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Prague Signing ()
#1 Copy


In May, in Germany, you told me that... or I asked whether Wisdom was a Shard, and you said it was or something like it, and that wisdom was close to an intent of a Shard, and you also told me that it has realized that survival isn't necessarily the most important thing for it. I wanted to ask whether it has realized that over time or was it from the get go?

Brandon Sanderson

Over time.


Okay, so then naturally, my next question: Is it the survival Shard?

Brandon Sanderson



And then somebody actually came up with another good probable name. Is Prudence close?

Brandon Sanderson

Prudence sounds an awful lot like a Shard name. That's some excellent theorizing there.

Bands of Mourning release party ()
#8 Copy


I've heard about a Shard that just wants to survive, hiding off-- it doesn't have a planet it doesn't--

Brandon Sanderson



--out there in space, trying to survive. Does it have the intent of like Fear, or something like that?

Brandon Sanderson

The intent is related but only tangentially. Mostly it just knows what's going on and is smart enough to get out of there.

Calamity release party ()
#9 Copy


Could I have you write the name of-- or the intent of the Shard that's hiding on it's uninhabited world away from everybody?

Brandon Sanderson

Mostly because I don't want to canonize these things and so I get locked into it and the decision is absolutely made. I haven't changed many of them, but I have tweaked them before. I've tweaked like how I wanted to represent the intent, so...

JordanCon 2021 ()
#10 Copy

Billy Todd (paraphrased)

You previously said that there's a Shard that has decided to go into hiding, looking to survive.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Billy Todd (paraphrased)

It's sort of practicing the art of not being seen.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Billy Todd (paraphrased)

 Is that Shard the same Shard as Autonomy, or is it a different Shard?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

I like the way you worded that; no, it's not the same Shard as Autonomy.

Billy Todd (paraphrased)

The other Shard, have we seen it on screen?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Billy Todd (paraphrased)

Have we seen it "practicing the art of not being seen" on screen?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

RAFO. interview ()
#11 Copy


What happened with the Shard that just drifts in the space, the one that wants to hide and survive?

Brandon Sanderson

What about that Shard? They want to hide and survive.


Huh, something more?

Brandon Sanderson

I think I will RAFO that for right now.

Footnote: The questioner seems to be conflating two separate Shards in his question. There is the Shard that wants to hide and survive and another that is not on a planet.