Miscellaneous 2007

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Name Miscellaneous 2007
Date Jan. 1, 2007
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Robert Thompson

Regarding Elantris, I read a while back that you had no intentions of writing any sequels, but then you had a change of heart. I know that you've been busy with a lot of other projects, but has there been any progress at all on a possible follow-up, or maybe ideas you could share on an Elantris sequel that have been bouncing around in your head?

Brandon Sanderson

I doubt I will do a sequel that begins just after Elantris ends, at least not with the same characters and in the same place. There are lots of ideas I want to explore in the world of Elantris, though. I might do something about the Seons, or focus on a different culture, or write about something that happens many years after the story of Elantris.

Event details
Name Miscellaneous 2007
Date Jan. 1, 2007
Entries 1
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