Brandon Sanderson
Oh, you want an intersex. That's something very tough for me to write because I've only interviewed a few intersex people and transgender. I think they would make a wonderful character but I think that's kind of a minefield doing on screen, since it's not something I've done my research for right now.
Brandon Sanderson
For the same reason that I didn't want to do a transgendered on air streaming when I haven't done the research. I don't want to write a gay character without having the resources to send the book to my gay friends to read them and say "Hey am I accidentally being offensive" and things like that. It's just something that I want to be very extra careful on so I'm not going to do it on screen. There is just too many potential pit falls. I know that we want to try to write the 'other', and that's important, but I worry that with all of this brainstorming this could go silly, so I just want to be careful.
If atium isn't a regular metal then why are there atium Mistings?
Brandon Sanderson
They were designed and created specifically to do what they did. Remember this is-- Preservation and Ruin were able to influence the world and rewrite people's spiritual DNA.
Do you like Deus ex Machinas?
Brandon Sanderson
No, not at the end of books. I'm fine with them at the beginning when you're using them to introduce interesting elements.
Are the Dawnsingers an order of Knights Radiant?
Brandon Sanderson
No, they are not.
Brandon Sanderson
The best example of [in world pronounciations] in The Stormlight Archive is that they would say 'Hjuh-lihn' instead of Kholin, or maybe 'Hjoh-leen'.
Brandon Sanderson
If I had a Shardblade what would I name it? I would name it Oathbringer, because I like Oathbringer.
Brandon Sanderson
Elantris to Emperor's Soul? Similar time period, Emperor's Soul is a little after.
Would you consider The Stormlight Archive to be your magnum opus?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, I would. Hopefully. It's either that or the Mistborn series, the full nine-book Mistborn arc.
What happens when you direct a stream of water at the border of a bubble in Alloy of Law Mistborn?
Brandon Sanderson
Let's do a RAFO on that.
Brandon Sanderson
Right now the most powerful individual in the cosmere is Harmony.
Can a Shardblade's physical shape change?
Brandon Sanderson
Read And Find Out.
Are the Heralds Rosharan?
Brandon Sanderson
Well, you will have to Read And Find Out on that one. Good question.
Is Harmony stronger than Odium?
Brandon Sanderson
Harmony has two shards. So by raw power he is stronger than Odium. Odium is much more warrior-minded and killing-minded, so I don't know if Harmony could actually beat him. But Odium is scared of Harmony.
Is Odium planning to move against Harmony?
Brandon Sanderson
He is making plans.
Is Odium aware of Harmony right now?
Brandon Sanderson
He definitely is.
Are Dalinar's visions time-travel?
Brandon Sanderson
No, they're not. He's not actually going back in time.
What can you tell us about the origin of the Shattered Plains?
Brandon Sanderson
Not very much. Read Words of Radiance.
Who is the most powerful non-Shard entity in the cosmere?
Brandon Sanderson
It's probably Hoid.
Do you support fan films?
Brandon Sanderson
I certainly have no problems with fan films.
Do Knights Radiants live longer than regular people?
Brandon Sanderson
You'll have to read and find out.
Fanfic? What do you think of it?
Brandon Sanderson
No problem with it. I don't read a lot of it but I don't have a problem with it.
Was Roshar mythos inspired by Shinto or Japanese mythology?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, it was. There is definitely a large part of Asian mythology, specifically Korean. So less Shinto and more Korean but there's a deep relationship there, and I lived in Korea for two years as an LDS missionary.
Are there highstorms in Aimia?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes there are.