Miscellaneous 2024

Event details
Name Miscellaneous 2024
Date Jan. 1, 2024
Entries 11
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#2 Copy

Brandon Sanderson

I wonder sometimes if I should do a full-on rewrite of Alloy. It would also be my vote for weakest Cosmere novel. (I think it's probably my weakest novel overall.) The big problem came from it being a short story, that became a novella, that became a fun little novel not meant to do any heavy lifting. But the series went from there to get some of my strongest books, as I fell in love with world and characters, and became a full-blown era rather than a pit stop between tow large eras.

So you have something weaker, meant as a kind of "Secret History" novella, to a load-bearing pillar of the Mistborn series. And it's the place where already (coming off the main trilogy) where people were the most likely to abandon Mistborn as a larger mega-series. So I have my weakest cosmere book in a pivotal place in the sequence.

The solution could be to just take it and give it a ground-up rewrite with more depth of characterization and narrative rigor. But then, we have the problem of their being two significantly different versions of a book, which causes other logistical problems.

#3 Copy


[From Dan Wells' section of State of the Sanderson]

"A very cool [REDACTED] is planned for 2024."

Was this our secret project hint?

Peter Ahlstrom



Have we learned what the redacted thing is at this point?

Peter Ahlstrom

No. But Dan is very much involved.

#4 Copy

Dan Wells

I have finished the frustratingly secret projects that I rudely refuse to tell you about, and am now working full steam on the Dark One novel. Plus a lot of detours into the worldbuilding of my Cosmere series, which really should wait until I'm done with Dark One but it's too exciting and I can't help myself :)

#5 Copy


So... is the original SotD going to be not entirely canon now? Because I would not be okay with that.

Peter Ahlstrom

almost entirely canon. Basically a couple details will be added to set up things later in the book.

#8 Copy


Dragonsteel Prime - is the released version much changed from the original?

Peter Ahlstrom

There was a tiny bit of typo fixing, but the biggest substantive change was probably fixing when a character name changed twice in a four-page interlude. This was pointed out by Kate Reading, haha.

#9 Copy

Ben McSweeney

Only the domestic chull has a smooth, shaved shell. The wild chull's shell naturally grows in clusters of fibonacci spirals like a Romanesco cauliflower, which provides both superior protection and fertile ground for rockbuds which the chull groom off of each other.

(your only canon clue to this is a single thumbnail sketch on one of Shallan's pages)

#10 Copy

Ben McSweeney

[The Pattern running sketch] was originally a joke doodle that was meant to be replaced, but Brandon had me keep it. They did make me lose the bit of silly poetry in there, because I was riffing on Gelett Burgess and the purple cow...

I've never seen a Cryptic running,And I hope to never see one,For if I saw a Cryptic running,I would dearly fear the reason.

#11 Copy

Dan Wells

What's Dan Writing? Today I am just finishing the post-formatting revisions for a cool secret project for Dragonsteel Nexus (the new name for the annual Dragonsteel convention). We still have some final proofing to do, but it is mostly out of my hands and with my amazing editor, Kristy Gilbert. Once that's done, I am back to my standard answer of "I'm working on the Dark One novel." That's what I say on every month, I know, but writing novels takes a long time.

Event details
Name Miscellaneous 2024
Date Jan. 1, 2024
Entries 11
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