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    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8951 Copy


    In the first three Mistborn books, and Elantris and Warbreaker, you focus a lot on sort of gods and religion, is there a particular reason for that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Why do I focus on gods and religion in my books. Well there's a couple of reasons. The main one is the kind of overarching story of the cosmere, which all my books are connected, there is some divine force named Adonalsium that was broken apart long ago and the scions of that-- people who have that power are showing up and causing problems and things on planets. So that's kind of the hidden epic behind the scenes, and so because of that religion is a very big part of what happens there.

    I'm also a religious person. For those who don't know, I'm Mormon, I'm LDS. And so religion is important to me and whatever I'm fascinated by works it's way into my books. Now I'm generally the type of writer who doesn't feel like I should go into a book with a theme, I should explore what the characters are passionate and let the theme manifest naturally. And so I do that a lot, I don't go in saying "Oh I'm going to teach people this" I say "Who is this character, what are they passionate about" But the things I'm interested in you see. That's why you end up with stories about a god who doesn't believe in his own religion, from Warbreaker. Or you end up with these different things, with Kelsier founding a religion to use it, or having people with different types of faith. And I really think that part of the point of fiction is to, for me, to explore different ideas from different angles and try to just tackle them. And so you'll see me coming back to some of the same concepts again and again, because I want to try them from a new angle, see how this person thinks, see how this character deals with it. Because that's just really interesting to me.

    Leipzig Book Fair ()
    #8952 Copy


    About Ien, Raoden's seon. I was wondering what happened to him.

    *brief sidebar for translation*

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, still around, but suffered some effects of what happened in the books, but still around.

    *brief sidebar for translation*

    I'm trying not to give spoilers, but when I go back to the series I do intend to answer that question.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8953 Copy


    I watched all of your Youtube videos of your university lectures, that you put up. Found them really useful specifically because they are more focused on sci-fi/fantasy than other tutorials in writing. My question is, do you have any plans to write a book, in-between your hundred other books, a book on the craft of writing?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So the question is, am I ever going to write a book on the craft of writing. He notes that I did-- my university lectures I do post online, for those who are curious you can just go to Youtube and look for Brandon Sanderson lectures, but if you want them all in order you go to and I think we have a link to the whole playlist and things in there. So yeah, if you are a writer and looking for some writing advice that's one of the resources I have, and those are pretty in-depth. It's How to Write Science-Fiction and Fantasy university course. I also do a podcast called Writing Excuses, which I would recommend unto you. It is fifteen minutes of writing advice every week. If you haven't ever done a podcast you can just go to the website and punch play or you can go to itunes, or however you do podcasts. And that one, if you do it, I would recommend starting with January of this year [2015], the later episodes are better than the earlier episodes.

    I do not have any immediate plans to write a manual on writing. I just have so many other things to do and the Writing Excuses and the lecture, these are excuses for me to go interact, right? To get out of the house. To not be sitting in front of a keyboard typing. And so I use them to keep myself a little bit grounded, so I'm not just always alone. Which kind of defeats the purpose if I just go in and write a book about it. Plus there are some pretty good writing manuals out there yet, I don't think I have it figured out yet. Maybe in another 20 years I'll have this writing thing figured out and maybe feel like I should write a book on it.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8954 Copy


    In terms of character development, I've noticed you you tend to be concentrated on Twinborns and Mistings, in your new series. Are you going to be exploring the full Mistborn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Am I going to be exploring full Mistborn in other books. That's kind of a RAFO, which means Read And Find Out. I will-- I am very interested in telling these intimate stories in the Mistborn world right now and Mistborn have kind of fallen out of the world. There aren't many, if any, of them left, but who knows what will happen in the future. So that's what we call a RAFO.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8955 Copy


    So you've obviously done these talks before, what is your favorite question you've ever had and what was its answer?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What is my favorite question? See people ask me this one, so I have a glib response. My favorite question is "How can I buy more of your books?" *laughter* And my answer is "Talk to the wonderful booksellers." But no I always have trouble with those questions because I get, y'know, I don’t know if I have favorite questions? People also always ask what should I be asking you? and I'm like "I don’t know, that's your job. I wrote the books, come on. Give me a break."

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8957 Copy


    As someone who's taught people to write and studied creative writing, and obviously you're a writer, very much into writing, do you read *inaudible*?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh do I read science fiction and fantasy journals. I do not spend a lot of time in the journals, I spend a lot of time reading fiction and nonfiction. My reading time is so, so hard to come by these days that I feel like I need to be focusing on what my peers are doing, and on good nonfiction books to give me ideas. A lot of my ideas come from nonfiction. I do get a bit of reading done, and people ask me for recommendations…

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8958 Copy


    Do you find it difficult when you have to jump between the worlds when you write about like Mistborn and Stormlight do you find it difficult to transition like that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Is it hard to transition? Is it hard to transition, the question is, between the different worlds that I write in. A little bit yes, but mostly no. The reason I jump so much is my writing style kind of requires me to do something new after I finish a big project. That's why I--  People ask me a lot how do I-- how am I so productive.  It is actually because that I found out if I jump to something new-- Like a lot of time a writer finishes a book it just wears them out for six months, right? Or if you're certain writers you're worn out before you finish it somehow. Naming no names. But really it happens, you get worn out after finishing a book. I found that if I jump into something very different I immediately get excited about that and get going on it. And it is a big part-- That is why you see those little novellas like Emperor's Soul and Legion and things like that, because I finished a project and jumped into something new. And it makes me really, like I said, excited. So yes it is a little hard to switch gears, but more so it is exciting to switch gears and it just keeps me excited and enthralled through this whole process. Which is why you see me jumping around so much. I tell people "Oh can't you just write on my favorite series", I tell them if I did that they actually wouldn't come out any faster, because I would hit that kind of lull that happens after a book where it's hard to write and you get slowed down by any little thing and if I switch to something else you just kind of get books squished in-between.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8959 Copy


    If you were to die tomorrow, who would continue your series?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If I were to die tomorrow-- The issue is, being only two books into the Stormlight, then I'm not sure it would be right to finish it? I would probably just have the outlines get released. Because having someone finish eight books for you is a little bit different. But let's assume I get a little further in it, I do think the best choice right now would be either Brent Weeks or Brian McClellan, they write very similarly to me and Brian I trained... I would probably pick Brent, if Brent were willing to do it. We're friends, his books are very similar to mine, he's a great writer. So yeah, but let's hope I get a lot more books done. I hope I get through all of them, but it is wise to plan because I have had in my own life something akin to this.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8960 Copy


    Which one of your characters do you think is most like you?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Which character's most like me. You know I always have trouble answering this because I put a little of me in every character and every character is different from me. And so it's really hard to say who is most like me. Sometimes I think it's someone-- I don't know, the hard part is like who do I want to be or who am I actually? I think I'm a little more Kelsier and I would like to be a little more Sazed.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8961 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    To forestall the other inevitable questions. Movies have been sold for: Mistborn, Emperor's Soul, and Steelheart. They are all in development, none have started filming. Be skeptical of any film deal until someone starts shooting a camera, okay? Right? Just be aware of that, when something starts filming, you can get excited. Until then, just know that people are paying me lots of money to not make movies from my books. *laughter* Which is very nice.

    The video game's kind of just in limbo. The guys who are working on it--there's a Mistborn video game--they're great, but they had setback after setback. So I would, if I were you, not hold my breath on that one. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. If it does it's a happy surprise.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8962 Copy


    When might we expect a sequel to Warbreaker?

    Brandon Sanderson

    When might you expect a sequel to Warbreaker. Okay, let me go down the list. I have finished three books, alright? The finished books are: Bands of Mourning, which is the sequel to the one you-- many of you bought today; I have finished Calamity, the last book of The Reckoners; and I've finished, a while ago, the fifth book of the Alcatraz series, for the middle-grade series.  Which I finished a while ago, but we had to wait for the contracts to run out before I could release it, it's a big complicated thing.  So those are in the queue, and they are coming.

    Now I am writing, right now, Stormlight 3. Yes working on that.  It's actually-- Anytime I mention Stormlight people are contractually obligated to shout in my crowds. So I'm finishing that and my goal is to have it done by May or June. If it is done by May or June the publisher has said they will publish it Christmastime, so November/December next year. If I miss May or June then it gets pushed back to the Spring sometime. So just watch the progress bars on my website and you'll see-- you'll be able to gauge.  It's slowed down a lot because of revisions and touring but they should pick back up as soon as I get home.

    After that I'm going to write a book called The Apocalypse Guard, which is my follow-up to Steelheart. Not the same world but the same style, fast-paced, frantic action sort of things. In the US those are published as teen books, here they're published as adult books, I don't even know what they are but I want to have a follow-up for my teen publisher. Something that's similar. So we're going to do that, then I'm going to do Rithmatist 2, and then I will do finally the fourth Wax and Wayne book which will wrap up Era 2 of Mistborn. Then I will do Stormlight 4.

    If the book, such as Warbreaker sequel, is not in that list it means it is coming post-Stormlight 4. So we've got a little ways to wait, but I will get around to doing them, I promise.

    Leipzig Book Fair ()
    #8963 Copy


    The second question is about dragons! One race, on Yolen, are dragons with the ability to shift. I'm positively sure that we haven't seen any dragons in dragon form around yet. How about in human form, and would it be possible to actually recognize a human dragon?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, the question is, I haven't written the book yet, but one of the books I've talked about that is the origin of all of this is called Dragonsteel, and there are dragons in it! 'Cause, like I said, 'Why not? Why wouldn't you?' And she's asking about Dragonsteel. Have we seen dragons hidden among the characters in the books that we have seen. You have very likely seen -


    A letter.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, you have seen a letter from a dragon. And you... there are some that are off-world, and so you might have seen them. I won't tell you for sure, but you would not recognize them.

    Shadows of Self Edinburgh UK signing ()
    #8964 Copy


    With regards to the Dor, whereabouts is it located exactly, with regards to the Realms.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, you're the first to ask this one. It is in the Cognitive Realm... I think you might be the first one to crack that one. So, that's something that I've been dancing around for a while, waiting 'til people started to figure that one out. Now, that's not where most of them are.

    Leipzig Book Fair ()
    #8965 Copy


    Odium has, as I understand it, something like the meaning of God's divine wrath. How is wrath on its own able to cause such terrible destruction? I  mean, he primarily attacked di-Shardic worlds like Sel and Roshar, so could he just have sowed discord between Shards there to an extent of them actually fighting against each other and then just *inaudible*.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is a good theory, that he got them to fight against each other. I won't tell you whether it happened or not, but it is a very valid theory. It's fully within his capacity; that's the sort of thing that he does.

    Salt Lake City signing ()
    #8967 Copy


    Is the sword at the end of Words of Radiance, is it the actual Nightblood from Warbreaker?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is, actually. It's fun because when I first wrote Way of Kings in 2002, Vasher was one of the main characters. And then when I wrote Warbreaker in 2006, I wrote a book about him to do his past. And then when I re-wrote Way of Kings it's like, "Well, time for Vasher to come back." So he's been in Roshar, in my head, since the beginning, for some 20 years. But he wasn't-- He didn't originate there, but... He was one of the worldhoppers that I hid in the very first version. Which was a lot of fun to then be able to go write a book about him and come back.

    Salt Lake City signing ()
    #8968 Copy

    Questioner 1

    When Sazed is fighting Marsh he hears a voice telling him about his rings, in his head.

    Brandon Sanderson


    Questioner 1

    Whose voice is that? Can-- Can I make some gueses?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Questioner 1

    Is it Kelsier?

    Questioner 2

    *Brandon hands RAFO card?* What does that mean? *laughing*

    Brandon Sanderson

    That means I'm not gonna answer that. 

    Salt Lake City signing ()
    #8969 Copy


    Do we ever get to see a good banter between Wit and Shallan?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um, you uh... She is not quite ready yet, to be on his level. And if you watch the series, her use of humor will mature. Um, in fact you should be able to notice a difference between these two even. By later books she will be able to stand a little bit better. Right now he would rip her to shreds.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
    #8970 Copy


    So for Calamity, like about these others that you mentioned, are we ever going to figure that out? Or is just going to be...

    Brandon Sanderon

    Oh yeah, so the next series I’m doing deals with the greater-- kind of interdimensional travel and who are these people.


    Okay good, because I was like “You can’t leave me like this” at the very end.  I really liked how it was put together and stuff. My own theories were that David was actually, like his powers were actually figuring out Epics’ weaknesses...

    Brandon Sanderson

    I considered that, I really did. At the end of the day, when I brainstormed the trilogy I said you know what would be most fun for me in this series is to do a trilogy that is basically an origin story, for a character and then when I come back to The Reckoners, if I do, because the next one’s a parallel dimension, right?


    From where Firefight is, or from like other?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That -- we will get into why certain ones are stable and certain ones aren’t and why you can pull from and we’ll do something there with a new character. And if I come back, then Mizzy will be the main character in the sequel series.


    Awesome if you ask me, because I was always looking forward to more Mizzy.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Does that make sense? That’s where the plan for these is, we’ll see how the new series goes, they’re announcing it next week. And the entirety of the magic system is based on interdimensional stuff.


    Right, especially with Megan and her--

    Brandon Sanderson



    --multiple hundred personalities coming together and stuff.

    Brandon Sanderson

    So it’s kind of like Megan has opened up this idea of a quantum multiverse, and now I’m going to do a quantum multiverse, which is not something I can deal with in the cosmere so it’s exciting for me to be able to do it.


    Yeah ‘cause the first one we see about the others I was like (okay cosmere fandom, but wait) this is not cosmere, don't worry about that.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not cosmere.  Going straight-up quantum multiverse, in kind of a classical sense. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on string theory and things. It’s so hard, string theory breaks my brain.  Quantum mechanics break my brain.

    Words of Radiance San Francisco signing ()
    #8971 Copy


    So that bit at the end [of Words of Radiance] with Szeth. Getting that black sword...

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's setting up for book 3, which is going to be crazy.


    There's another book with a black sword...

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's the same sword, yes. In fact I wrote the original version of the Way of Kings involving the character who has that sword. He's in the first draft from 2002, then I wrote Warbreaker about him, then I wrote this.

    Words of Radiance San Francisco signing ()
    #8974 Copy


    Why did you gloss over *audio obscured* for Jasnah?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Again you'll want to read on, but Jasnah-- that was not going to happen in this book. In the initial plot it didn't happen, and Shallan was unable to, in the initial scenes I wrote, be able come into her own and so I had to make major revisions to the plot for this outline, the biggest thing I did was that. And once I did that the story started working.

    Words of Radiance San Francisco signing ()
    #8975 Copy


    When you were planning for Zahel being Vasher, how long did you [plan] that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Vasher was in the 2002 version of The Way of Kings by name, as Vasher. I only changed him to the new name after I finished this entire draft. Because I'm like "oh, he'd probably go under a pseudonym". So he's in Roshar for 12 years our time—I mean I had written him 12 years ago, in Roshar.


    And what's he doing there? Why? Is that a RAFO?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You'll have to read the Way of Kings Prime but he is in there by name, it blew my assistant's mind when he went back and found it.

    He was doing much of the same thing that he did in this one. But in that book-- in Way of Kings Prime the big defining difference was that Kaladin took the Blade and Plate, and Zahel—or Vasher as he was named there—was his teacher then, and that was a much bigger part of the book because the book was about become-- you know. And it was the first book and him and his teacher, so yeah.

    Words of Radiance San Francisco signing ()
    #8976 Copy


    Do you know how you're going to write how Hoid travels between worlds?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes I do. Yes. Yes there's a big clue in [Words of Radiance]. There is a very big clue in the very first book I published.

    Footnote: We know now that the trick is to jump into shardpools, or "perpendicularities". We see one in Elantris and Rock tells a story of Hoid coming out of one in WoR
    Words of Radiance San Francisco signing ()
    #8977 Copy


    When are we going to get Hoid’s book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Hoid has 6 books, they are the 3 books of Dragonsteel, which are prequels and the last Mistborn trilogy of the nine book arc will have him as a main character. I won't say they're "his" books, but he is one of the primary protagonists.


    You think about five books into [The Stormlight Archive], or after this series?

    Brandon Sanderson

    After this series, the middle Mistborn books will happen in-between.

    Calamity release party ()
    #8987 Copy


    How much older is Wax than Wayne?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uh... 17... 20 years... Something like that. No, no, no, not quite that much. It's more like 10 years isn't it?

    Isaac Stewart

    Which one?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Let's see, I'm trying to remember how-- Wax is 40s... Wayne... Yeah, it's about 10 years.

    Calamity release party ()
    #8988 Copy


    I was wondering if you know, like, exactly how tall Kaladin is?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um... Kaladin? 6'-4". But you've got to remember... People on Roshar are taller than people here. So like 6'-4" compared to someone else in Roshar. But it's a low gravity, high oxygen environment which means that he's probably more like 6'-8", or something like that. Like you're gonna see... But it-- that's only-- you know, like for instance their year is different than ours too, and things like that. If you just want to imagine him at 6'-4" that's fine.

    Firefight release party ()
    #8990 Copy


    I have a copy of your Dragonsteel master thesis, I haven't read it though.  And I was wondering, how you've grown as an author, do you like people to read that or would you rather they wait until you do the better version?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I-- I'm-- That one I don't really like people reading that much because it has an inferior version of Bridge Four that I don't want people to meet. Does that make sense? Like the Bridge Four team--


    ...And when you re-write it it will be better?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well Bridge Four won't even be in that book anymore I moved them to Roshar. So you go back and you find the version of Rock that is not quite the right version and you'll find-- Teft is basically the same dude but a lot of the other ones have changed and morphed and they basically won't feel right anymore, if that makes any sense. Feel free to read it, don't feel bad reading it but that's the part that I'm not--


    Is that the only part you are worried about? And the rest you are like "It's not my best writing" but--

    Brandon Sanderson

    The rest is not my best writing but whatever. But the Bridge Four stuff, I'm like I did it so much better that it's not even going back and seeing it in rough sketches, it's like if da Vinci had painted a Mona Lisa that was ugly and a different person? You don't want it cemented in their mind that that is what the piece of art is. The rest of it I don't mind so much, I mean the main character his conflict will change dramatically because I pulled that out and gave it to another character in the books. So basically the only thing remaining that is still going to be canon is Hoid and his story, the story what's going with him there is still stuff he would have done...

    Firefight release party ()
    #8991 Copy


    What five books do you think helped you understand leadership the best?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well Art of War is definitely part of that. I would say that The Prince is important for understanding leadership, even though I don't agree with every point he's making. By the way he is not as-- Even though it is Machiavelli writing it, he is not as machiavellian as we think he is in that book… So The Prince--  Hmmm, a lot of Plato surprisingly, is where I pull some of my ideas. King Benjamin's speech from the Book of Mormon, in Mosiah, if you haven't read that, is definitely part of it. Ummm... What else--


    Like where do you get your-- because you obviously have experience because that's how leadership works.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is interviews, it is personal experience, it is talking to my friends who are in the military and asking them "Does this sound right? Does this feel right? Tell me what it feels like to obey. Tell me what it feels like to be in command." And things like that. Just lots of practice and interviews and things is where most of it is coming from.


    So it’s less like personal experience and more you're really good at researching it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, a writer has to be able to do that because for a book like this the amount of psychology and medicine, battlefield tactics, leadership, and all these other things you need to know, you can't know them all. You can't do them all personally. You've got to be able to experience it, you've got to be able to write it as best as you can, and then go to experts. Like the medicine in this I went to a field surgeon and I said "Will you read over my Kaladin scenes and tell me where I'm going wrong." Like I was able to get myself 80% of the way there with research and then the 20% is me going to an expert and saying "Tell me what I'm doing wrong."

    Firefight release party ()
    #8992 Copy


    So there’s the scene of Kaladin standing alone in /Words of Radiance/. He’s lost his spren, everything is gone, and he's just standing there, and he still fights no matter what. Did that scene come first? Or did the rest of the book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That was the pivotal scene for the book. That was the thing I felt he needed to learn and the person he needed to be. So I have several focus scenes for each book and that was one of them for this one.

    Firefight release party ()
    #8995 Copy


    The dead Shardblades, could you possibly get Stormlight into them to reawaken them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Dead Shardblade, could you pump enough Stormlight into them? That alone would not be enough.


    So you would have to find someone to re-swear with oaths?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There is something broken on the Spiritual Realm because of the broken oath and simple Stormlight will not fix that.


    So say--

    Brandon Sanderson

    If the person were still alive and could re-swear the oath then yes.


    But someone like [...] could go [...] the Spiritual Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not outside of reason but it would be very, very, very difficult.

    Firefight release party ()
    #8996 Copy


    So Elend, at the end of Mistborn [Era 1], is going around finding Allomancers the mist had Snapped. How come he didn't find any other Mistborn? Or did he and we just didn't know about it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What you have to remember is the mists were looking for a way specifically to deliver information to him, that "I am alive and doing something" but they were also kind of crazy. And so the idea was to make him notice the number 16 so that he would know that there was a plan and that something was prepared for him. Does that make sense?


    Why didn't the mist throw in some Mistborn in that sixteen too?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Then you would have 17. Or you would have like--  It was the number that was important to what the mists were doing. Plus it is much harder to make someone who wasn't originally-- Like remember what's going on is these are people it is Snapping intentionally who did not-- Like it's Investing them so-- It's either awakening a very little remnant in them or taking people who had-- They wouldn't have been able to be Mistings, if the mists hadn't intervened. Making someone a Mistborn takes way more power.

    Firefight release party ()
    #8997 Copy

    Herowannabe's wife

    In this one [Sixth of the Dusk] is the guy he [Dusk] finds dead, is that Hoid?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They guy he finds dead is not Hoid. Good question.

    Herowannabe's wife

    Is it anyone we already know?


    Does Hoid make an appearance in that one?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Hoid does not make an appearance in that one.


    What about Shadows for Silence?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In Shadows for Silence he does not make an appearance. I established with those two, my goal was, he-- I found that if I just shoehorned him in it didn't actually fit the narrative. Like I want this to not just be a cameo, he's actively doing things. Does that make sense? He's not just there for cameos... he's actively up to something.

    Now he has been to Threnody. Threnody is very interesting to him for certain reasons. He hasn't been to First of the Sun, he's never visited Sixth of the Dusk's planet, yet.

    Firefight release party ()
    #8998 Copy


    I noticed that shardblades are unnaturally light but Nightblood is unnaturally heavy.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is correct.


    Care to expound on that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nightblood is built around the same principles as shardblades, if shardblades were... broken?  I mean he is-- You'll notice dark smoke that goes down rather than light smoke that goes up, and things like this. So, yeah, they are built on the same principles but in some ways opposites.

    Firefight release party ()
    #8999 Copy


    I've got a Vasher question too. In Warbreaker he's not really much of a swordfighter but in his later appearance--

    Brandon Sanderson

    In Warbreaker he is better than you think he is, but he is tired of fighting. He's just completely-- You know at this point he's several hundred years old, and he created a sword, he's a swordsman. He knows his way around a sword but he is worn out emotionally and just doesn't want to be fighting and things like that. And plus he's had Nightblood, he doesn't need to, right? Nightblood, you swing Nightblood and it doesn't matter how good you are with a sword, really. You know which direction to point him and disaster happens. And so he's much better than you think he is.

    Herowannabe's wife

    But now he doesn't have it anymore.

    Brandon Sanderson

    But now he doesn't have it anymore, and now he kind of has to survive-- He has to make a living somehow and this is something he was good at.