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    Skyward release party ()
    #4651 Copy


    I'm curious, you mentioned at the Legion release that the Fused were after the spren that Hoid bonded. Was there a specific reason why they wanted that spren? Or was it just because [it was] the enemy?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I will say they would have done that for another spren in that situation.


    Any other spren?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not any other spren; but there wasn't something uniquely identifying about that spren that they were hunting.


    They wouldn't have done it for any spren, but there were other spren they had done it for?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Skyward Seattle signing ()
    #4653 Copy


    They were talking about, on the cosmere podcast, if cosmere dragons can breathe fire?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO. They can fly. So they--


    Okay. That's good to know. I was just thinking, Frost like, doesn't sound very fiery to me. It sounds icy to me.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Mmhmm. *significant look* RAFO on that. You won't even find that in Dragonsteel, the old one, if you read it. It doesn't say.

    Skyward Seattle signing ()
    #4660 Copy


    What would Elhokar's fifth truth be?

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...Oh, Elhokar's last truth? He would have had to have been on a long journey before he could even get to that. It would probably be-- I'm going to RAFO that now, because I think it would tell you too much about the way I'm thinking for the way the truths work. I could probably tell you that now, but I will choose not to. Let's just say it would involve kind of a journey that starts kind of-- negative is the wrong term. Being more aware of himself and then coming to a deeper awareness of himself that is perhaps not-- that leaves him in a good place.


    Could you tell me what his first truth would have been?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It would have been to admit the thing that he knows, which is that he's a bad king.

    Skyward release party ()
    #4662 Copy


    Of all of your characters, were some of them based off of people that are part of your life?

    Brandon Sanderson



    And are there any of your characters that you wish were real?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh yeah, I'd have fun chatting with some of them. I would like to chat with Sazed, that would be a lot of fun. A lot of the side characters are based off of friends; not a lot of main characters. The most main character that's based on a friend is Skar, who is based off of my friend Skar.

    Skyward Seattle signing ()
    #4663 Copy


    If you were to [Forge] a car to say, that car had parked in a different space in parking lot what would happen, would it just disappear, if there were no other spots?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, so you [Forge] the whole parking lot--


    No, just SoulForge a car, in the parking lot to say it parked somewhere else.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That sort of temporal thing is probably not going to be something you can make work very easily with [Forgery]. You could rewrite this car so it had parked in that spot yesterday, but it's not going to change where it is, most cases. I think you might be able to contrive something that would work out, but that's normally not going to work... You can cause paradoxes with this sort of magic, that I have worked my best to make just not work.

    Skyward release party ()
    #4664 Copy


    What do Shardblade Cryptics look like? They can't really have crossed out eyes. Would their pattern-

    Brandon Sanderson

    You mean like a deadeye?



    Brandon Sanderson

    It will be noticeable, but it won't be the same as the eyes. Let's just say their algorithm is messed up.

    Skyward release party ()
    #4668 Copy


    During his conversation with Shallan, Wit said that, "Failure is the mark of a life well lived," and I'm glad that you shared that because this question has been on my mind a lot, and he says, "And in turn the the only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone." Is there anything Hoid has failed at that we haven't seen on screen that you would be willing to share?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are certain people he thought he was going to be able to help who ended up not surviving.

    Skyward release party ()
    #4672 Copy


    At the last signing event, I was asking about a Shard[blade] and paint, if it disappears, comes back, what happens? You said the paint never disappeared with it. But you seemed intrigued by other possibilities, and then I thought of some too. One of them would be a foundry, showing people how to make weapons, you put your Shard in the sand, make a sword in there, dismiss it, fill it with your molten metal, stuff like that sounded like...interesting ideas.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I like that, I like that a lot.

    Skyward release party ()
    #4675 Copy


    Can a coppermind be Awakened?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is possible.


    With the memories already in it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is going to be harder because those memories are going to be keyed to someone else, who, by nature, would not be the individual that it was made into. You would have to key those memories to who the metalmind was becoming. There would be an extra step in there; It wouldn't just naturally be that way. We're talking wild, wild, these are possible, but far out, stuff. Possible, but there is an extra step in there.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4677 Copy


    If an Awakener with Perfect Invocation turns something white, can they or another Awakener then use the white thing back to gray, back to white.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I actually thought about this. My answer ended up being a no.


    Can you give a little explanation why?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I will delve into it more as I delve into the nature of color and why it's relevant to multiple magics in the cosmere. So it's a RAFO.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4679 Copy


    You have said the fandom puts too much emphasis on the Lord Ruler's children. Is that because the Lord Ruler suppressed his ability to pass on his abilities to them?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Brandon, that makes no sense. What? Now I'm even more upset. It's actually my fault, 'cause I keep telling people that the Lord Ruler's kids should be important, so you can blame me.

    Brandon Sanderson

    People can be important and not be cosmere-relevant.


    Yeah, but they'd be like super-powerful Mistborn!

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, who died nine hundred years ago!


    But he spent so much time getting Feruchemy away from Allomancy!

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, that's true.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4680 Copy


    I've heard this theory passed around, and I just want to see if you'll confirm it or not. Are you actually a bunch of tiny writers in a coat, or--

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, no, no, I'm a bunch of robots programmed to create books. The "tiny writers" one is completely false.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4681 Copy


    Do you know the value of a heliodor and a smokestone and all that, the relative values?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Peter does. I wrote it out once and now I have him just fact-check it for me when I write the books. So I will often say, "Worth about this much, give me the right money and change". So I made the original guide that they follow, but nowadays I don't have to use that; I can just bracket and say, "Something worth about this much".

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4682 Copy


    In Shadesmar, the solid and liquid phases are inverted. So, in the Spiritual Realm, is it something to do with solid and gas phases, or is it not the same at all?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not quite where you're going, but I like the way you're thinking.


    So then what's the reason that they can't travel to the Spiritual Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Spiritual Realm is not a place.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4685 Copy


    How do you think Kelsier really feels when it's revealed that the skaa really are different from the other ruling--

    Brandon Sanderson

    So-- *pause* I would call it still a matter of debate whether they are or aren't. Whether they were is a different matter of debate, right? But I would say that a lot of the things that were claimed about skaa were not accurate. Some of the things claimed about them were, and that is part of what makes it subject to debate. And Kelsier is very good at not accepting answers he doesn't like.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4690 Copy


    How do you decide whether or not a story is part of the cosmere?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There's a couple dividing lines. If it mentions Earth, I'm not gonna put it in the cosmere, because I don't want any sort of relationship there. At that point, the dividing line becomes, does the magic fit the cosmere, and is the story one that fits the cosmere, right? I made the decision very early on, I wasn't gonna try and force everything in. So if it's a natural outgrowth of the stories I'm telling in the cosmere, then I will go that way. I'm usually more finicky about pulling them out than putting them in. There are very few stories I've put into the cosmere, and I've pulled a ton of them out.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4694 Copy


    If you had to make any of your books into a musical?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ooh. Well, since we already have a canonical version of The Hero of Ages as a musical in the Mistborn world, in one of the broadsheets, we would have to go with that, we would have to do the version in-world.


    I think Warbreaker would translate the best.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, that's probably true. If you want a real answer, that's probably true. It's probably the best.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4696 Copy


    With a cadmium or bendalloy savant, would they be able to impact the amount of time that they can compress or expand?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


    So they could fit-- Theoretically they could make-- fit more time into the same amount of metal.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, that's what you're asking. Yeee-- *pauses* So, yes, technically, because... Yes, but mostly what that's going to do is going to influence your strength and how much you can multiply--


    The size of the bubble?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The size of the bubble and the amount of time, like when you flare, you are pressing more time into it and a savant is gonna get really good at that. They're gonna get good at changing the bubble and the shape of the bubble, they're gonna get good at some of the other things involving the bubble. It does technically, as you become a savant, does mean you're able to squeeze a little bit more out of your metal, because that's just how it works, but that's not the main effect.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4698 Copy


    Is Yaalani a character in any other stories?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Right now, no. Good question.


    Does not seem like a Eelakin name. And there are people in Stormlight who seem to have aviar.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. People in Stormlight do have aviar. That has happened. But let's just say, during Stormlight era, getting things on or off of First of the Sun is really hard.

    Skyward San Francisco signing ()
    #4699 Copy


    Are spren able to visit other planets than Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, spren are, because of the nature of their Investiture, connected too strongly to the planet to normally get off. That doesn't mean it couldn't happen, but I will just say, normally no.


    So the Cognitive Realm, or whatever that sort of like-- is that different on other planets?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. It looks different on each planet, partially based on perception.