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    Warbreaker Annotations ()
    #9351 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Siri Enters and Sees Returned

    Just a little note here. Returned live for eight days without a Breath, though the week is seven days long in this world. Why? Well, I figured that they'd need an extra day as leeway. On day seven, they start to grow weak and sluggish. If they don't consume a Breath, their body will consume their own on the eighth day of their life, and they'll die again.

    In some parts of this world, Returned aren't worshipped, but instead seen as something akin to vampires. They draw in Breath to survive, and need a supply of people to feed off of. They tend to wear black, since it's the most powerful color for draining to Awaken things.

    Warbreaker Annotations ()
    #9352 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Chapter Fourteen - Part One

    Lightsong and Blushweaver

    This is another of the scenes I revised heavily to make the conversation between Lightsong and Blushweaver more snappy. I work very hard in the beginning of the book to establish their personalities and their dialogue, and so the first few chapters were revised more heavily than the later ones. Also, my editor thought that the later ones were already amusing enough; it was the beginning ones that he wanted to have a little more zip.

    Their conversation about the weather (playing off the one between Lightsong and Scoot) is one of my favorites from the book. I like how it's able to show some worldbuilding through the theology of the religion, give a strong dose of character through the different ways that Lightsong and Blushweaver talk about the weather and their desires for how it should go, and all the while be snappy and amusing. The line about serving followers as food is a little cheap, though. Sorry.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9353 Copy


    Would food from Hallandren be considered men or women's food in Alethkar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Food from Hallandren I think is mostly going to be considered masculine food. Let me see-- I'd have to go and look and see at my notes what they're eating because there's a lot of Pacific islander influence on the area, not the culture, but where they are. So there's going to be a lot of fruit in their diet, but I think I mention that-- yeah I think it's gonna be mostly man-food. Actually no, I'm going to retract that, it's going to be both. They're going to be weirded out by it, because they're not-- you know, like our food, if they came here and ate, they would be weirded out by it. Number one a lot of it would be too bland. So they'd be like ehh, we're not sure.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9354 Copy


    If you created a Forgery where someone was killed, would that person stay dead or would they wake up when the stamp wore off?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Umm ok. So you, in order to kill them, would have to Forge them to death, right. You can't just like-- for instance, if you rewrote this table so for whatever reason it believed that I was dead, it wouldn't affect me at all, it would only affect the table, because if you rewrote the table to believe it had been carved a certain way and I was the carver, I wouldn't remember doing that. So the Forgery affects only the item. If you stuck a stamp on me that forged me to be dead, I think that would probably be-- Depends on what you do to me, but it could go either way.

    Questioner 2

    It would have to be be believable wouldn't it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah it would have to be believable, but it could go either way. Depending on how you created it, and what was going on. It's a good question.


    I did not come up with it!

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, it is a good question... That could create some interesting paradoxes also.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9358 Copy


    Did you ever confirm Renarin's eye color?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't know if I have. Peter would have to look in the wiki and see if I've written something that contradicts or not. But I have not yet, I don't think. But if you write us an email I can, it's something I just have to be able to look up.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9360 Copy


    What's going on in the other pole of Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oooh that's a big ol' RAFO. But it is a RAFO with a promise that you will find out before too long.


    So in these coming two Mistborn books, maybe? Because there was some mention of something to do with that, I thought, briefly, in Alloy of Law, just some vague--like there was something that had been found, or some brief contact, maybe...

    Brandon Sanderson

    *Brandon clears his throat, significantly* let me say this, so I don't spoil things. By the time we do the 1980's level technology, the whole world will have been explored. I mean, I can't really do the second trilogy, with-- I mean, by then, you know what the continents look like, and things. Even in Scadrial, where they just haven't explored nearly as much, but they're kind of behind on that so far, so sometime between now and then, exploration of the world has to happen. 


    Good point. Because they didn't have the whole volcano thing going on. 

    Brandon Sanderson

    No they didn't. They did not.


    How is there anyone alive over there?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, I can tell you this because it's in the annotations. The people down there were placed as kind of a control group to the changes that were made to the people of the north, where changes were made to live with the ash and things like that. But other changes were still made to them. Or changes happened to them, shall I say. 

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9361 Copy


    So the shape of the Shardblades of the spren that pretty much die and leave them afterwards, are they specific because of something? Or just because that's how the Radiant used them, in that shape? 

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is a mixture of how the Radiant views them, and how-- Their nature. It's a mixture of their nature and how the Radiant views them.


    Were they still able to shape them however they want? ...The Shardblades. 

    Brandon Sanderson

    Originally? Yes.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9362 Copy


    Atium and lerasium are their own special ways of Investiture, of using it. Do the other Shards have those, that even within their magic systems are unique just to that one Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Can you tell me anything about any of that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You might see some of them some day? I think, I know you've seen at least one, but people don't know what it is? One person's asked me a question about it, so somebody's figured it out but, yeah, there are things like that in other worlds. Kind of, distilled essence of Shard, yeah.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9363 Copy


    I'm a poet myself and I totally related to your thoughts on writing and how to keep it fresh and on fire, and yet disciplined.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I have a lot of respects for poets, it is hard work. When I had to do poetry in one of my books, I actually went to a poet and hired them to write the poems, to put the-- I don't know if you've read Words of Radiance, but the songs were kind of hired out, because I don't trust my own poetry chops, they're just not good enough.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9364 Copy


    What is Feruchemy, is it tied to any Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Feruchemy, is it tied to any Shard in specific? Yes, they talk about that in the books.


    Ok, it's like, of Preservation?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, you could say that.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Because it seems like one Shard, one magic system?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Here's the thing, it's more that-- They, in their philosophy, say that it's kind of a hybrid between the two, but you could kind of feel that it's more--


    It seems more Preservation.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It seems more Preservation, but in-world they think it's kind of a hybrid. The philosophy says that one was kind of net-positive, one was kind of net-negative and one was a hybrid. That's their in-world philosophy. I personally would place it more with Preservation.


    Ok so more than one magic system can be tied to one Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Ok, that's what I wanted to know.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Here's the thing, the definition of magic system can be, is so fluid. Like you can look at this book and say "how many magic systems are there?". Is Surgebinding one or is it ten?


    Allomancy's 16--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Is Allomancy 16 or one, and things like that. So yes multiple magic systems can be tied to a Shard.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9367 Copy


    So, for Shardplate, when Kaladin killed the Shardbearer, which we know is Helaran, in Way of Kings, Amaram remarked that Amaram knew the Shardbearer was dead both because the Shardblade didn't disapper and also because the Shardplate began to fall off of him. And so my question is, is there some type of "lesser" bond between Shardplate and its wearer, like is it in sync with the wearer's lifeforce or--

    Brandon Sanderson


    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9369 Copy


    Do some Surges have a stronger cognitive aspect--or cognitive influence, if aspect is too general--do some have a stronger cognitive aspect than others? For instance does Illumination tend to have more of a stronger cognitive--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah you could say that some do. I think that that is a legitimate-- Though I'd say it is the subject of debate.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9370 Copy


    What's your ideal work environment?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sitting by the fire, feet up, easy chair--recliner, laptop, music. It's not very complicated. I can write almost anywhere if at least the laptop and music are there. 


    What do you listen to?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It really depends on my mood and what I'm into at the moment. Right now I've just got a playlist on Spotify that someone has made. It's called epic soundtracks and there's like 800 songs on it. I put that on shuffle. But I guess it just depends on my mood.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9371 Copy


    When you're developing magic systems do you have it all planned out before you start writing the scenes?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I usually do, but I let myself have some wiggle room to change things as I go. Usually by the end of the first book I have it all locked down. Before the first book I have an outline for my magic system. I write the book and see how it works and see if there are things I need to tweak, and then I go back and make sure that it's locked down, and then I can write the other two to be consistent with the first one.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9373 Copy


    If you electrified metal would that have any impact on being able to Steelpush or Ironpull it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I do not currently have that as an effect, that interfering with it requires Investiture, and electrifying is not Investiture. So no it would not. In fact, I'm absolutely sure it will not because the plans call for that to be a possibility they are doing in the future.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9374 Copy


    You're a lot faster at getting your books out, getting these really awesome books out, then many other writers. And I think you know who I'm thinking about. What’s the secret?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The secret is my work ethic. It's beaten into me by my parents I think. I write every day. It's like that classic pioneer work ethic. I just, I write my stories every day, I do this compulsively. I think the other thing is, we talk about someone like Pat Rothfuss. He is a perfectionist, to a level beyond me. I am okay getting my prose pretty good and then handing it to the editor, and letting them work on it, you know what I mean. He has to be perfect before he hands it on, if that makes sense. And I think that as a result, his biggest strength over me as a writer is his prose is more lyrical because he works so hard on it. So it shows. It's like he takes that extra one percent, but that extra one percent takes him like two extra years to get. Some other writers, as you get older, they just, the grind of it gets to them and they slow down. I just love what I do and I write every day.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9375 Copy


    When you do your outline, all the revelations and twists, do you always stick to your outline?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I do not. Now the difference between me and someone who's more of a discovery writer is I will rebuild my outline when I start going off of it. So what I'll usually do is I'll try-- if I think I'm gonna break the outline, I'll try a chapter that direction, see if I like it. If I do I'll then rebuild the outline and then go forward on it.


    Do you ever refer back to your previous book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Definitely. Usually what I'll do is I make an outline for the first book, I'll write the first book, and then I will outline the series. That's very common for me.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9377 Copy


    What kind of embroidery is it [on Alethi women's clothing]? Is it like flowers, patterns?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No no, it is a lot of things but the Alethi's don't do the flower thing as much... It's not really an Alethi thing, floral patterns. So you are seeing a lot of designs and hatchings. They may look a little Arabic to you. Or the glyphs and things like that you will see worked in but very stylized.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9378 Copy


    I had a question about how the Alethi women exhibit their wealth through their dresses. So I know there’s embroidery in the fabric and the fact that you're kind of disabling one arm? But besides that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So gemstones, like well cut gemstones and then fill them with Stormlight. 


    Oh ok, but they're round, so...

    Brandon Sanderson

    No no, not the spheres, the actual stones. Gemstone rocks will still hold-- The sphere is just the way to make sure you don't lose them, you can make any sort of jewellery or gemstone, in your hair or anything like that, glowing would be how they would show off their wealth.

    Firefight San Francisco signing ()
    #9379 Copy

    Questioner 1

    I've been trying to figure out how to... make an Alethi dress with a safehound pouch without the hand being all bulky.

    Questioner 2

    Yeah, or looking like it's amputated.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are people online who have done them and they look good.

    Questioner 2

    Yeah, I've looked them up. The problem is when you have the thing there, and because your putting things that are about the size of a marble, it ends up looking like there's a clump.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh yeah, it does. It does look-- it looks odd to our eyes. It's natural to them, if that makes any sense, but if you make it a little bit tighter, also we found that helps.

    Questioner 2

    But what it be unreasonable for it to go really long, because I was thinking that would be kind of pretty.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah you could totally do a really long one.

    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9380 Copy


    The ketek in the first book ["Above silence, the illuminating storms - dying storms - illuminate the silence above"], it seems like this refers to Honor's death.

    Brandon Sanderson



    What does "Above silence," refer to?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Above a silent land. 


    Hmm. Roshar, somehow? Okay, you're not gonna tell that.

    And the second ketek, in Words of Radiance, similarly refers to the highstorm and the Everstorm... Is there more to it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, it's by Navani about the two [storms].

    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9385 Copy


    There is a person on the forums who noticed that Shallan has this awesome Memory thing going on, Jasnah seems to have a really powerful, kind of, geolocation thing going on, Kaladin is a really good fighter - are those just their traits, or is there something supernatural going on?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There is something supernatural going on. Each Order... Well, how about this. If you look at the scholar interpretations, there are some scholars who think that these things are not supernatural, in the past, and some who said they definitely are. But many, if you look, many Lightweavers had powerful mnemonic abilities.


    So it's definitely tied to the Orders?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's tied to the Orders. Now, I am not going to say that you've got them all 100% correct, but each Order, there are things that come with Order, things that do not add up from simple the "you get this power plus this power," there is something else going on. And I would say that for Windrunners, watch the number of squires and the power of the squires... is abnormal for the Windrunners.


    And each Order's squires are somehow different from the other Orders'?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeeeaaaah... some Orders don't have them, [that] is the difference.


     But some have more?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9388 Copy


    Can you confirm the real names of the Heralds for me? I have Jezrien (ˈjɛzɹən), Nale (for Nalan) - is that right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nale (neil) is what-- Nale is, yes, yes.


    Chana [pronounced Shana] or Chana...

    Brandon Sanderson




    Brandon Sanderson

    Vedel (vəˈdɛl), yeah. Chana (ˈt͡ʃænə) is also called Chanarach (ˈt͡ʃænəɹæt͡ʃ). Either one would be alright.


    Okay, but her birth name...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Probably-- I think Chanarach is actually her birth name and Chana is the nickname.


    Vedel... Pali, for Pailiah?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, I think Pali (ˈpæli) is the nickname in that case.


    Okay, Ash?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, that's a nickname.


    What's the real one?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Shalash (ʃəˈlɑʃ).


    That's not he just the Vorin...

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, that one was actually symmetrical.


    Awesome. Battar (bəˈtɑɹ)?

    Brandon Sanderson




    Brandon Sanderson

    Kalak (kəˈlɑk), yes.


    Talenel (tæləˈnɛl), with a nickname Taln (tæln)?

    Brandon Sanderson



    And Ishar (ɪˈʃɑɹ)?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9389 Copy


    When a Surgebinder's eye color changes when they Surgebind or have a Blade [out], is the color of their eyes corresponding to their Order? So Windrunners would do blue, and then--

    Brandon Sanderson



    So each Order gets a different eye color?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Each Order does indeed have an eye color representation.

    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9391 Copy


    Can the forms of power of the listeners be treated as anti-equivalents of the Orders of the Knights Radiant? Could we consider Stormforms to be anti-Windrunners?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You could consider it that way, but there is not a one-to-one analogue.


    Because it seemed like there are ten voidforms, and their abilities are kind of anti-Surges...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, yes, there is definitely something there, but again I say, it's not a one-to-one correlation. They are not going to be exactly opposite.

    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9392 Copy


    If I were to impulsively Soulcast pewter, the way Shallan does with the blood in The Way of Kings, would it come out that an Allomancer be able to use it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You could create Allomantically viable metals, yes.


    But is it automatic?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would say that the pure metals are, but the alloys are not.

    Words of Radiance Chicago signing ()
    #9393 Copy


    Where does the fiber for fabric come from on Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    [Brandon misunderstands the question to be about Rosharan fabrics] Some of it comes from seasilk. The silk is not the same silk that we [have], most of it is from plant-based textiles. Most of the-- here we have insects, we can use their cocoons and stuff; cocoons on Roshar have rock in them. And so it's a little bit hard. But a lot of the plants do too, and there are a lot of plant-based textiles you can use, so...


    Didn't you ask about Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, Scadrial! I was thinking about Roshar. Yeah, Scadrial is an Earth analogue. Scadrial is my place that if it's on Earth, you can assume it's on Scadrial. That is not the case for the other worlds, but it is for Scadrial.

    Warbreaker Annotations ()
    #9394 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Denth's Motivations Here

    If you're reading through for the second time, pay close attention to the things Denth says here about Lemex. They're having a conversation about how Lemex could be a patriot but still steal from the king. Well, Denth is kind of talking about himself here, and not Lemex. He's hinting that he thinks (or would like to think) that he can both do his job and be a good man at the same time.

    These are things he's struggling with. He tries to tell himself that he doesn't care, but he does. He has kidnapped Vivenna here without her knowing it, and is very deftly manipulating her. (By the way, Jewels tails her to the assembly meeting, if you were wondering.) He does feel bad about this, just like he feels bad about killing Lemex. That doesn't stop him from doing things like this, though.

    He does plan to get Vivenna's Breath. He knows, however, that in the end he can probably just torture her into giving it to him. In this scene, if you could see into his head, he's trying to figure out how exactly he can get her to give it to him without having to hurt her.

    He doesn't really believe he can do it, though. Life has proven to Denth lately that he just has to do bad things. He almost sees it as inevitable.

    Warbreaker Annotations ()
    #9396 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Denth Chats with Her about Breath

    Vivenna and Siri are beginning their role reversals here. Siri is learning to be more reserved—though it's more that she's learning to act like a queen. Taking responsibility, being active rather than inactive.

    Vivenna is being forced, just a little bit, into inactivity. She thinks she's doing things, but she's mostly just reacting. Beyond that, she's experiencing what it's like to lose control of her emotions repeatedly.

    Warbreaker Annotations ()
    #9398 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Chapter Thirteen

    Timing of This Chapter

    My editor threw me a little curveball in the last edit for this book by asking me if I could move the first Vivenna chapter (the previous one) up a few spots so that she was introduced earlier in the book.

    This presented a problem, since I had her arriving, meeting the mercenaries, going to Lemex, then going to see Siri all in the same day. (Though across three chapters.) That meant that I had to move two chapters forward, then, since I didn't want to break with the mercenaries telling her that they were there to kill her. I wanted to go directly to the next scene with her.

    It took a lot of juggling. One of the revisions I had to make was to move this third chapter a day later in the process. She had to arrive, fall asleep, then get up the next morning and have a conversation about giving the Breaths away. Then she had to go see Siri that same day.

    I still worry that this jumble caused timing issues. I think I caught them all, but I worry that at one point Lightsong says, "The presentation of the queen is two days away," then we have Vivenna arrive that same day, then fall asleep and go see Siri the next day. If that's the case, then the explanation is—unfortunately—that the chapters aren't happening quite in chronological order.

    Usually, I try to make my chapters all chronological, even across different viewpoints. But once in a while, the story is better if they aren't. The distinction is very hard to pick up. But I think it may happen here. (Note that a lot of authors, like Robert Jordan, don't strive for chronology—they like it better if the chapters are out of order a little. In a Robert Jordan book, for instance, we'll often have characters doing things in one chapter, then jump to other characters doing things a few weeks earlier. The chapters are always chronological by viewpoint, but the viewpoints can be off from one another. In fact, he plays with this concept a lot, setting book ten mostly back during the same time as book nine.)

    Warbreaker Annotations ()
    #9400 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Siri Realizes That She Needs to Be Proactive

    As I said in the other section, I think that Siri's plot here is just a tad accelerated from what I'd like—but that's necessary. Nothing is worse in a book than a character who never does anything. She needed to get through her fear and her worry and decide to become proactive. It was only then that interesting things could start to happen in her storyline.

    So, I pushed through the moments of indecisiveness and inaction as fast as I could, getting to this moment where she decides to change. I feel that her character being what it is (impulsive and determined) justifies her quickly deciding to take responsibility for herself, now that she's been placed into a situation of great stress.