Merrin was a terrible name... It makes me think of member of Robin Hood, men in tights. I am super glad Brandon decided to change his name: Kaladin works much better, IMHO.
Peter Ahlstrom
It was Merin, but it did rhyme with Perrin and Verin. He was actually still using Merin when he was halfway through the first draft of the published WoK. I was totally used to it and thought it was a fine name, but Kaladin is better.
Thanks for the added precision. Merin still make me think of Robin's Hood Merry Men... It somehow does not reconcile quite well with the mental imagery I currently have of Kaladin. I guess it feels rather different when you've known him as Merin for a long time, but knowing him as Kaladin to then find out he initially was a Merin is somehow weird.
This being said, it is super interesting to find out so many names were changed from the early version of WoK to the published book. It wasn't just Kaladin.
Peter Ahlstrom
Yeah, Sadeas used to be a guy called Meridas. One of Meridas's things was wanting to marry Jasnah (and Jasnah did not return the interest). But Sadeas didn't have that interest. So Meridas became Amaram's first name instead.
Oh sweet. I didn't know about this one. I also heard Dalinar originally had no sons, then he had three and now he has two: none the original names were retained (except Renarin, I think). Quite a lot of changes. It is very fascinating how characters can move from one identity to another and through this morphing, earn another name.
Peter Ahlstrom
Dalinar's second wife in Prime was one of the craziest things.
Oh I would have loved to read that. Has she become the inspiration for another character?
Peter Ahlstrom
No. At least not yet, and the way the series is going I doubt someone like her will fit.
Ah then may I ask what she was like?
Peter Ahlstrom
I would leave that up to Brandon to reveal.
Any plans to do another Altered Perceptions sometime?
Peter Ahlstrom
Brandon is in no hurry to be involved in something like that anytime soon, but we wouldn't rule it out. More of Way of Kings Prime will be revealed eventually, but at this time some elements of it are still spoilers for future books in the Stormlight Archive.