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Stuttgart signing ()
#2 Copy

Paleo (paraphrased)

Is Wisdom a Shard? If so, how bad does it want to survive?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

There is a Shard with a similar intent. The Shard has realized that survival might not be the most desirable/important.

C2E2 2024 ()
#5 Copy

LewsTherinTelescope (paraphrased)

You dodged my question about Hoid's monologue during the stream, so let me ask a different one: is it relevant that Hoid lists four concepts together at the end of The Way of Kings? Intellect, artistry, and...

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


LewsTherinTelescope (paraphrased)

And it's about the last Shard, the wisdom-adjacent one?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yeah, you are thiiiiis close. Stormlight Five is going to come out and you're not going to be surprised. You're very close.

LewsTherinTelescope (paraphrased)

So we'll have all of Adonalsium named, all sixteen Shards?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Shardcast Interview ()
#8 Copy


What made you decide to canonize not one, not two, but FOUR new Shards? A whole quarter of Adonalsium in this book?

Brandon Sanderson

It had been long enough. I had been coy with them long enough. I had worked out enough of the outlines moving forward that I knew what Shards I needed and things like that, and they had gotten locked in enough that I could just do it. And they would mention it. We're getting to the point where if I didn't start mentioning them I'd have to do verbal gymnastics in the stories to not. 

When Harmony is trying actively to figure out what happened, and who they all are, and where they all are. It was time for me to go ahead and stop dribbling that. The reason I was dribbling is there were still a few I was still deciding upon. And now that they're all locked in. There's no reason to hold it back.

I don't hold things back from you guys out of glee. I hold things back because narrative drama, and because things are not locked in yet.


So there's still two [Shards] we don't know. Do you have those locked down or are those still...?

Brandon Sanderson

Those are a little more vague, like I haven't picked the words for them. I look for the right word, and sometimes I have the word that's the wrong synonym. Odium in this case would be Hatred. Calling the villain Hatred doesn't work in the same way that calling the villain Odium works. I'm looking for those right words.

DragonCon 2019 ()
#9 Copy


I heard a quote that talked about a Shard we haven’t seen yet that only wants to be left alone.

Brandon Sanderson



I have a guess but you’ll probably give me a read and find out.

Brandon Sanderson

I probably will but you can go on record.


Isolation, I guess.

Brandon Sanderson

You are officially on record. I will give you your RAFO card.


*Laughing* Thank you, very much.