Brandon's Bookclub - Sunlit Man

Event details
Name Brandon's Bookclub - Sunlit Man
Date Nov. 10, 2023
Entries 13
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#3 Copy

Charlie Holmberg

Do the deceased that die on Canticle, do they return into this Reliquary? Was the brother really there? Or do they just die? Do they still become Shades?

Brandon Sanderson

They don't get to go to the Reliquary. They actually die, and their Investiture that would become a shade is instead turned into one of the sunhearts.

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Octavia Escamilla

If Zellion/Sigzil gets rid of the Torment, could Hoid get rid of...?

Brandon Sanderson

Theoretically, it's possible that Hoid could get rid of the distortions to his soul. He held the Dawnshard a lot longer, and his distortions are more... how shall we say... pervasive.

#12 Copy


What books should we read before The Sunlit Man?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm not sure that you have to read any, honestly.

I did intend this to be read before Stormlight 5. I would think you would get more out of this if you had read Stormlight, but then again, maybe not. Like, if somebody read Sunlit Man, and loved it, and then read Stormlight, you would probably pay better attention to Sigzil. I do expect that a lot of people reading this book would be like, "Which one is he again?" Since a lot of Bridge Four's members kind of blur together for readers unless it's Lopen or Rock or Kaladin. And so, I could see reading this in reverse order of that

I think that you probably would have an interesting time reading this before you read Shadows for Silence, right? And then read Shadows for Silence. I don't necessarily think there's anything in this that you have to have read anything before you read it, I just think you'll have a different experience.

But then again, there are people who read the Wax and Wayne books before they read Era 1 of Mistborn and really liked them that way, so I try to write every story as being a self-contained story, or at least every series. Where some knowledge of the greater Cosmere's gonna add some cool things to you, but at the same time, I think that it could be really fun to read some of these later Cosmere books and then go back to the first ones ,and you'll have just a different experience with them than other people did, and I think that's perfectly valid.

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Daniel Greene

Well, we're getting to that common meme of Syndrome from Incredibles, where it's like, "When everyone is special, no one is," because once you commodify power, which is that whole villain's point... And that's gonna be such a fascinating angle for the development. Or it will not be touched on at all, and we're just theorizing. Brandon, would you mind answering that question? Was this a worth while conversation?

Brandon Sanderson

Power is already a commodity. Power is a commodity in Stormlight during the Stormlight first era. Power is a commodity (to an extent) in Mistborn. So yeah, power is a commodity in the cosmere. It's been from the very beginning.

Event details
Name Brandon's Bookclub - Sunlit Man
Date Nov. 10, 2023
Entries 13
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