General Reddit 2023

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Name General Reddit 2023
Date Jan. 1, 2023
Entries 18
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#2 Copy


I re-projected the map of Scadrial in TLM to an orthographic map with Earth continent outlines for comparison.

Isaac Stewart

Your overlay of the map over Earth is close. There's discussion on this thread of what's possible and why is it the way it is. Rest assured we considered many things before creating this map. For example, on Earth, both Cayambe and Kilimanjaro near the equator (very tall mountains, to be certain) have glaciers.


What I'm curious about is why the Basin seems to have a temperate climate. I'm guessing the answer is just "because Harmony wants it to".

Isaac Stewart

I don't necessarily think it's because Harmony wants it, though he did somewhat engineer the Basin to be the way it is. :) I'm curious why it's thought that the climate is temperate by Earth standards when there are at least giraffes, lions, and turtles mentioned in the text.

#3 Copy


I notice that while you're listing a lot of characters, the interlude throughline is still unspecified... I assume it's safe to say it's not any of the other characters you mention in this post (i.e. not Venli, Rlain, Navani, etc), right?

Brandon Sanderson

Interlude through line is a RAFO. But you are correct--I do not plan for it to be a character I mentioned elsewhere.

I am planning something interesting, and I have to see if it will work. If it doesn't, I will maybe jump to another idea.

#5 Copy

Brandon Sanderson

We tried to get a celebrity voice (David Tennant) for Tress [audiobook]. His people were great, but I soon realized that asking someone unfamiliar with my work to record something on such a tight deadline was unfair and potentially too stressful for everyone involved.

I tried a different celebrity for project two, but their schedule wasn't open. So I settled on Michael and Kate (whom I was always going to ask to do project three) for the first three. Only they were herculean enough to do it on such short notice. (And for the publishing industry, less than a year up front is short notice.)

Project four will have a narrator we haven't used before in order to try something new. We haven't picked yet, but are starting the process.


Are you able to share who the second celebrity would have been?

Brandon Sanderson

Henry Cavill.

#8 Copy

Ben McSweeney

There's more than one option out there for fletching, just as there has been historically. It's just that I expect feathers would be unusual (though not unheard of).

Footnote: This is a comment on a previous quote about arrow fletching on Roshar
Sources: Reddit
#9 Copy


How did Hoid get Elantrian powers and access to the AonDor simply through an invite by Riina?

Brandon Sanderson

Just a little help for those in this one: new Hoid-centered epilogue to the 10th anniversary Elantris from ten or so years ago is relevant here. It's not going to tell you the specifics, I'm afraid, but what happened here should be seen in the context of that scene.

#10 Copy


I’m pretty sure maipon sticks originated on Sel. Either they use eating implements from off-world, or the Rosharan audience knows them by a name from off-world.

Brandon Sanderson

It's the second. Maipon sticks are actually slightly different, but it's a point of reference his audience would know.

Footnote: The 'audience' refers to the group that Hoid is telling the story of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter to.
Sources: Reddit
#12 Copy

Brandon Sanderson

I think we're completely stalled at this point, folks--not just because of the strikes. They're a relatively small issue in regards to what we were trying to do. We got really close in some ways I'll be able to talk about eventually, but I don't see any kind of film/TV announcement coming this year.

Hollywood is scared. Even Mission Impossible is under-performing, and Rings of Power did far beneath what they wanted. I think at this point, I might have to try some smaller forays (i.e. Not Stormlight, not Mistborn, maybe not even Cosmere) into Hollywood to build a reputation before I can get the kind of adaptation I want.

We'll see. There still are a few possibilities in the works that could turn this around. If it does happen, it won't be for an announcement this year.

#13 Copy


When Adonalsium Will Remember Our Plight Eventually came on page did anyone else immediately think of Good Omens and Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery Pulsifer?? That was my first thought and couldn't stop laughing, I hope it's an homage

Brandon Sanderson

It kind of is, kind of isn't. I first became aware of this quirk of puritan societies because of Pratchett, but it was Constable Visit-The-Infidel-With-Explanatory-Pamphlets that did it, actually.

Truth is, these kind of names were very rare (and kind of odd) in actual puritan societies, but they're just too deliciously interesting to not riff off of. Single word puritan names, like Faith or Justice, were far more common. (Including Silence, which I used after I actually encountered it doing genealogy of puritan Americans.)

#14 Copy


I was just wondering if Sando [Brandon] has ever said what was behind the very ornate door under The First Capital [in The Way of Kings Prime]?

Brandon Sanderson

An Unmade was behind that door, spiked with crystal spikes to the wall, holding it and preventing it from going anywhere. I believe I talked about it on a stream somewhere.

This was very, very early Hemalurgy--and some of the things I was planning there are no longer canon. You probably could still spike an Unmade to bind it to the Physical Realm, though, so that part remains viable.

#15 Copy


[T]he last time I checked, the book was going to be called "Knights of wind and truth", but I see some people referring to it as "Wind and Truth." So I was wondering, what is the official name of the book?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm almost 100% in camp shorter title now. Just "Wind and Truth."

The in-world book will be Knights of Wind and Truth.

But I won't make the decision fully until the book is done, my editorial team has read it, and we can talk it through together.

#16 Copy


Lux ever gonna get a hardcover edition?

Peter Ahlstrom

Currently there are no plans. One reason is that there are continuity errors in Lux that we don’t have the resources to fix currently while we’re focused on Stormlight 5.


Are there any plans for further entries?

Peter Ahlstrom

Nothing to announce, and may never be.

#17 Copy


If he was gonna break it [the title ketek], then Stones Unhallowed was a cooler working title [for Stormlight Five].

Brandon Sanderson

Problem is, it no longer works for this book. As Szeth is no longer walking on stones. It's the only book where he isn't.

#18 Copy


Did you get to the epilogue [of Stormlight Five] yet?

Brandon Sanderson

I wrote a version of the epilogue years ago that isn't quite going to work for timing reasons, so I tried a new one. We will see how I feel about it as we go.

Event details
Name General Reddit 2023
Date Jan. 1, 2023
Entries 18
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