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White Sand vol.1 release party ()
#1 Copy


Has Mistborn: Birthright officially tanked?

Brandon Sanderson

Has Mistborn: Birthright officially tanked?

So this is the video game. So the kind of longer-- the short answer is yes. The kind of longer answer is the developer who was making the video game bought the movie rights for a year, because we wanted to combine the movie rights and the video game rights. We gave him only a year, because we were like, "You haven't made any films. But we want to tie these rights together. It sounds like a good thing." We gave him a year, and he lives in LA so he knows a lot of Holywood people. "Sure, give it a try." In a year he couldn't get a film made, or really moving. You can't make one in a year anyway, and so the rights for everything have lapsed, and now he's talking to the people that we sold the Mistborn rights to, to say, "Hey, maybe I can make the video game if you make the film."

The problem being that new IPs in video games are very hard to get funding for. And those who work in video games and know them are nodding their heads. And so he tried very hard. He's made a lot of video games. Most of his games as you know from looking at his developer site are all movie tie-ins, right? He wanted to try a book tie-in. He's made good games. He has a lot of people on his staff who've made really good games with a lot of different companies. They could make a good Mistborn game. They needed, you know $20 million. Which, they can usually go to people who give them funding, and say, "Hey, we're making the video game for, you know, Kung Fu Panda." Which they did. And they're like, "Oh, okay here's you're--you know-- $10 million, $20 million. We know this is a safe bet. This video game will sell."

When they say they're making one on Mistborn they're like, "Where's the movie?" And so it was very hard for him to get the funding. It was very hard for him to get things built. I think he still wants to make it. But now he's in talks with the guys making the movie, and I don't think it will ever happen unless the film gets made. If the film gets made I think it will happen. I pitched to him last week doing a 2D side-scroller Symphony of the Night style Metroidvania Mistborn game, which is something we can fund in-house, right? And just kind of do what a lot of the cool indie games are doing right now. It's like modern design aesthetics, but a 2D sort of thing. Salt and Sanctuary comes to mind, if you guys played that. You know, you can do some really cool stylized stuff and really interesting game mechanics, but if you want to go full 3D, this generation console, like 20 million is like the low end of what you need. And so that's where we are.

Shadows of Self Lansing signing ()
#2 Copy


Will you ever do a prequel to Mistborn?

Brandon Sanderson

It is unlikely that I will spend very much time with prequels because as a reader I’m not terribly fond of them: Since I already know what happens it ruins some of the story for me. Though the video game, which by the way is taking a long time and I have no updates *laughter* was going to be a prequel. And so that sort of thing you might see mediums like that. And it’s not impossible that I will do something like that. You might see a novella or something like that, but it’s unlikely-- I’m unlikely to do a whole series about, y’know Alendi and Kwaan and people like that.

Words of Radiance Backerkit Countdown ()
#3 Copy


Would you ever consider a Cosmere hero-shooter game like Overwatch?

Brandon Sanderson

Not a lot of shooting going on in the Cosmere at this point, so it would have to be late. I mean I'd consider anything video game wise. Mostly it's like: how good is the company? Like who's making that? But I mean, the video game, we had 3 people come court me to work on video games and on one hand I picked right because the other two never made their game even though they were from AAA studios. So I picked the one that actually went gold and it was by a fantastic studio full of people that I still think are great, but it just didn't go anywhere. Partially because of their monetization, partially because launching a new game is just super super hard, and Moonbreaker just kind of- I mean, I know they're still working on it and I hope that it will take off and people will enjoy and play it, but video games is just a rough rough world. Super rough world. 

Questioner 2

Pick Rito, not Blizzard lol

Brandon Sanderson

Blizzard did bring me in and try to court me for a while, but even then I could sense that it just wouldn't be a good match, me with Blizzard.

Emily Sanderson

Well and it's hard when people want you to write their stories when you wanna write your stories. 

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, exactly. And there are certain things I would write for others, but it just wouldn't work. Riot did offer me a hero once for League of Legends, like if I wanted to come design one. And so at some point, maybe I'll do that. I don't know if the offer is still open or not, but I've chatted with those guys over there a decent amount.

Calamity Philadelphia signing ()
#4 Copy


Are you interested in seeing any of your books become video games?

Brandon Sanderson

I would love to see my books get made into video games. Yeah, I’m a gamer. So if I had the right company, I would love to do it.


Have there been any offers, anyone vol--

Brandon Sanderson

Someone optioned--or bought the rights--to Mistborn. They were never able to get a game off the ground. I don’t think it’s going to happen. They still have the rights for another year but it’s looking really slim that they’ll get it made.


That’s unfortunate, that’d be a great game to play.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. And consoles are doing better, there was this time between the last generation and this generation where mobile took off and it was mobile that just kind of--and there was all this question about console, that’s when they were working on this and a lot of people were really timid about jumping in and making a big budget fantasy game.

Words of Radiance Omaha signing ()
#5 Copy


The Mistborn video game.  Still working on that?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes.  We are still working on that.  They are moving very slow.  And I am disappointed by how slow they are moving, and I had dinner with the producer a week ago.  He says it's still coming, but I don't know when.  He says Christmas time 2015.  I'm skeptical.  

Footnote: The Mistborn video game project has since been cancelled.
YouTube Livestream 16 ()
#6 Copy


If video games existed in the cosmere, which current cosmere character that we know would be the best gamer?

Brandon Sanderson

Best gamer? Um...

Adam Horne

I want to see if your statement is the same as mine.

Brandon Sanderson

Whew, best gamer? Who wants to sit down and game?

Adam Horne

That's going outside of mine, my character probably would not want to, but I think they'd be very good at it.

Brandon Sanderson

Very good at gaming, very good at gaming... Lift.

Adam Horne

Oh, Lift would probably enjoy it. Mine is Sazed because he can store his speed and stuff.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, Sazed would be technically, you're right, would be way, way better. I don't know if Wayne could slow time and put in inputs and then they would come out, I don't know how that would work.

Adam Horne

Is the tv outside of his bubble?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, the tv would have to be outside of his bubble. How would that work?

Adam Horne

What happens to a wireless signal when it hits the bubble?

Brandon Sanderson

Wireless signal is going to have a red shift. Physicist, what happens if a red shift happens? As I understand it, that actually wouldn't change it appreciably, but we'd let a physicist say on that. Regardless, yeah, Sazed would definitely have a big leg up. That's a very good answer.