat Vin if he had atium and she didn't. If they both did? Vin has more raw talent, Kelsier has a lot more experience. So if you can pick Vin after she's had more experience she will give him a fair fight, but before that she will not.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing ()
    #8276 Copy


    Szeth a lot of the time throughout Words of Radiance is referring to the fact that he's hearing his victims screaming in his head. Is that actually just his conscience screaming at him or has he possibly already bonded to a spren in some way, that is displeased with his actions?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is not his spren, good question... It is not the spren—it is not a spren that is for one of the orders.


    Okay, but it is related to—

    Brandon Sanderson

    I didn't say that. I just said it is not a spren—it is not a Blade. It is not one of those.

    Email to Nepene - Re: Population of the Final Empire ()
    #8277 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Blast. I've got that in my records somewhere. It's been a while, now. Off the top of my head, I believe Luthadel was the biggest city with around two million. (Peter might have a better read on this.) I was shooting for 1920 London, but with a slightly better flow of food in because of the imperial structure an absolute monarch offers. It was the biggest city by a long shot, though. Others would have trouble topping 100k. Probably a 25%/75% split urban rural, weighted on rural, through the entire empire. Scope is relatively small. Smaller than the US. Bigger than Korea. If you email [email protected], he might have the actual scale.


    Warsaw signing ()
    #8279 Copy


    *Inaudible* How long will we have to wait for Arcanum 2?

    Brandon Sanderson

    A long time, I'm afraid. I don't want to write it until I have Stormlight 10 done, so it's a long ways off.



    Brandon Sanderson

    You will. And you'll definitely get some bits and pieces.

    Footnote: Based on Oversleep's notes, it's possible the question was about the Conflux book.
    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8280 Copy


    How did Pattern actually become a Shardblade even though he hadn't been fully pulled into the Physical Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He had been pulled into the Physical Realm before when Shallan was younger, and she almost broke her bond.  And in so doing . . . 


    But he didn't go mad.

    Brandon Sanderson

    She didn't completely break the bond.  She didn't reject him completely.  But it was dangerous there for a while.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8284 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, since I was doing other things.  Hemalurgy-when you spike, you place the spike in a place that determines which charge the spike gets.  


    Through the heart seems to pick up universally.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It depends on where in the heart. It's like acupuncture. This was designed from acupuncture and you get very specific on which nerve you're hitting and things like that


    So the spike will never pick up more than one power.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, the way they know how to do it.

    Footnote: This clarifies two previous questions.
    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8285 Copy


    Would the spike that has all four charges, could you actually reuse it and give a different person a different power, or even the same person a different power?  

    Brandon Sanderson

    No.  When you first spike. . .


    It loses all the other ones?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No.  Where you place the spike.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8286 Copy


    When you spike somebody, say a full Mistborn, with a steel spike, it could end up with four different charges.  Does it get all four of them it just depends on where you place it?  

    Brandon Sanderson

    Where you place it it can get all four.  Spiking a full Mistborn wastes a lot of power and the way that it's known, I mean, it doesn't have to, but the way that it's known to do it right now.

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8287 Copy


    Does Khriss owe Nazh a new coat?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Is what?


    Is Khriss owe Nazh a new coat?  That little picture in there where it says 'you owe me a new coat'.  I'm wondering if that's Khriss who owes the coat.  Not going to tell me on that one either?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm gonna stay closed mouthed on Khriss.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8288 Copy


    So a couple days ago you mentioned this person called Khriss.  Has he actually appeared or been referenced in any. . . 

    Brandon Sanderson

    She has appeared, and . . . 


    She.  I guessed as much because one of the pictures said 'Dear Woman' toward the end of the book.  So she has appeared or been referenced.  

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, she has appeared in. . . if you ask around about Khriss, she has appeared in unpublished books.


    Is Khriss the author of some of those Ars [Arcana] perhaps?  

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh I don't know.  That's very interesting.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8289 Copy


    The Annotations is actually what got me started.  And I was wondering do we have any Stormlight ones in the pipeline?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes I have finished Part I of The Way of Kings.  That's not a ton, but I eventually intend to do the entire book.  The problem I've run into is that I reference Way of Kings Prime a whole ton while writing them, because it's what is in my head. 


    And it's a lot a mixed content.  

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, and so it might be better when I can release Way of Kings Prime to accompany them, but I will be doing that.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8291 Copy


    Soulcasters that use the fabrial.  Do they visit Shadesmar?  Or do we see more about them?  Because they are hidden and there is something about them that they get the stone face.  

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes.  The actual Soulcasters.  The use of of the Soulcasters is affecting them on one of the realms other than physical.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8292 Copy


    What do you make of, like you were talking about earlier, you're hoping to be nicer, whereas someone like George R. R. Martin or, what's his name?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Yeah.  They tend to be very graphic.  

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm glad there is diversity in the genre.  And I am glad that there is a lot for different people to find and enjoy.  I personally feel that I want my books. . . I find that writing as I said to someone else  *inaudible* and for John?  I find writing about good people put in bad situations is important for me.  And I want to read books about people that have admirable qualities that I want to--People that I want to hang out with.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8293 Copy


    What Heightening is Hoid?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't know what you are talking about.  Heightening?  He's just the king's Wit.  

    Questioner 2

    With perfect pitch.

    Brandon Sanderson

    With perfect pitch.  Yeah he does have perfect pitch.  

    Questioner 2

    Now that he has it.  I noticed it now.  

    Brandon Sanderson

    You're just obviously misconstruing that.  

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
    #8295 Copy


    How many books are there going to be and how long is it going to take?  I only have so long to wait.  

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's two five book series: a five book arc which will come to an end, and then there will be a break, and then another five book arc.  


    In what time span?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm going to try to do them fast.  It won't be as long between the first and second.  Probably every eighteen months.  

    Interview with Isaac Stewart ()
    #8297 Copy

    Trevor Green

    I believe you create merchandise for The Way of Kings and Mistborn. How's that going? Do you ever see people wearing your stuff out in the wild?

    Isaac Stewart

    InkWing Arts (link here) is the business my wife Kara and I have put together to showcase the artwork I've created for Brandon's worlds. Right now we primarily sell bookmarks and t-shirts, but watch in the future as we add patches, art prints, and games. The goal there is to make cool things based on cool worlds. It's been a lot of fun to interact with fans in this way.

    I mostly see the shirts at Brandon's signing events. But my eleven year old son came to me the other day and said he saw someone wearing one of our shirts at the grocery store. He thought that was pretty cool. So did I!

    Interview with Isaac Stewart ()
    #8298 Copy

    Trevor Green

    What are some of the books you've been a part of, and what exactly were you in charge of?

    Isaac Stewart

    I’m responsible for all the maps and symbols in the four (so far) Mistborn novels as well as all the symbols, chapter headings, maps, color end pages, and Navani's notebook pages in Brandon's Way of Kings. (The other artwork in the book was done by Michael Whelan, Ben McSweeney, and Ben Call. I'm thrilled to be showcased in the same book with these amazing artists.)

    On the design side of things, I've been designing self-published books—covers and interiors—for a while, but recently had the luck to get into the business professionally with the book design for Bryce Moore's YA novel, Vodnik. I've also done covers for some ebook re-releases of some science fiction and fantasy classics from the 80s.

    In addition to Brandon's maps, I've also worked on maps in the re-release of Robert Silverberg's Nebula-winning novel A Time of Changes and the upcoming reprint of his very-enjoyable Downward to the Earth.

    Interview with Isaac Stewart ()
    #8299 Copy

    Trevor Green

    On a similar note, The Way of Kings has a lot of symbols associated with different aspects of the book. Were you involved with creating those, and if so, how did you design them?

    Isaac Stewart

    I created forty-plus symbols for The Way of Kings. Many of these are found in the color charts in the hardcover version of the book (link here). My absolute favorites are used at the beginning of each Part (one of them is debossed on the book's hardcase beneath the dust jacket). I used Arabic word art and the shard blades as inspiration for these. Many of the originals were drawn on an iPod Touch and later brought into Photoshop for clean up.

    Interview with Isaac Stewart ()
    #8300 Copy

    Trevor Green

    I know some of us have heard the story of how you came up with the symbols for Mistborn, but tell those of us who haven't how they came about.

    Isaac Stewart

    I'd drawn about a half dozen pages of symbols inspired by my first reading of the book. Pages with dozens and dozens of tiny, intricate symbols—maybe someday I'll write a post about the process: Failed Allomantic Symbol Designs. But nothing was really working for me or Brandon.

    I'd collected a lot of reference material for the steel inquisitors—nails, railroad spikes, those sorts of things—and one day when I was looking at a picture of a rusty pile of bent up nails, I saw the symbol for iron. It was a Beautiful Mind experience. The symbol just jumped out at me. Glowing and everything.

    After that initial experience with the symbol for iron, it was easy to come up with the others. The bent nail part eventually became the crescent shapes used in the final book.