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One more question about the Girl Who Looked Up. It says she wears a long pack, so would this be a long pack or no. *gestures to pack*
Brandon Sanderson
That is not long enough.
So would said large pack hold a Shardblade or an Honorblade?
Brandon Sanderson
You'll have to see.
Brandon Sanderson
We might be doing a picture book of it.
Somebody whispered that to me earlier. Would it be illustrated?
Brandon Sanderson
Questioner 1
So the white hair. Did she have white hair or did Shallan just imagine that she had white hair?
Brandon Sanderson
That is another RAFO.
Questioner 2
There are a lot of RAFO's about The Girl Who Looked Up.
Brandon Sanderson
There are a lot of RAFO's.
Questioner 1
So, the girl who looked up, could her hair change like the royal locks?
Brandon Sanderson
Questioner 1
Was her hair long or short? Or does it not matter?
Brandon Sanderson
It is long.
So, with the story that Shallan told with the girl in the red scarf? Is that relevant at all? Or is it just unimportant?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes. That's very relevant.
Have you ever thought about doing children's books?
Brandon Sanderson
I have. Actually, the thing that I want to do... The Girl Who Looked Up? We've been thinking of doing a picture book of that.
So about the Girl Who Looked Up, when her hair turns white, I'm just wondering, was that a Shallan-caused thing, or was that external?
Brandon Sanderson
It was nothing to do with her?
Brandon Sanderson
Everything in that had something to do with her.
But she didn't cause it? Subconsciously or otherwise?
Brandon Sanderson
Well, she was involved, but the original source of that-- Yes, she is involved in that--
But she didn't know something that caused it, even way back in her memory?
Brandon Sanderson
No, no. You're going the wrong direction for that.