The thing about women eating sweeter foods, and how sharp the gender divide was and-- I just found that worldbuilding really interesting, so how do you get inspired by that?
Brandon Sanderson
So I noticed that a lot of cultures have these really stark gender disparities. And I think in America we don't—like even around the world we still have a lot of them—in America we kind of-- I'm glad we don't because I think it is actual progress to not [have these disparities]. But at the same time that's a really big part of so many different cultures that I wanted to play with that idea.
And I loved in The Wheel of Time how Robert Jordan had the magic word differently [...] and so I was looking for a long time for something I can do that plays with the idea of gender roles, and that's kind of what rose out of it. It actually came from when I was working on the history and the moment when the men kind of seized control of the Shardblades. You know about this?
Yeah, I read about it online.
Brandon Sanderson
So that moment I'm like "alright, there's a divergence there. How do they strictly define the gender roles to maintain the power of these weapons?" And I think that's-- and I just kind of built from there.
It's really interesting though that women in a way are actually the creative minds-- they're actually not suppressed, but they're repressed in a different area.
Brandon Sanderson
It is, right. It's this weird repression where you can't do what you want, but they're actually in many ways the most powerful ones in society, but they're constrained by it.
Yeah, they're the ones that are creative because men don't even read because they're not supposed to. I guess that's what's really interesting to me.
Brandon Sanderson
It was sooo much fun to figure some of these things out because it plays with expectations a little bit but also plays into them in really interesting ways.