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Salt Lake City ComicCon 2017 ()
#1 Copy


What was the best Steel Inquisitor cosplay that you've seen?

Brandon Sanderson

Probably, there was one I saw in Boston, where they had gone all out and done the spikes, with the reflective sunglasses on them. They actually looked down a spike at these sunglass things, and that looked really sharp.

Firefight San Francisco signing ()
#2 Copy

Questioner 1

I've been trying to figure out how to... make an Alethi dress with a safehound pouch without the hand being all bulky.

Questioner 2

Yeah, or looking like it's amputated.

Brandon Sanderson

There are people online who have done them and they look good.

Questioner 2

Yeah, I've looked them up. The problem is when you have the thing there, and because your putting things that are about the size of a marble, it ends up looking like there's a clump.

Brandon Sanderson

Oh yeah, it does. It does look-- it looks odd to our eyes. It's natural to them, if that makes any sense, but if you make it a little bit tighter, also we found that helps.

Questioner 2

But what it be unreasonable for it to go really long, because I was thinking that would be kind of pretty.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah you could totally do a really long one.

Idaho Falls signing ()
#4 Copy


I've seen a lot of forum posts about the mistcloaks themselves. What is the standard wear underneath those? 

Brandon Sanderson

So there isn't a lot of standardization, because Mistborn are rare and each Mistborn commissions their own cloak. Most of the time, I think you're going to find that they would wear a buttoning shirt with short sleeves. Probably something dark would be my guess, probably a dark gray. But it just really depends on the person.


Okay. I was thinking about working up a Mistborn cosplay--

Brandon Sanderson

My theme for clothing other than miscloaks was a look a little of-- Dickensian London was my inspiration, so.

Salt Lake City Comic-Con 2014 ()
#5 Copy

Questioner 1

Is Dalinar clean-shaven or does he wear a beard?

Brandon Sanderson

It depends on the day, and the time. Dalinar is clean-shaven through most of the books you have seen.

Questioner 1

That's what I thought but he thought not.

Questioner 2

The audiobook reader just gives me an impression of a wizened person with a well-kept beard.

Brandon Sanderson

Let's see if I've got... if I've got enough internet...

Questioner 2

I get the impression that Sadeas has a creepy mustache from the audiobook as well.

Brandon Sanderson

Beards are not in fashion in Alethkar right now.

Questioner 1

Which is why Kaladin shaves it off.

Brandon Sanderson

Let's see, Way of Kings, I've got the artwork I used as-- *shows secret canon drawing* So there is the concept art we used for Dalinar.

General Twitter 2011 ()
#6 Copy


What exactly is a dueling cane anyhow?

Brandon Sanderson

Some are flexible, like sparring swords, and are used for duels where blood is not needed.

Others are basically a big length of wood for hitting people, like a tonfa without the grip.


Do canes have a hilt like a sparring sword then? I always picture something like pic being used

Brandon Sanderson

Many have a hilt. However for most, there is no crossguard or the like.

And most don’t taper like that one. They are often of a uniform diameter all the way down. #torchat

Oathbringer Portland signing ()
#7 Copy


How did you design the mistcloak cloaks?

Brandon Sanderson

Because it looks cool, obviously!


It is highly impractical!

Brandon Sanderson

Not if you're Mistborn! The only trouble we really had is stepping on the tassels. 


And getting tangled up in them.

Brandon Sanderson

Well, a lot of the tassels, a lot of the ones for mistcloaks we've made, use thicker material in them, and they lie straighter, and they don't tangle nearly as much. As long as you don't make them too long, 'cause if you do, you step on them, particularly on stairs... We've got some costume persons that work-- you'll find, if you use a thicker, stronger material-- yeah.