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MisCon 2018 ()
#1 Copy


Is there a feminine Alethi nickname that means gift or blessing?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, but I'd have to go look at the dictionary.


Is that dictionary purchasable?

Brandon Sanderson

No, but if you email me, we can hunt through it and see what we can find.

Skyward Houston signing ()
#2 Copy


Do you have a giant timeline somewhere written out all of it?

Brandon Sanderson

I do. Actually, it's in a wiki. I work digitally for most of my stuff. It's one that myself and my assistants use to try and keep everything straight. Actually, Karen, who this book is dedicated to is my-- Her main job is to do the timelines and keep me consistent for every book.

BookCon 2018 ()
#3 Copy


For the Stormlight series specifically, I feel like there will be things I don't really fully get until I start to get until the second or third read-through,  how do you keep all that straight?

Brandon Sanderson

I use a program called Wikipad, which is a personal wiki. I just do a lot of outlining in a wiki, it's like wikipedia but only on my computer... I have the ability to--now I can hire continuity editors. So it gets better and better the further I go along.