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    Oathbringer San Diego signing ()
    #7851 Copy


    How do spren get to the place where they're supposed to be, where an emotion being expressed? Are there just so many of them that they just happen to have enough density that they're there or they travel really fast? 

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most of the time what's happening is they are congregating around human population centers anyway. And so it's like birds. Like you walk out there are birds around, right? It's kind of the same thing as spren. So it's more the density thing.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7853 Copy


    In the chapter about the Wandersail, when Hoid is telling the story, is he using Lightweaving?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not completely natural what you are seeing.


    Is the smoke in any way related to Rosharan magic systems?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In any way related, yes? I'm good at wiggling out of these. It's a part RAFO, it's not completely natural. I'll leave it at that. I can't say too much, otherwise I'll give away all my secrets.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7854 Copy


    My favorite character is Nazh... I just want anything about him, even if he's just his favorite food.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Isaac. Give us a favorite food...

    Isaac Stewart

    So, he likes, and Brandon will have to confirm this, but he likes a plant-- fried-- it would be considered an eggplant almost.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Fried eggplant. We're good on that.

    Isaac Stewart

    It's not-- It looks like an eggplant, it's native to Threnody.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7858 Copy


    In Secret History, Nazh briefly mentioned that there's requirements or conditions to become a Cognitive Shadow. Can you tell us one of those?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uh, lots of Investiture. Is one way. As a certain person discovered.


    If that person were to not have entered Preservation's pool, it still would have given the same result?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If they had not, they would be gone.


    I wasn't clear. If they had done a different pool, not Preservation's.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, if they had been able to Invest themselves heavily, then they could have stuck around, yes. That wasn't Preservation's pool, that was more a function of--dipping themselves, pulling an Achilles inside of a Shardpool when you are dead, turned out to work. It's not the only way, not everyone on... Threnody, for instance, is heavily Invested.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7859 Copy


    Could a kandra imitating a human have a child with the human?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, I kinda go back and forth on this. So-- 'Cause I think about it, then I tweak the magic, and I think "no this isn't possible," and then I go back, and I'm like, "but..." So it kinda comes down to a lot of things, such as, would I want a DNA test to be able to determine if a kandra is real or not. And I haven't canonized that yet, so your answer is, Read And Find Out, once I decide. I go back and forth on that one so much.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7861 Copy


    Are you ever gonna write a pregnant woman in your books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, I kinda got my fill of it in Wheel of Time. Because Elayne, which is such-- there's just so much pregnancy. So, like-- I've actually thought about this before, and I think, I just read those books so many times I'm like--


    You're just full of it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. But that's not a good reason! But I'm pretty sure that's my reason.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7862 Copy

    Brightlord Maelstrom

    If you were to somehow use a receptacle to gather some part of the Dor, say there was a way of doing that. And you were to do one on both extremes of the planet. Would it be the same thing?

    ...Say, you have a container than can contain part of this plasma? ...Theoretically? You do that, taking one part of the planet, say Elantris, seal it up. And then you were to take another one, and fill it up in MaiPon and compare them, would it be the same Investiture?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, it would.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7863 Copy

    Brightlord Maelstrom

    Quesion about Selish magic systems. So, you've described, in the past, the Dor in the Cognitive Realm as being almost like magma. Is that just in consistency, or also does that also include in its temperature?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, it's more temperature than consistency. Plasma-ish is maybe even a better way of putting it.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7866 Copy


    The amount of Heralds that we have seen so far. Two? I had thought Wit was one.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Wit is not one, but you've seen Ash, you've seen Taln, you've seen Jezrien and Kalak in the prelude, you've seen Nale. Yeah, he was chasing Lift, among other things. You've heard of several others, but the others are going to start getting more and more obscure from there. I don't think there's any others.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7869 Copy


    We see, in Secret History, all the people going Beyond after they die. Do all the victims go there? Or just people? Just sentients? Would a Ryshadium go the Beyond, if it died.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um-- Yes.


    What about, like, a rockbud, or a chasmfiend?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um, that, you're gonna have to ask the philosophers about. Because, if it happens, it happens really fast, so they have trouble spotting it.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7874 Copy


    Is Hoid somebody I should be rooting for?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Depends on-- Depends... There's a big, uh, "depends" attached to that.


    Is that something we're gonna see in Stormlight Archive?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You will see some of it in Stormlight. It's not the main place you're gonna see it.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7878 Copy


    Could you build Aons or something similar to Aons off of the natural landforms on Roshar, like the Dawncities and the other cities that are sort of symmetrical?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Elantrian magic system, the Selish magic systems, are the ones that don't work very well-- don't interact very well with other worlds... Other ones are a lot more easy to interact between worlds.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7880 Copy


    [Question written down, unknown]

    Brandon Sanderson

    They can communicate with each other. So, there's at least one answer-- with the spren-- Yeah, but it's not-- you don't really communicate with spren in the same way.


    Can they get, like, Odium- or Cultivation- or Honor-oriented spren to kinda animate them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, that's not quite how it works.


    The intelligence in the eye of the chasmfiend, I was wondering. Or on the santhid rescuing her.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's more, like, does a flower communicate with a bee. That's a similar sort of thing we're looking at here.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7881 Copy


    If people from Scadrial were to colonize, like, Nalthis, and not intermarry with the people there, would their children continue to have the Scadrial Investiture, or would they have the Nalthis Investiture? In the sense that, is it genetic, or is it planetary?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Scadrial is more genetic.


    Than Nalthis, where they have the Breaths?

    Brandon Sanderson



    So, would their children continue to--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Their children would continue, for a while, to have Scadrian Investiture.


    For a while. Could you say, like, how many generations?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I cannot.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7883 Copy


    So, November is the National Writer's month. Have you ever participated in the NaNoWriMo challenge?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I have!


    Awesome! How did that go?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It went pretty well. I'm a pretty compulsive writer, so-- I don't do it as much anymore, 'cause I'm almost always on tour during it or something. But during the early days when I was trying to break in, I did it all the time. I actually wrote a big chunk of the first draft of Way of Kings in 2002, in NaNoWriMo.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7884 Copy


    When people ask you who your favorite character is, you say they're all your children. And I always have the same thought: even Amaram?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, let's say, my favorites are all of the viewpoint characters who are not slimeballs... Yeah, he's definitely one of the exceptions to that.


    What other exceptions?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, I don't know. I'd have to think about it.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7885 Copy


    In Way of Kings, the Death Rattles, it say that the person who said it reported seeing strange dreams during the highstorms for the past two years. What do you have to say about that, I guess?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Highstorms. You often see strange things during the highstorms.


    That's not a real answer.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It totally is a real answer! That person saw some weird stuff. Weird stuff happens. Dalinar sees weird things walking along throwing rocks at people, so. Who knows.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7888 Copy


    If you were gonna pick a thing to be, like, an Edgedancer, or a Windrunner, what would you be?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Probably a Bondsmith is what's natural to me. If I could pick any, I'd probably be Windrunner, but I don't think I'd fit Windrunner.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7890 Copy


    Do koloss have hair?

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...It depends on the form. Some do, some don't. But, in general, they do. But it's not-- Here's the thing, it's not quite hair. They're not mammalian.


    What are they if they're not mammalian?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They are their own-- uh, yeah.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7893 Copy


    How does rewriting the Spiritual aspect work?

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...So, it has ramifications through the other two Realms. It can happen. You've seen it happen.


    That's what happens with kandra, right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, to an extent, yes.


    With the koloss?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, both of them. Hemalurgy is, like, sticking a piece of someone's spirit to another person's spirit and creating a Frankenstein's monster of spirits.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7898 Copy


    Would you care if I took what we have on, like, Aonic, and sort of rolled it into a conlang?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, that'd be fine. Aonic is the one that, like, in some ways the least useful.


    It has the most words that I've found for it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    If you're interested in conlangs, go talk to Peter, and maybe we'll sic you on something. Maybe we can get you working on something officially. I've tried to get Peter to do something... Go talk to him. Talk nerd stuff with him.

    Oathbringer release party ()
    #7899 Copy


    What is the most fully-developed you've made any of the languages in the books? Or do you just come up with the sounds and just sort of stop?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It depends on which ones. Like, the further we go in the books, the more developed they become. Peter is a linguist, was a linguistics major, so I lean on him heavily for some of these things. Korean gets used all the time. Because I speak Korean and did my mission in Korea...