Forbidden Planet Interview

Event details
Name Forbidden Planet Interview
Date Nov. 18, 2020
Entries 5
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If the Lord Ruler was able to enter the Well of Ascension a second time, what would he have done with its power?

Brandon Sanderson

He probably would have tried to fix and tweak a few of the problems that were happening, but he had learned not to do too much. So I would say: minor tweaks, and perhaps some power solidification things, and stuff like that. He would not, probably, have been able to fix things as well as he wanted to. It probably would have gone more poorly than he implies that it would have gone.

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Does Zahel know what Fused are because of his BioChromatic vision? Or has he studied them in some other way?

Brandon Sanderson

I would say both. More the "he's studied what they are and learned about them." He has certain sensory things that definitely give him some advantages, for various reasons. But I would say he's leaning more on his previous experience than he is on those senses.

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Will Wax and Wayne Four come before Stormlight Five?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm finishing up Skyward Three right now. My goal is to have that done by January. And then Wax and Wayne Four will be my next book. If I'm really on the ball, I will do that and get Skyward Four (which is the last of the Skyward series) done before I work on Stormlight Five. Goal is for Stormlight Five to be 2023. So Skyward next year. And then Wax and Wayne. And then, hopefully, Skyward last one and Stormlight in the same year. But we'll see.

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Higgy Baby

Do the highstorms and Everstorm orbit Roshar like rings?

Brandon Sanderson

Rings is the wrong term. There's not another highstorm on the other side of the world. There is one highstorm blowing around. They were sort of mini-based on the Spot of Jupiter. But they move around; it's a massive hurricane that moves around the planet.

It goes around the planet, but if what you're asking is: "Is there a ring of highstorm? And so when it's on one side, it's on the other side?" That is not the case. There is a highstorm that's going around, an Everstorm that's going the other direction around the planet; and they are very wide, enormous storms. But imagine a storm of Jupiter moving around the planet, rather than staying where it is.

Event details
Name Forbidden Planet Interview
Date Nov. 18, 2020
Entries 5
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