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Legion Release Party ()
#1 Copy

little wilson

If Vin were alive, would she recognize the Sovereign's facial features?

Brandon Sanderson

I'll RAFO that. Do you mean the statue or the actual...Did you mean the statue?


I think we mean the actual Sovereign.

Brandon Sanderson

You mean if they met the person that the statue...I'll RAFO both of them. But someone making a if you met Homer, would he look like his statue? Is a different question also. But I'll RAFO that. But there will be answers forthcoming.

Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing ()
#2 Copy


At the end of the last Wax and Wayne book, which I love, that statue that they though was the Lord Ruler. It was Kelsier.

Brandon Sanderson

That was Kelsier.


Ok. I thought so, because the way the other thing ended with the eye, the eye thing was throwing me off and then I went and grabbed the secret thing and I was like "No that can't..."

Brandon Sanderson

That is Kelsier.


And will we find out more in the next Wax and Wayne book or do we need to wait and find out more later?

Brandon Sanderson

You will find out more in the Wax and Wayne book, really that that's going on there is foreshadowing for era 3, and for future Secret History stories if I do them. So the Wax and Wayne books are not about the return of Kelsier, but the return of Kelsier is very important for later things in the series.