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Skyward Houston signing ()
#2 Copy


What does M-Bot have against Doomslug and Rig?

Brandon Sanderson

M-Bot treats Rig kind of like you might treat a doctor. Even though he's good for you, you may not enjoy having someone poke around at you.

With Doomslug, it isn't that he has a lot against Doomslug. Doomslug just isn't a good conversationalist. She does a lot of repeating back at you what you say. So getting trapped only with Doomslug would be--


Can the second book have Doomslug with a bow?

Brandon Sanderson

In a bow? I will try to get Doomslug a bow.

Starsight Release Party ()
#5 Copy


Is M-Bot intelligent and sentient?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. M-Bot is, I would say, above animal intelligence but not quite human level intelligence. Oh no, M-Bot? I thought you were saying Doomslug. I would say M-Bot is above human intelligence and is sapient, is sentient.

Starsight Release Party ()
#6 Copy


I was wondering when are we going to get Doomslug plushies?

Brandon Sanderson

We are really considering it. We've heard horror stories from our friends who have made plushies. That the prototypes just all turn out terrible. That it's really hard to get someone to make a good plushie. So, we've been scared to try, but we've had some people come and offer.

Isaac Stewart

On the JordanCon website, Deana just posted instructions on how to make your own. 

Brandon Sanderson

Okay, there you go.

Skyward Atlanta signing ()
#7 Copy


What does Doomslug eat?

Brandon Sanderson

Doomslug eats mushrooms, among other things... I don't want to say anything more.


I know, I was trying to find something that wouldn't be RAFO'd

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah that's actually shockingly relevant of a question, so-- Hmm!

Starsight Release Party ()
#11 Copy


If you had to guess, which gender would be Doomslug?

Brandon Sanderson

Spensa thinks Doomslug's a she, and so I would go with that.


The way she looks kind of looks like a boy but the way she talks kind of just sounds like a girl so it gets confusing.

Brandon Sanderson

Telling gender on the slugs is not terribly easy.

Starsight Release Party ()
#12 Copy


What was your inspiration for making Doomslug? It's a very fun character.

Brandon Sanderson

You know, it was basically me wanting to have a pet sea slug and it just not being something you can do in real life. And I knew I wanted a creature that had some import to the worldbuilding and I settled on something that I thought would look cute.

YouTube Livestream 11 ()
#16 Copy


I wonder if you got the inspiration for Doomslug's character from your parrot Magellan?

Brandon Sanderson

I wrote Doomslug before i had Magellan. However, I have had pet birds since I was a kid. I love parrots. Other people are dog people or cat people; I am a parrot person. So, I basically always had a parrot. There was a period in my life where the kids were young that my cockatiel Beaker went to live with my mom because the kids were tormenting him. Now they're old enough, and they're afraid enough of Magellan that we can have a parrot again. So, parrot behavior influences a lot of how I treat animal behavior because of that. So, yes.

Starsight Release Party ()
#17 Copy


Is "Doomslug" Doomslug's real name?

Brandon Sanderson

"Doomslug" is not Doomslug's real name but Doomslug will accept that name from Spensa. Doomslug would have a name in Doomslug language.


Are you going to try and pronounce that for us?

Brandon Sanderson
