Miscellaneous 2013

Event details
Name Miscellaneous 2013
Date Jan. 1, 2013
Entries 8
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#4 Copy

Herowannabe (paraphrased)

I asked him a question I had been wondering: if there was any connection between The Shattered Plains, the Chasm on Sel, the Pits of Hathsin, and/or the crater valley of the Conventical of Seran.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

He said yes there was, but didn't elaborate. He let me guess though.

Herowannabe (paraphrased)

 I guessed they were some sort of shard-impact sites.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

He said that was a good guess but not it - they aren't that directly connected. As best as I can remember he said it has to do with things like the shardpools and how the shards are connected to the land (as is most obvious on Sel).

#6 Copy

Herowannabe (paraphrased)

We asked if a shardblade or Nightblood could be used as a hemallurgic spike (ie: two different investitures of magic).

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Brandon said that yes, in theory you could do that, but objects have a limit to how much investiture they can hold, and that it could be argued that things like Nightblood and Shardblades are already "full."

#8 Copy

LazerWulf (paraphrased)

You've said that Seons and Skaze contain splinters of Devotion and Dominion. Were these splinters created when Odium killed the shardholders and Splintered their shards? Or are they more similar to how Endowment splinters himself (herself?) to make divine breaths? What is the difference between the two?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

First, he said that it was a very good question. Then he said that those splinters weren't supposed to be there, and they were indeed created when Odium splintered the shards. He said that the difference lies in how each magical system works. Endowment's splinters are more similar to how Preservation invested a little bit of her shard into each human on Scadrial.

Event details
Name Miscellaneous 2013
Date Jan. 1, 2013
Entries 8
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