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    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14401 Copy


    If you Soulstamp somebody to give them a Connection to Arelon, and they became an Elantrian, could they become and Elantrian, and if the Soulstamp is removed, would they remain?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, so you're asking a better one than people have asked. So you say "You get Soulstamped, you move to Arelon, your soul thinks that it is this, you do have spiritweb of Connection" I will go ahead and RAFO this with the caveat of why it might not work, is because, you might think you’re something, right? That doesn't necessarily mean-- Like, this is not completely invisible and things like this. And so, whether the power is going to follow those lines of Connection or not I will leave up to discussion, but it is a possibility worth theorizing upon.


    So a Soulstamp doesn't necessarily change the core of your spiritweb.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It does, but it's overwriting it. It's like Hemalurgy. What you are is still there underneath when it's ripped away, right?

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14402 Copy


    So Allomantic Savants. So I was curious-- That system-- When that happens, is it purely physiological, or is there something else happening in terms of--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uhh, it's physiological in a cosmere sense, but that can involve your Cognitive and Spiritual aspects.


    I guess the question there is, are there other similar processes to savantism with other--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah you've seen it. So, Soulcasters.


    Where their skin turns--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Where they're slowly being-- their spirit is slowly being merged and infused with Investiture that is having Physical ramifications. It's the same thing.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14403 Copy


    Sak, Dusk's non-native Aviar. That ability is very, very similar to Allomantic electrum.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is!


    And his other Aviar is very, very similar to Allomantic copper.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is.


    Is there a connection between those two, deeper? Or is it--

    Brandon Sanderson

    will RAFO that. Let's just say it is an intentional reference, but I'm not going to say whether it's a direct connection to Scadrial magic systems or more that fundamental rules of magics can reproduce one another. We have seen multiple instances of Lightweaving, so-- It's one of those two... That at least narrows it down for you.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14404 Copy


    Was Cultivation close enough to when Odium got  Honor, to know how to fight back?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Heheheheh. I would say yes.


    And Cultivation, is she--

    Brandon Sanderson

    She is still there.


    Alive and kicking. Okay, you've said that before--

    Brandon Sanderson

    She is alive and kicking.


    And she can probably know how to not turn her back to the--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, I mean... She has learned from the experiences of others.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14406 Copy


    What role will the chasmfiends play?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So there's a bunch of different roles for the chasmfiends that are all minor but-- For instance, I don't think anyone's made this connection, thunderclasts have chasmfiend-- it's part of the in-world inspiration for thunderclasts. And really chasmfiends exist in part to show off the symbiotic relationship between certain spren and certain creatures on Roshar. So when people who read the first book who know a little about physics can be like "Uhh, Mr. Sanderson" and I'm like "Well, look at these things that are flowing around this thing when it dies." It's an introduction of gemhearts and things like this. And the ability of certain creatures on Roshar to hold Investiture permanently, as Szeth says, rather than it seeping away like it does to humans.

    Mistborn: Secret History Continuity Notes ()
    #14407 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    Hey, all. Brandon here. With the release of this book, there have been some minor updates to continuity that I think some of you will find relevant.The big one has to do with Hoid's visit to Terris in The Well of Ascension. For those unfamiliar with the backstory, this little behind-the-scenes action has been a source of some consistent problems. The outline, and original draft, of Well had Vin and Elend traveling up to Terris, then into the mountains, to find the Well itself.

    This was a huge momentum killer in the story. Having your cityscape-focused book suddenly turn into a traveling quest fantasy for a few chapters felt very out of place, and required too much strange time-jumping to make it work. In revisions, I set about finding a way to repair this, and to overlap the Well of Ascension discovery with Vin's return to Luthadel.

    The end result worked much better, but I was forced to cut Hoid's cameo. (In the form of footsteps in the snow and frost leading to the Well, hinting that someone had been there just before her.) I knew where Hoid was, and added in the cameo of him with the Terris people—with the plan still being that he visited the Well sometime during the days after Vin's return to the city.

    Well, in working on Secret History, I found that this had a problem with it. Hoid had to already know where the Well is, because after the destruction of the Pits, he'd need to use the Well to return to Scadrial after leaving in the middle of book one to attend to certain other events.

    If you've read the story, you know this is how I proceeded. Official continuity is that Hoid went up to Terris after visiting the Well, as he had things to do there. He did not go looking for the Well. This doesn't change continuity for any of the books, though it does render one of the annotations for Well obsolete.

    Otherwise, I'm quite pleased about this novella. I wasn't certain how it would go, writing something using threads I'd left dangling ten years ago. (You should thank the beta readers, who are all Sharders I believe, for their continuity help. They made me aware of several things I needed to make much more clear from the original draft, so that canon would be more crisp.)

    I know there has been a lot of discussion regarding which times when someone appears to hear Kelsier's voice were actually Kelsier. The story offers the official canon for this as well.

    It's nice to finally be able to give the answers to some longtime fan questions, such as what spooked Vin during her inspection of Hoid and what was up with Preservation and the Mist Spirit. It's entirely possible that, despite our efforts, we slipped up and made some continuity error here or there. If so, I'm terribly sorry! This one has been particularly challenging to do.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14408 Copy


    Which is a nice segue to Shards Investing into Shardworlds, that I've been meaning to ask. So is it kind of a passive-- The more a Shard stays on a world--

    Brandon Sanderson



    --the Investiture kind of seeps--

    Brandon Sanderson

    It does. Once you've got a Perpendicularity, you are starting-- That's trouble for going other places. But you've gotta remember, going other places means multiple things to someone actually holding a Shard. They can exist in the Spiritual Realm, where all things are one. And they can even kind of comprehend it...


    Can a Shard choose to just instantly invest in a place?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, they just need to start making some stuff.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14409 Copy


    Some of the few Shards Rayse Splintered included Ambition, I believe, Dominion, and Devotion.

    Brandon Sanderson



    And those were all way back, in the history. So, we know that the Shards' personalities overrides the Vessel's personality over time?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Strongly influence, and depending on the individual, override.


    Okay. So did Rayse choose those Shards because--

    Brandon Sanderson

    He went after Ambition first, but didn't find Ambition until after going after Devotion and Dominion. But Ambition was number one on his hit list.


    Was it because of the Shard or because of the Vessel? Like did he hate the person?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In this case it was the Shard, primarily, that drove him--


    Oh, he was maybe afraid the Shard would grow too powerful and take over--

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was afraid that this Shard that would rival him. And so he's like "This one is number one on the hit list. We're taking down Ambition." But then he got trapped in the Rosharan system.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14411 Copy


    I read that you had said if you had written Khriss' essay on Nalthis, it would have been more or less that she was talking about the magic, and then mention that there were scholars on this planet that were spitting distance from, like…

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah.


    So, Vasher, and maybe some of the other ones have been off world--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Shashara has been, yeah.


    ...Are they known to the people at Silverlight? Like--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah.


    Like does Khriss know Vasher?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Know Vasher is a different question than know of Vasher. But they are widely regarded as early cosmere scholars... They are pioneers of this sort of stuff. So yes.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14412 Copy


    Speed bubbles--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Ehhhh... these are the hardest ones.


    We've seen them work and move with trains, we've seen them not work with carriages: is there a size requirement, or is it how they view themselves?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a good question. So I build in this thing, right? I'm like "Oooh, speed bubbles! Speed bubbles are cool!" but the Delorean problem, right? You're like "I'm going to go back in time: to the middle of SPACE", because the planet is in the same position, right? This is stuff that science fiction writers have been having fun with since the silver age of science fiction. So I'm like "Alright, I need to deal with the Delorean problem". And so I'm like "Alright, we're going to have to say that frame of reference is a big part of it: so perception and frame of reference is a big part of it; and also size of the thing that you're on". So it would be possible to use kind of cosmere cognitive training to get that speed bubble moving with you-- And someone asked me a question about this on tour, I believe, so it would be in one of the reports-- Not this exact same thing, but "Could they learn to move their speed bubble with them?" And yes you can.


    So it is how the allomancer views it, not how the thing views itself?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a part of it. Partially how it view itself, *garbled* It's really also mass. Big thing-- The speed bubbles required all kinds of physics-gymnastics. I'm sorry physicists, but once you start playing with time the stuff you gotta do. It's just crazy stuff you gotta do.


    We actually sat down and worked out what the metric would have to do to have a speed bubble-- Yeah, it was gnarly.

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...We did run the math on these things, and stuff like that. And Peter, y'know, he rais-- "Redshift" and stuff like this we talked about. And all kinds of fun stuff about speed bubbles that I then had to--


    Khriss asked about that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. So this is-- This one and manipulating weight... Those are the math ones. So these are the ones where-- They create the fun things to talk about, but they are where this is fantasy and not science fiction. Like a lot of these questions I could answer and you'd be like "Alright, if there were this alternate power source, we could buy this" but in this case we're like exception-list-of-asterisks to make it work. But they're too fun to not do, right? And I knew I was doing gravity on Stormlight, so I'm like "I gotta do weight separately".

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14413 Copy


    In Secret History, Kelsier goes out onto the ocean and he finds plants in the Cognitive Realm.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, mmhmm.


    Do they have a Physical aspect, or are they just Cognitive--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, they're Cognitive only. They don't follow a standard ecology that we would understand, but-- Well, it'll make sense, hopefully, when eventually the science of that is understood in the cosmere. But there are--and I've said this before--on Roshar Shadesmar there are spren cities, and things like this. And there's a spren ecology, and stuff so…

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14415 Copy

    Questioner 1

    When you were talking about spren being bound to the Cognitive Realm of their planet. Are seons similarly bound? Especially with-- Because the--

    Brandon Sanderson


    Questioner 2

    Could you also pull them off, with the knowing how?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, but you’d have to get through the Cognitive Realm, on Sel. But yeah-- Yes, that is possible.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14416 Copy

    Questioner 1

    So the Sleepless kind of have me wondering about what sentience is in the cosmere. Like how would a Sleepless manifest on the Cognitive Realm--

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a good question, you'll-- that I'll RAFO. But they are a single consciousness, but they would argue that all your cells are independent of you. So they are cells that can move around. They're really fun... they started in a non-cosmere book when I was 22. Obviously a bit inspired by Fire Upon the Deep, one of my favorite science fiction books. And I read that book and I'm like, "Group consciousnesses are cool!" what if you had a species that was made up of-- Not like one of these Ender's Game y'know, one, but each swarm was an individual and they could breed and evolve their own things to do different stuff. So each of these little bits, these hordelings is what I call them-- I might change because we've got cremling now. But each of these little bits is bred for a specific purpose, "Feed the swarm" and stuff like that. So they've got all kinds of cool stuff going on.

    Questioner 1

    Are they slivers?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh slivers. Not quite like slivers. Slivers are a little more that whole Ender's Game thing, right? And this is actually an individual that's not a hivemind. This is an individual, single consciousness, and they've got a step between cell and body. We kind of do too, like mitochondria are kind of "What are these? Are these things we ingested somehow and got working for us?" It's all very cool.

    Questioner 2

    So is it like Malazan Book of the Fallen, like the D'ivers?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ehhh, there's little--

    Questioner 2

    Okay, a little?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14417 Copy


    Why did Hoid in Secret History have to ride on another person to get to the Well, when that person could float on--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sooo, what he's floating on is a Cognitive Shadow. It's a spirit, it's not an actual person. He is floating on someone who is--


    Do we know them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You did not know them, don't worry about them. But see, he's using that as a boat because it's easy to sink through the mist. And if you notice, he has to coat his oar with Investiture in order to move him. So yeah, he's floating on a person's soul... It was so much easier with the Pits, but that's because there were boats and things.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14418 Copy


    Is there a Shadesmar for each planet?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Anything that people think about, right? And, you really have to be inhabited to get a good Shadesmar… But, y'know, you can find the gas giants in Shadesmar, but they don't manifest as an entire plane. Um, that's gonna change! But we're years away from that. Shadesmar is cool and weird but--


    Ohh, there's only one Shadesmar with different areas--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, really what we call it-- Shadesmar is a term that has started to stick in the cosmere for the Cognitive Realm. But there are manifestations of most planets. Or all planets.


    But they do all exist-- All of those Shadesmars are part of the same cloth, so to speak.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, you could walk from one to the other, barring some weird distortions that you might have to-- We're not going to dig-- I'm not gonna tell you about.


    But spren can't because they're bound.

    Brandon Sanderson

    They're bound Physically to the Realm, the Invesiture.


    Unless you help them off.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Unless-- There are certain ways you could do it, and things like that. But spren are bound, you aren't going to--

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14420 Copy

    Questioner 1

    You said that moving people like that [Cognitive Shadows] or spren off-world, from Roshar is difficult.

    Brandon Sanderson


    Questioner 1

    What about physically, say the Ones Above visit them, and they fly away?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So one of the things you'll have to be asking questions and theorizing on is what happens if you try to carry a spren around the planet. What happens to their Cognitive sense, right? So you're on Roshar, right? So on the Physical Realm what would happen-- Because on Shadesmar, you have a flattened version. So there are questions for you to be theorizing implicit in that.  And one of them is, what happens, you cross a threshold circling the globe, your spren, what happens to them? Because-- Okay? This relates to the question you’re asking.

    Questioner 2

    Wait wait, you have a three dimensional plane coexisting with a two dimensional plane?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, two dimensional is the wrong term, but basically...

    Questioner 3

    Can you specify the mathematically projection used to create this? *laughter*

    Brandon Sanderson

    We'll try to give it to you eventually, but this is the sort of stuff that I do that Peter's like "Oh man..." *laughter* "Alright give me the math Peter." "Ahhh what do you mean? I'm not a mathematician." "Eh, y'know. You're close." It is very convenient to have a physicist and a mathematician in my writing group.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14421 Copy


    Have we seen cameos of Heralds on other Shardworlds?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Heralds are tied to the system by the magic that permeates them. They could not leave.


    I thought I saw someone but I guess not.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It’s part of the magic. Some would call them Cognitive Shadows, right? Whether they are or not. "Cognitive Shadow" is a very ambiguous term in the cosmere. It means, basically your soul-- It's the same thing with petrification, right? Investiture replaced your soul, and permeated your soul, and your soul continues to exist, but... you are usually Invested with something, that's tied, and you're basically like pure Investiture then. You're tied to the thing you're Connected to. Most of the things that you're gonna see with that, travelling is going to be very difficult, unless you know how to do it. You have seen people do it.



    Brandon Sanderson


    Brandon Sanderson

    Vasher... You have seen people do it. But anyone who's got-- yeah.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14422 Copy


    Thank's for that Reddit comment earlier today about "Yeah, if you read Dragonsteel it's super obvious!"

    Brandon Sanderson

    I mean if someone is asking a question about Cephandrius, the name Cephandrius. I assume that they know about Dragonsteel, because how else would they hear the name Cephandrius?


    Secret History.

    Brandon Sanderson

    OOHHHHHH! I did! That's right. Because I was answering other questions about Yolen, yeah...

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14423 Copy


    Is Ati Ruin's original Shardholder?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ohh, good question. I will go ahead and RAFO that.


    I have a big theory that someday we are gonna see something more about him.

    Brandon Sanderson

    You will see something more about him for sure! Because Dragonsteel includes-- But that's not what you meant, and I know what you meant.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14424 Copy


    So, in Secret History, when Kelsier is in the pool and looks at Ruin. Are you intentionally making a Lovecraftian reference with the looking into the abyss and the abyss looks back?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes I have to specifically phrase things. I write it and I'm like "Oh yeah, that's Nietzshe!" And I'm like "Ohhh, I should probably not quote Nietzsche" ...So I have do have to reword these things sometimes.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14425 Copy


    So I've got sort of a Shard-related question. So, the entity that Harmony is, all the other Shards that we've had named so far, are any of them combinations, or are they all--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, good question. The only one I would count as a combination is the Dor, right? But it isn't even a full Shard. So everything else, single holder only when we talk about it okay? That's an excellent question. Or they've been Splintered completely.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14426 Copy


    Would it be possible to create a potential Vessel that has a Connection to all 16 Shards? Through a combination of birth planet, genetics, Hemalurgy--

    Brandon Sanderson

    You--  So, terminology. The Vessel holds a Shard. Lots of people have Connections to the Shards without holding them. So, I'm just gonna RAFO that. You guys got years and years left, before we're even gonna discuss things about-- But if I tell you now, like, what are you gonna ask?

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14427 Copy


    So we know some people can survive going through perpendicularities.

    Brandon Sanderson



    But we also know, like, when Rock talked about the lake that people swam in, that Hoid came out of, he said that some people who swam in it died. So, who can and can't survive a perpendicularity?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, you should not take much of what Rock says. When he says they swim in it and they die, they have gone through the perpendicularity. They just don't come back. What would you think if someone swims and doesn't come back? They have drowned. Right?


    So pretty much anyone can?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not traumatic to go through most perpendicularities.


    So it depends on where, who and when?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uh huh.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14428 Copy


    I do have a follow-up on the map? All of the constellations-- Or most of the constellations seem fairly straightforward. The one containing Roshar has a Shardbearer or Herald…

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yep, mmhmm. There are a couple--


    Yet Sel gets a lamp?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sel gets a lamp, yes.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Ask Isaac about that, he came up with the symbolism. And I like all the symbolism. But I would go to him about the symbolism of that. Ask him to write an essay for my website about it, because he has really cool-- Cause again, cause I said to him, "I want a star map" and I wasn't gonna put constellations on it, right? Just, the one in the back cover that doesn't have constellations, that's what I asked for and he came back and said "I did a constellation map with these things, what do you think?" and I'm like "that’s cool! Can you explain these to me?" so I'm just gonna let Isaac go with that, he chose it, he chose the perspective and the point of view, so it's his map, and he's canon on that.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14429 Copy


    How old is that picture that's hanging in Silverlight?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The picture in Silverlight is... Okay, so on cosmere-times it's very recent. But, the cosmere scale is very large. Khriss's essays are older than it, but not by much. She had that-- It is in existence when she wrote the essays, but the essays are much older than Sixth of the Dusk. Okay? Sixth of the Dusk had not happened yet, that story, when she was writing these essays. We're going to need some dating periods, we'll eventually get that.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14430 Copy

    Questioner (on behalf of Yata)

    When someone is spiked, and dies, does that affect the time they spend in the Cognitive?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If they are spiked, yes because if you are extra Invested, which spiking technically does, if you have a spike stapling a bit of someone else's soul to yours--


    The other way. Someone spikes through you and you die--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ohhhhh, oh okay, no, that might make you go faster.


    Is that why Harmony doesn’t know who's spiking people? Or--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Hmm. Yeah. Okay. I had not considered that. But yeah, sure. *laughter* Suuureee. You added to the canon. I mean, the actual answer was, when you're spiking somebody, you're ripping of the soul, so kind of, there's not enough left to talk. I mean, you're ripping off enough of the soul, so it's a bad thing. It's a very bad thing. So you go "Who killed you?" and it's just somebody who is essentially-- But yes, they would go faster too.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14431 Copy


    Does Silverlight have a permanent Perpendicularity on it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Silverlight has weird. So I'm gonna give a RAFO to that.


    It's got a physical constellation map. So they've gotta go to the Physical somehow right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, no, no. That can be in the Cognitive Realm.


    The constellation map can be a picture from the Cognitive?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, yeah, I mean, it can be a picture in the Cognitive. That is a picture that exists in Silverlight.


    Right, sure, but they need to be somewhere to view those things.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Right, I didn't say that that’s from the perspective Silverlight, but what we say is the picture is hanging there.


    So that was a mis-interpretation on our part.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, the picture is hanging there in Silverlight. Okay?


    Is there actually anything on the Physical end of Silverlight?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is-- That's the RAFO part... That's what I'm not answering. If there's anything Physical. There can't be a Perpen--well, there could be a Perpendicularity, but then you'd have to go someplace in the Physical, and it gets all-- Silverlight is really weird.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14432 Copy


    I have a specific question about one Perpendicularity, on First of the Sun. You've mentioned that it's dangerous.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Is that because there are predators that can sense your thoughts, that can sense your presence in the Cognitive Realm as you're travelling across the Perpendicularity before you cross over--

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a Read And Find Out.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14433 Copy


    Is there any way it's possible that somebody could have gotten to the Cognitive Realm on Scadrial without the Well of Ascension?

    Brandon Sanderson



    And can we know how?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, how many Shardpools would Scadrial have?


    Two, so the Pits of Hathsin would be so? That's what I theorized.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. So you've adopted the term "Shardpool". That was never really my term, but I've started using it. What happens with a perpendicularity is large concentrations of Investiture, particularly purely attuned to one of the Shards, will create an access point. You've seen another one in--


    Yeah, yeah I know these.

    Brandon Sanderson

    You know which one I'm referencing?



    Brandon Sanderson

    That you didn't see a Pool from?


    Oh wait--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, he knows, so… We'll move on. *general outcry* Okay, fine. Umm, at the end of Words of Radiance.


    There has to be one there because Jasnah has to leave somehow, right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, but Honor's Perpendicularity moves.


    Brandon Sanderson

    *makes non-committal noises*

    Questioner 2

    Kind of related to that, I don't know if this is a RAFO kind of question, but you call them perpendicularities, are we going to see this sort of thing created? Could there be, like--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, perpendicularities can be created. You'd need a lot of Investiture, right? You'd need a ton of Investiture. But, basically what Jasnah does is create a little mini perpendicularity, right? And slips herself into the Cognitive Realm.

    Questioner 2

    So it's just a question of skill, not a question of--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. It's hard to pull off, but some of the powers are built to do it.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14434 Copy


    So, the Edgedancer's resonance, the Perk? I think you've called it resonance at some point, is that still accurate?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, that totally works. The powers affect each other in interesting ways.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Um, so the thing about it is, calling it a Perk, that like saying--


    It's a side effect right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's less a side effect-- It's like, when the powers merge, they are always slightly different. For instance, Lightweaving from a Truthwatcher is different from-- Slightly. There will be things. So, you're gonna see that they all have access to the Surges, but in combinations, they act a little differently from one another.


    So is the Edgedancer's resonance something to do with communication? Because we see Lift--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah we'll RAFO that.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14435 Copy


    The Epilogue of Words of Radiance.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Hoid makes particular note of a cremling.

    Brandon Sanderson




    Brandon Sanderson

    Hehehehe. You're starting to learn! You're starting to learn.


    That epilogue just got so much--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, he was speaking to one of the Sleepless there. He has spotted them and they--


    So, he knows.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, he knows!


    Because he makes a comment about having “no intelligent audience.”

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, yes, yes. *laughter* Of course he doesn’t have an intelligent audience!

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
    #14436 Copy

    Brandon Sanderson

    SanderCon-- I think that JordanCon would be happy to host a-- They always have a Brandon Sanderson track and I go every two or three years. So every two or three years JordanCon has a mini SandersonCon attached to it. And that is what I recomend, okay? I mean Pratchett could carry one but I don't think most of us can. I think cons are more interesting if you have some other paneling to go to.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
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    When you put together different magic systems, do you just have a file of those that "this is goiing to work for this one"?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I have a file of magic systems, characters, and settings, and plots. Usually I review it for a while, periodically I mean, and certain connections are made. I build on those in my head, then eventually stick them back in if it doesn't end up working. But ocasionally it's like-- Like Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, I wanted to write a book about a bounty hunter woman who runs an inn and kills the people who come to the inn. I developed that all without the magic system or anything like that, and then said what world would this fit on? Would it fit on any of them? Do I need to make a new story? And I'm like "This worked really well on Threnody" so I put it there and put the magic in. Usually it's the other way around, I've got the world and things and I need some characters to plug in.

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    Are there any books of yours you would like to experience as a first time reader?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would looooove to read Way of Kings for the first time.


    Way of Kings? It's pretty great.

    Brandon Sanderson

    But y'know, that Sanderson guy. I hear things about him. I hear he likes really bad jokes.

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    I’ve been fixating on this mass exodus. The Iriali, the Iri people, are they the people of the mass exodus? Or-- I've always wanted it to be the people of Threnody.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Iriali are not native to Roshar.


    Okay, that's... what I've always assumed.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There is stuff going on on Threnody too, it shares some similarities.

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    In Secret History, Hoid says something to Kelsier about him destroying the Pits and destroying an entire mercantile system. Is he talking about literal inter-Realmic trade?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Interplanetary trade, yes.


    Follow-up: Is House Venture involved?

    Brandon Sanderson

    House Venture is not involved. People in House Venture might be.


    The guy who--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Here is a RAFO card for your follow-up. House Venture is-- Yes.

    Footnote: The questioner was likely referring to Felt, a spy that worked for House Venture, who is a worldhopper.
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    Will there be any more of Silence from the Forests of Hell?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The world is very relevant to the cosmere. I have several books planned there, I don’t know how many of them I’ll write. I will at least write one of them. Silence herself is not a character from the books. I designed that story and it matched the world so I put it there. But yes there will be other things from that world.

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    If Kaladin and Dalinar were Magic cards, what color do you think they’d be?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Dalinar now is mono-White. He was mono-Red in his youth, inching toward Black-Red, but I would just call him mono-Red in his youth. Kaladin I would probably call Blue-White in Magic terms because they like things that fly and that have to do with the wind. So he would get the elemental Blue and personality White. Maybe a tinge of Red, but probably-- I would make a Blue-White Kaladin.