Is there anything more significant to Tien's obsession with rocks? Or is that just an example of him being a unique kid?
Brandon Sanderson
There is a little bit to the way he's seeing color in mundane things. It's less the rock, and more the things about the world he finds interesting. So I'm going to say it's the second. It's an aspect of who he is; the rock itself is not the important thing.
Do you find it harder to write from a male or female's point of view?
Brandon Sanderson
It is harder to write-- The more different someone is from me, the more difficult they are to write. Gender is only one part of that, however, and so some characters who are very like me, but maybe-- maybe a woman, would be easier to write than someone who is very different from me but is a guy. But that's all kind of part of it.
Early in my career, before I got published, I was actually really bad at this; but the main thing I learned from that era of my writing was that I was writing people to a role in the story. It wasn't that I was bad at writing women, it was that I was writing all women as the love interest. Which resulted in bad storytelling and flat characters. And if you start to be able to learn: treat each character they are the protagonist of their own story, treat each character like they see themselves, not as a bit part, but as the story themselves; and start to explore who they are rather than putting them in a role in the story, your characters will get better all around.
Which character arc has been your favorite to write?
Brandon Sanderson
I usually don't pick favorites. Because all characters in all the books are like my children. But I will say it was extraordinarily satisfying to write Rand's arc, that I did in Gathering Storm. That was a true delight as a long-time fan of the series. So probably that one.
In Alcatraz, he mentions a souvenir about a bullet that can pierce steel. Was that nod to Reckoners?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, that's a nod to Reckoners. There's lots of them. If you read the Alcatraz books, there's an Asomedean joke, there's a Spook's street slang joke. The Alcatraz books, if you haven't read them, are kind of me practicing my improv skills as a writer. Every writer, I think, needs to have some measure of ability to outline, and some measure of ability to just "pants it," as we say. And the Alcatraz books, I write completely pantsed. I give myself a list of things that need to be in the book, and I try to work those in as I go. And that ends up with a lot of me making jokes about myself and my process.
The gems on Roshar, are they the same as the gems you and me know, or are they a byproduct of Investiture?
Brandon Sanderson
For the most part they are the same as the gems we know, which will ask the question, "Since most of them are chemically identical, other than color, what differentiates them?" and in the cosmere, color is very important, so I'll just leave you at that, but most of them are going to be gems like we have. If you took a ruby from our world to Roshar, it could be Invested by the highstorm.
And spren?
Brandon Sanderson
We will RAFO that for now.
In Skyward, what is your callsign? And what was the process for creating so many callsigns?
Brandon Sanderson
My callsign is Mr. Prolific. That probably wouldn't work as a good callsign, but it was my callsign way back when I was in my writing group, my first writing group with my friends.
The process was, actually, I wanted to pick a callsign that used the same sound as their real name, to help people keep them straight. Because you basically have a double number of names in the book. So same letter or same sound, creating it. And I just started with that letter or sound. And then I wanted them each to feel distinctive. If they're all, like, initials. Or they're all one-syllable names, it can be really easy to mix them up. So I wanted some that were two or three syllables. Some that, they wanted to reinforce who the character was sometimes, things like that. That's where I went on that.
Previously, you told me that Hoid loves bacon. Is there any other thing that you can tell me about Hoid that we won't be able to RAFO?
Brandon Sanderson
Oh man, I'm running out of stuff to tell you about Hoid that I can't RAFO because I get asked this enough that I forget what I've told people and what I haven't. I'm particularly fond of his monologue for the fourth book. So, be looking forward to that. It's a little different than the others.
Would it make an Allomancer sick if they tried to burn pure silver?
Brandon Sanderson
As it stands right now, nothing would happen, because they would know if it did. Good question. Silver has some weird properties, but on Scadrial they are largely undiscovered.
What do you wish that you could have asked your favorite writers about writing when you first became a writer? And what do you think they would have said?
Brandon Sanderson
This one is easy. I would have said, "How do you finish your book, Mr. Jordan? Specifically: X, Y, and Z that you didn't put in the notes."
Otherwise-- You know, a lot of the things that you do as a writer aren't about what you ask other writers. And a lot of the advice you'll get as a writer won't work for you until you have written. So I wouldn't have known the right questions to ask them until I was struggling through that myself.
Back to the callsigns. Did you come up with Jorgen's name first, or did you come up with his callsign first?
Brandon Sanderson
The callsign was first. And then the name followed out of some of the linguistics I was using... Yeah, the callsign was first.
Is there any connection or coincidence to the Krell in Skyward, versus the Krell from Forbidden Planet?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes... Forbidden Planet is one of my favorite movies. Perhaps my favorite classic science fiction movie. I really dig any sort of Shakespearean interpretation in another medium. So I named the Krell after the Krell from Forbidden Planet.
When you started writing for Wheel of Time, did you find that any of your opinions changed when you wrote the characters, versus--
Brandon Sanderson
So, Mat was way harder than I expected him to be to write. I thought Mat would just zip out and be super easy, and I was taken by surprise by how difficult Mat was to write.
Cadsuane had always been my least favorite character, and I was surprised by how much I understood her when I had to stand in her shoes.
I'm writing a fantasy book that's like D&D. Do you have any advice for me? I'm about 6000 words.
Brandon Sanderson
A lot of great science fiction and fantasy have come from roleplaying campaigns. Not just Dragonlance, but also the Malazan Book of the Fallen started as a roleplaying campaign. And you will find this happens time and time again. Do understand that the things that you guys experience in your roleplaying session that are really funny are probably not going to be funny on the page, because they're funny in the situation, so you have to work on making the characters all work on the page, not as they work in your-- together. Make sure everyone's on board for you lifting and borrowing the stuff for your story. And make sure you don't use any of the Wizards of the Coast trademark things. For instance, you can't use Beholder. That's a trademark thing. But you can use zombies, because zombies are in everything. So learn the difference there.
But just have fun with it. Your job right now, as a newer writer, is just to write and practice. And that practice will teach you how you want to approach your stories as you move forward. And the more you you do it, the better you'll get at it. And the more you'll know what you need in order to make it better. And that can start from anywhere. That can start from a D&D campaign. That can start from a silly song lyric you hear. It can start from fanfic. It doesn't matter where it starts. The chore you have is to practice it and learn what works on the page, as opposed to what works in person.
So you said earlier that color has a lot to do with things and in Warbreaker obviously color is like a big thing *inaudible*. Will that have a relation to anything else?
Brandon Sanderson
It will have relations to a lot of things, including the way The Way of King's magic plays out and works.
Was Drephrast at the Shattering, and if so, did he play a part in it?
Brandon Sanderson
Those are RAFOs.
Do you anticipate ever coming back to White Sand?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, I do anticipate it, but no promises. If I do come back to it, it will not be the novel White Sand, it would be a sequel to the graphic novels.
The rock that Vin has in the beginning of Mistborn--black obsidian rock. What was that? Was that--
Brandon Sanderson
That was a memento from an earlier part of her life.
I have a theory that Hoid is actually, perhaps not the good guy we're led to believe? I think he's going to be the big bad guy.
Brandon Sanderson
Hoid would, perhaps, agree with you. As he says to Dalinar very clearly.
Roshar's moons, do they have special spren associated with them?
Brandon Sanderson
Do the Tranquiline Halls and Damnation--do the Vorins associate them with the planets that they actually are related to?
Brandon Sanderson
They don't.
The ten gas giants, are they associated in any way with the Essences, the Heralds or the Knights Radiant other than culturally?
Brandon Sanderson
Only culturally.
In The Stormlight Archive, are there any on-screen appearances of dragons in any form?
Brandon Sanderson
RAFO. Sorry.
Dragons can be shapeshifters, correct?
Brandon Sanderson
They can, yes.
Do they only have a humanoid form they can appear as, or can they appear as many humans?
Brandon Sanderson
Are we going to learn any more about Syl's past, and her former Radiant?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, you will indeed learn more about Syl's past. And her former Radiant.
Lift has lots of pancakes and you only describe six of them. I was wondering if you could tell me of any of the other three?
Brandon Sanderson
Okay, sure... One is a terrible, awful, seafood one that Rosharans would eat and I would hate, and people that I know would love. Not sure what the other two would be. Probably a very spicy one, a savory spicy one. Probably a vegetable greenish one, something that over here would look like it has spinach in it.
Is that different form the one-- she mentions one that has chopped vegetables in it?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, that would be different. It would be a pure green one as opposed to one more like--
Like a fritter?
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah. Yeah.
If someone had a Hemalurgic spike and they burned aluminum, would the negation of-- am I going to get RAFO'd?
Brandon Sanderson
You're asking if it would destroy the Hemalurgic power? Burning aluminum at that point would not destroy the Hemalurgic power. It would pull the Investiture through whatever you're doing. It would blank your power, but it wouldn't destroy you being an Allomancer with the spike...
I actually considered this in building it and that would be too easy a way to remove Inquisitors, particularly if there were dissension between them.
Reen and Ruin, how much of the personalty that we saw in the books was Ruin, her actual memories, and how much of it was actually Reen?
Brandon Sanderson
Most of what you saw was this kind of weird amalgamation, because it's getting filtered through her memories and things like this. You can see mostly Ruin at that point, but there is some actual Reen in there mixed in. Maybe twenty-eighty. Eh, twenty five-seventy five.
What would happen if you burned an Awakened metal?
Brandon Sanderson
I'll RAFO that for now. It's very, very rare in the cosmere. Something interesting would happen. We'll RAFO that.
What does Doomslug eat?
Brandon Sanderson
Doomslug eats mushrooms, among other things... I don't want to say anything more.
I know, I was trying to find something that wouldn't be RAFO'd
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah that's actually shockingly relevant of a question, so-- Hmm!
I am subscribed to the, "Doomslug is the hyperdrive," theory. Can you confirm or deny?
Brandon Sanderson
I cannot confirm or deny.
Can the gems on Roshar store other types of Investiture?
Brandon Sanderson
Where do the lines point, exactly, when burning steel or iron?
Brandon Sanderson
Generally, right toward your center.
On the objects?
Brandon Sanderson
Oh, the objects. Center of mass, unless you are starting to get really good at it, whereupon you'll be able to kind of see a sort of spectrum that you can pull on and yank on.
Has Mraize ever Ascended?
Brandon Sanderson
RAFO. So it's not a yes or no. It's a yes or no or other.
Does Silverlight have any reflection in the Physical Realm?
Brandon Sanderson
Would Sunmaker's backstory... if you asked too many questions about his backstory, would you get RAFOd the crap out of?
Brandon Sanderson
Sadees? Yeah, probably.
When M-bot is telling Spensa and Rig about how much is written on human craziness, was he misleading them?
Brandon Sanderson
Did we see any possible Phone Company?
Brandon Sanderson
You haven't seen them yet, but they are still around.
Is there anything about the Stonewards that you can share that's not a RAFO? I know they're coming later.
Brandon Sanderson
They are coming later, so not really. They were more of the Knights Radiant front line troops, as opposed to the Windrunners who were scouts. But you probably already knew that.
How did you develop M-bot?
Brandon Sanderson
M-Bot grew out of many different inspirations. I love quirky and odd robots and so you can go all the way back to some science fiction history and you'll find all my inspiration.
I was wondering what the Alethi, what kind of music they listen to?
Brandon Sanderson
They're gonna like stuff that sounds stuffy and snooty to you. So, the kind of equivalent would be a soft string quartet in our world. Granted, it's a little different there, but that'll-- Not much percussion. There is a time where they like a nice battle hymn, or something like that, you could get some equivalent of brass.
Would a Mistborn see the atium shadow of someone wearing Shardplate?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, they would be able to. Good question, but they would indeed be able to.
Have your ever thought about how your magic systems would affect a pregnant woman?
Brandon Sanderson
I have given thought to it.
...Which system would you say would be safest as a pregnant woman?
Brandon Sanderson
I think Stormlight-- being Invested with Stormlight would be very safe. You would probably be better off than not. Hemalurgy would be very bad.
Would you be able to cure addiction with Forgery?
Brandon Sanderson
You could temporarily mask the symptoms of it, but I wouldn't call it being cured. You would also-- If you did something like the Emperor where you're constantly getting it renewed, the big danger is, since you haven't solved the problem at its core, falling back into it. But it's theoretically possible you could cover up the symptoms and have someone pull out of it that way.
For Jerkface... Was he supposed to stay a jerk, or did you want him to...
Brandon Sanderson
I planned out his arc. I tried very hard to evoke Malfoy, Crabbe, and... Goyle. I tried very hard to evoke that, and then try to pull the rug out from underneath that. Whether I was successful or not, depends on your interpretation, but he was always supposed to be.
And the real fun and twist to this book is, Spensa's kind of the bully, but she presents him as the bully. And hopefully, as you read, you're like, "Wait a minute..."
...Can the Storm Striders move when a highstorm is not passing?
Brandon Sanderson
No... Can is a strong term. They do not, how's that?
The Reshi Island greatshells, are they born in the ocean?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes... In the ocean may be an extreme term for it.
Is it cold enough on Roshar for snow?
Brandon Sanderson
Only in the mountains.
Do you get a highsnowstorm?
Brandon Sanderson
In the mountains, yes, it's very weird. And it's only in the tops of the mountains. There is. But you will see this when and if we visit the Horneater Peaks, which are covered in snow, except for the hot springs.
Are there snowspren?
Brandon Sanderson
Is Fleet going to make a come back?
Brandon Sanderson
Fleet is probably going to remain in lore.
Does Odium know about Glys?
Brandon Sanderson
Who? Oh, Glys. *sighs* Yes, he does. But.
Are we ever gonna hear from Shai again?
Brandon Sanderson
You have not seen the last. I may not do another complete story about her, but she will at least make appearances. And I do have another story plotted.
Could a skilled Awakener Awaken a gemheart?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, but you got to remember, some of these things like metal and gemstones and things do not Awaken well, how about that... Technically yes, it may not do the thing that you want it to do.
But it'll do a thing?
Brandon Sanderson
It'll do a thing.
Skyward, is M-Bot actually sentient or just really well programmed?
Brandon Sanderson
I would call him sentient.
You think so? You do imply a little bit but--
Brandon Sanderson
I do... But I have built into the world an explanation for why that might be.
With the ten Silver Kingdoms, what were actually their roles and what kingdoms did they correspond to? Can you say that, or-?
Brandon Sanderson
Well, what do you mean by correspond?
Did the ten Silver Kingdoms each have a job like Alethela was the kingdom of War?
Brandon Sanderson
They would all consider themselves specialized but it wasn't official like that. It was more like their own philosophy and how they view themselves. And I wouldn't align them straight up with orders of Knights Radiant or anything like that.
I wasn't saying that, I was saying, maybe different job or it was like--
Brandon Sanderson
They all did kind of have different roles but its not like they had any-- you know, Thaylenah is your navy, right? Its not necessarily that it's-- if that makes sense, but Alethela has like the view of itself, it had a very distinctive view of itself.
Okay, so it wasn't like each one actually had a different role?
Brandon Sanderson
No, they were not quite, quite, organized enough for that.
Was there a similar things like the ten Highprinces were like-- What were the different roles that each Highprince could hold?
Brandon Sanderson
The Highprinces were more like warlords fighting for and squabbling for land, they were not good at anything like that. So they were more like warlords.
But the Highprince roles though?
Brandon Sanderson
Oh, the Highprince of? Yeah. They did have the official things like that and when it was working, way back in the day, you could probably align them-- I don't even know if you could align those to Radiants--
I wasn't saying the order of the Knights Radiant, I was saying just like, what role did they have?
Brandon Sanderson
Well, they would be pretty official, but if you're going back in the day, to where it actually worked, then they would have distinct roles that they would fulfill, and they would kind of be like-- Imagine the cabinet of a country.
I was wondering if I could have some specifics on the names.
Brandon Sanderson
Oh, I can't do that right now. I might be able to dig that out of the notes, but I've remained flexible on some of those things because I don't want to name them all, specifically.
What lie could draw a Cryptic to Elhokar?
Brandon Sanderson
The lie that he lived with for many years: that he was a good king... He started to finally confront it.
Who or what is Vorinism named after?
Brandon Sanderson
I can't remember. I named it twenty years ago, now. In-world, it is named for somebody. The early influential writer who put the whole thing together. But that's the new continuity, because the old continuity, it was kind of put together by the Heralds.
Is year one on the [Rosharan] calendar related to Vorinism in some way?
Brandon Sanderson
I would have to go look. I can't remember. I know it's in there.
How hard was it for you to write the events surrounding Elhokar in Oathbringer?
Brandon Sanderson
Moderately hard, though Elhokar had a much worse end in the original continuity, 2002 version. So this was a better story for Elhokar. So I at least can feel that I gave him that.