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Does Aona equal Love or Compassion?
Brandon Sanderson
You have it, it's just a synonym there. You basically have it
Does Skai equal Devotion or Order?
Brandon Sanderson
You're not on there. But you are on on the first one [Aona].
Can we get any pronouns for Aona and Skai?
Brandon Sanderson
Aona is definitely a she/her. I’m gonna go she/her with both of them, so you can talk about them accurately. That’s how I picture them currently in my head. I have not written those books yet, so it’s subject to change, but I have she/her for both of them.
What was Aona and Skai's relationship (like e.g. Cultivation's vessel and Tanavast were lovers)?
Brandon Sanderson
Was Elantris (the book) the first time Hoid has even been to Sel. If not, how deep is his connection with the Enefel(s)? ;) and was Hoid on good terms with Aona and Skai before their deaths?
Is Cultivation 'broken' in some way?
Brandon Sanderson
RAFOs all around.