Out of the Cosmere, you have your whole plan, I'm assuming you have in your brain or written down... When do you finalize, like, whenever you're writing. Is it all finalized then?
Brandon Sanderson
...The books become the canon. Even the wiki is not canon. Until I write it into the books, it's not canon. For instance, you can go find Oaths of various orders of Knights Radiant in there, but I don't canonize those until I write the books, because I usually tweak some of the words. By the way, sometimes people ask me "Can you write an Oath of a Knights Radiant that we haven't seen yet?" in a book, and I always say no. Number one, like, if at the release party I got asked that, like, 8 times; we'd be out of Oaths by now. That's the same reason why I won't tell you the names of Shards that I haven't canonized, or their intents, or things like that. Until I get to it in the books, it's not canon. Because I need that flexibility going forward as I'm putting the whole thing together, to get all the puzzle pieces to fit.
Brandon Sanderson
...[Skyward] is teen, 'cause it's in my Reckoners line, and it's a story I've been playing with for some four years now, and I built an outline, and it's kind of like a cross between How to Train your Dragon and Top Gun, with starfighters. A girl finds an old broken-down starship with a really screwy AI that she thinks she can get up and running. In the meantime, she gets into starfighter school and is learning to be a pilot, and there's all kinds of mysteries and things about the nature of really what's happening with the planet why they're being attacked, and things like that. It's a whole lot of fun.
White Sand 2?
Brandon Sanderson
It is coming. It's not December, it's February. Amazon jumped the gun. That wasn't us, deciding on a date... It's February.
In Secret History the Shard shows a relatively well-written foresight. Did Adonalsium have more of a pronounced version of that?
Brandon Sanderson
Adonalsium was-- I would say, yes.
Did it have plans for after it's own--
Brandon Sanderson
That's a RAFO...
I was actually going to ask where you came up with the idea of Hoid?
Brandon Sanderson
Hoid is inspired by my desire to tell a story that spans other stories. I would say the origins of that are probably Asimov, when he made the Robots books and the Foundation books tie together. Something like that. Maybe Michael Moorcock, he had a similar sort of cross-world thing. I was reading both of them a lot right when I started coming up with that. So I would say, that's the origin of it. Stephen King has done it, but I didn't know he'd done it. I hadn't been reading him as much.
I was wondering if there was a connection between when we meet Preservation in Secret History, and the way he is, and the Stormfather. Like, is he dead yet, in Secret History?
Brandon Sanderson
There is a similarity, but-- Dying for a Shard takes a long time, in a lot of cases. So, it's similar. But the Stormfather is something different, *inaudible* remnants left over after the god died.
So is he dead?
Brandon Sanderson
Honor is dead, yes. But, at the same time, the Stormfather is kind of his Cognitive Shadow. So-- what does "dead" mean?
I was wondering if we're gonna be seeing more Axies?
Brandon Sanderson
More Axies the Collector? Yes. Just a little bit more.
What's your favorite Oath?
Brandon Sanderson
Probably the first one.
Favorite Order?
Brandon Sanderson
Nalthians seem to do a really good job of passing as Rosharan. Are they just better as disguising themselves, or do they naturally look like residents of Roshar?
Brandon Sanderson
...Nalthians have some innate abilities that allow that.
The hair, of course.
Brandon Sanderson
Not just the hair.
Can you confirm the identity of Azure.
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, I can.
Is it Vivenna?
Brandon Sanderson
Why so many characters from Warbreaker [in Stormlight]?
Brandon Sanderson
'Cause Warbreaker is a prequel to Stormlight. I wrote Stormlight first, and then I actually went and wrote Warbreaker about Kaladin's swordmaster, but then that version of Stormlight didn't get published, and this one did, but they're very interconnected to me.
How much is a stone-weight on Roshar?
Brandon Sanderson
Uh... that is actually a question for Peter. I actually, often, will just write in brackets "this much," and he comes up with the weights and measures, because I can never be consistent in my first drafts. So, yeah, you ask Peter, he can get that for you. I do the same thing with spheres, right? I'm like, "This costs roughly 100 bucks in our world," and he'll go "All right, fine" and go look up all the things. I used to keep it all in the first book, but since then I just let him do it.
Is there a specific mineral deposit around the Purelake? Is there a sacred enclave?
Brandon Sanderson
How did all the characters learn about the different magic systems?
Brandon Sanderson
So, it really depends on the character, and the situation, and things like that.
How did the first person discover, like--
Brandon Sanderson
Oh, Mistborn powers? Ruin and Preservation, in that case, were actively cultivating the society, particularly Preservation. Some of it comes through that. Some of it comes through, if you have the Investiture, part of you kinda knows about it. But it takes experience, so you have to know the right things, and stuff. I'll get into it more eventually.
How do you write books this long? Like, mental dedication to do that?
Brandon Sanderson
You know, it's all about breaking it down into something smaller, building it up as an outline. I couldn't do something this big without an outline. It's about step-by-step, right. Start with scene, go to chapter, go to sequence, go to book. It does take practice. Oh, yes, milestones are really, really helpful.
Unity is capital. Is there a reason for that.
Brandon Sanderson
*hands over a RAFO card*
The quote that Dalinar says at the end [of Oathbringer]. "I am Unity." Is that something that happened specifically because Honor is dead, and, for all these different reasons, that was able to happen? Also Odium said that he had Ascended. He wasn't supposed to Ascend, but he did...
Brandon Sanderson
I am totally RAFOing all that stuff; I knew people were gonna ask about it. You're just gonna have to wait and find out.
I was wondering, how many pieces of different Shards does Hoid have to collect before he is considered Ascended?
Brandon Sanderson
You know that's even a little bit false, uh-- not begging the question. Whichever logic fallacy is assuming that he could. Or, you are assuming that he could. Who knows if it's even possible, or anything like that.
What is your beverage of choice?
Brandon Sanderson
Uh, ice water. Yep, really is. I really just like me a good-- lots of ice. Like, a big cup filled to the top with ice, and then you fill up water in it. Best stuff.
How many of your epiphanies happened at the gym?
Brandon Sanderson
Quite a number, actually. At the gym or in the shower, you put things together, for whatever reason.
You have all these magic systems within the cosmere, <Allomancy and Feruchemy> and all that, and now they're starting to come together into one body. Do you ever worry that you're gonna treat that character where, like, they're drawing from so many systems that they're almost, like, the ultimate *inaudible*, like, they're drawing from five different magic systems and just don't *inaudible* anymore?
Brandon Sanderson
You know, having done The Wheel of Time, where Rand was basically a deity, I'm not quite as worried about that as I was. I don't know if that'll ever even get to that point. And it turned out that that was just fine. The thing about it is, stories always happen in the intersection of what characters can't do. And there's always something you can't do. Unless you become, like, all-powerful, all-omnipotent. So, I'm not that worried about it. I have to keep an eye on it, but I'm not that worried about it.
Is Wayne the author that's writing the Allomancer Jak stuff.
Brandon Sanderson
No, he's not. Good question, though! Good question!
The world that White Sand takes part in, there were things that are kind of irked me about the book. It's that on Dayside most of the characters were light-skinned and on Darkside most of the characters were dark-skinned and evolutionarily that's backwards. Is there a reason for that?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes there is. Intentional.
And are we gonna read and find out?
Brandon Sanderson
We'll see if I get around to it, but yes.
Questioner 1
I'm building Plate. I would like it to be Radiant. What's the finish? Is it different from standard Plate or is it--
Brandon Sanderson
If you-- like, they often paint theirs. But say it's going to be straight unpainted it's like dull slate grey steel--
Questioner 2
And it doesn't vary order to order?
Brandon Sanderson
No. Well, I mean, if it's actual Radiant Plate it does-- But what you've got is-- Yeah, it glows and it has things, too.
So who do you think Shallan's favorite real world artist would be?
Brandon Sanderson
She is a classicist so-- I don't know-- Probably someone really, really classic like da Vinci or, you know, or even Michelangelo.
Where they do interesting light studies...
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, where they're looking right at the musculature and things like that. That would be my guess.
Have we seen the lady in the mask-- who's like related to the Ghostbloods--
Brandon Sanderson
Have we seen her in another book, by any chance?
Brandon Sanderson
No, you have not.
I'm wondering, I've read White Sand, if we're gonna see Khrissalla's *inaudible*?
Brandon Sanderson
Uh, yes. Probably yes.
How do koloss breed? It doesn't make any sense to us?
Brandon Sanderson
So... A child born to a koloss and a koloss, or a koloss and anybody else, is what we call a koloss blooded. They don't become a full koloss until they undergo the ritual and are spiked.
Okay. But also they didn't have the gender parts.
Brandon Sanderson
They do have gender parts.
So I have a question about Savants. Could you only get there by flaring, or if you burn it for a long period of time or like duralumin--
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, you can get there other ways.
Is there gonna be any more Arcanum Unbounded-- like collections of short stories?
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah. I'll release short stories and every, you know, decade or so I'll collect them all into a collection.
Who would win in a fight? Lift, or Wayne?
Brandon Sanderson
I have trouble imagining why they would fight, but it's gonna depend on situation and who gets the upper hand.
If Death came for your soul, and he said you could keep it if you beat him in a game of your choice, what would you pick?
Brandon Sanderson
You know, probably just a coin flip. Because I'm gonna bet he's better than me at anything that doesn't base on random chance. So, I would choose something like that, just completely random chance.
I was wondering if you could tell me anything about Longshadow?
Brandon Sanderson
I cannot.
No quirks, personality traits, favorite kind of shirt?
Brandon Sanderson
I know Peter has talked about it on-- he hinted something on one of your posts on Reddit. I obviously can't say anything, but-- Stormlight Archive tabletop RPG?
Brandon Sanderson
I can't-- we are working on that. Yeah, there is one in the works. We aren't gonna do a lot of talk about it until we make sure that it's prototyped, that it's going well, that the deals are all in business... But it is in the works. We had a really good experience releasing a board game for Mistborn, and this is someone else, but since it worked out so well doing it once, it's a realm we're willing to continue playing in.
About the end of Elantris. When Hoid is speaking with the dark seon? I was wondering, like, what is that relationship there? Is he, like, working with them, or for them?
Brandon Sanderson
More alongside each other.
Is that something we're gonna see more of in the future?
Brandon Sanderson
Is Hemalurgy directly tied to Ruin, or is that something we can expect to see other--
Brandon Sanderson
That is directly tied to Ruin, but you can also expect to see it elsewhere.
Are they able to make a Hemalurgic spike out of a god metal? Or does that not work?
Brandon Sanderson
RAFO. We will be releasing a Hemalurgic table before too much longer.
Is the Dawnchant native to Roshar?
Brandon Sanderson
...Yeah. Dawnchant is what they were speaking when humans came over. It is their language. It is the Dawnsingers' language. So yeah, that is native to Roshar.
I'm just curious about Steelrunners. I have to ask, assuming they have physical limitations?
Brandon Sanderson
They do. We can't go Speed Force on this sort of thing. Wind resistance is still a thing, and stuff like that.
Bodily, their bodies--
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah. So, most magic in the cosmere will strengthen your body to let you use the magic to an extent, but-- Yeah, there's some pretty strong limitations.
If you had a steel/steel Twinborn racing a pewter/steel, would you say that the pure steel, or the pewter burning to enhance their body-- in a short race?
Brandon Sanderson
Who would win? Probably pewter then, at that point. I would have to have Peter-- I wouldn't do it myself, make Peter run the math, and see what he comes up with. Those are the sort of things I go to him with.
I have a theory that each one of the Shards is related to a certain number. Preservation really likes 16, Honor likes 10, and Odium likes 9. Am I onto something?
Brandon Sanderson
Can you say what would happen if Lift swallowed a gemstone trapping an Unmade?
Brandon Sanderson
...Uh, hahaha. Uh, I'll RAFO that, but that's not that there's something there, it's just that I'm RAFOing that.
What was-- There was something going on in the shadows. 'Cause the King mentioned seeing shadows out of the corner of his eye when Kaladin wasn't around.
Brandon Sanderson
That should be answered in Oathbringer. If it's not, ask me next time and I'll explain, but it is in there.
So, when a Shardbearer, they get caught off guard, or, like, they're trying to throw their Shardblade, you know that it <quickly poofs> But yet, they can give it someone else, and it doesn't poof. I was just wondering how that works.
Brandon Sanderson
Mental control. It's kind of in-- it's a control thing. Some people-- I mean, you have to practice it, and things like that.
So, it takes some kind of mental control to give to someone and allow them to use it?
Brandon Sanderson
But it's something they have to practice at, it's not just a--
Brandon Sanderson
Cosmere Questioner
If two Shardpools were described the same exact color, like emerald, would that mean anything significant? Like, the Investiture is from the exact same source?
Brandon Sanderson
Not necessarily. Not necessarily.
Cosmere Questioner
Kredik Shaw. Lots of towers, some are simply nothing more than lots of metal that sounds like Hemalurgy on the land. Is that?
Brandon Sanderson
It is meant to evoke Hemalurgy, but it is not actually Hemalurgic.
Cosmere Questioner
[The arc of spears from the Way of Kings chapter headings and Allomantic symbols.] Coincidence that they look so similar?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes. Yep, there was no instruction to Isaac to draw those similarly.
Is there any society on Roshar that actually would run the center of technology?
Brandon Sanderson
Not yet. Not yet.
Among the Knights Radiant, is there an equivalent for our engineers? Like, normal engineers?
Brandon Sanderson
Equivalent to engineers? Yes-- Not 100% one-to-one, but yes.
I was wondering if any of the magic systems that existed before the Shattering, did they get weaker because of it?
Brandon Sanderson
Weaker is the wrong term. They were affected.
Paladin Brewer
In Bands of Mourning, outside of Kelesina's mansion, Hoid says that he owns the place. Why does he say that?
Brandon Sanderson
Um, he thinks he does. He's kinda right.
Paladin Brewer
Out of all the Shards, why does Odium go for Devotion and Dominion?
Brandon Sanderson
He targets people with two kinds of ideas. Number one, he can argue they're breaking the rules they set out. And two, people he thinks are a good match for him, or a challenge, or a danger.
Paladin Brewer
Was it necessary that Adonalsium split into sixteen Shards, or was it happenstance?
Brandon Sanderson
I will RAFO that one.
Paladin Brewer
Would the number or intents have been different, if there were more or less people?
Brandon Sanderson
That's all wrapped up in that RAFO. Let's say it's conceivable that the split could have happened in different ways.
Paladin Brewer
Why do only the Terris have the sDNA for Feruchemy?
Brandon Sanderson
That's a RAFO, too.
Paladin Brewer
Why does Shallan call her father's maps strange? Are they not Rosharan?
Brandon Sanderson
No... They are Rosharan.
Paladin Brewer
So, why are they strange?
Brandon Sanderson
Um-- This-- There is not really something for you-- There's not anything there.
Paladin Brewer
Can Lift touch a Voidspren? And what would happen?
Brandon Sanderson
Paladin Brewer
Was Uli Da Ambition's Vessel?
Brandon Sanderson
Paladin Brewer
In Words of Radiance, Shallan's necklace, in her flashback where she saved her brother, was made out of aluminum. Not counting Oathbringer, is that the only time we've seen aluminum on Roshar?
Brandon Sanderson
Were there always slaveform parshmen between Desolations, or did that only happen after the False Desolation?
Brandon Sanderson
That, I believe only happened after the False Desolation. I have gone back and forth on that, but I think I can canonize it there. You do have to check with Peter. We had a big conversation about this a few years ago. But I'm pretty sure slaveform is a creation of the Last Desolation.
Of the Last? Or the False one? ...Because, in the epigraphs, they're talking about how that one Unmade was getting in on them--
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah. Oh, the False? No no no...
So, it was done in the Last Desolation, but it was undone somewhat in the False Desolation, and that's what we saw in the...?
Brandon Sanderson
Uh, no no no-- yeah, it is False. It is False Desolation.
Peter Ahlstrom
Slaveform happened at the False Desolation.
The letters in [Oathbringer]. Are they all three from Shards?
Brandon Sanderson
Is the first one, is that one we know? Is that one we've seen yet?
Brandon Sanderson
They are all ones you have seen.
They are all ones we have seen.
Brandon Sanderson
Yes. Or at least you know.
Have seen or know of.
Brandon Sanderson
Um, Dawnshards. So, they obviously predate the arrival of humanity on Roshar. Are they of Odium? Are they Odious Investiture?
Brandon Sanderson
I will RAFO Dawnshards.
Is Nightblood like the Tzai Blows... from Dragonsteel, where he pulverizes a Spiritual aspect, and it has a result on the Physical? Is that what he does, popping into smoke?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, he is attacking directly at the spirit.
In Elantris, we talked briefly about Shuden and ChayShan... and I was wondering if you had based that on a particular martial arts?
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, it's just Tai Chi was my origin for that. It's pretty obvious, but yeah.
When it comes to regeneration, what's the limit-- when Lift resurrected Gawx, was he actually dead?
Brandon Sanderson
He wasn't dead.
So, you can't actually bring the dead back from the dead.
Brandon Sanderson
If you could bring someone back with CPR, you can bring them back with-- does that make sense?
How can everyone tap nicrosil without being a nicrosil Ferring? Is that a Read And Find Out?
Brandon Sanderson
That's kind of a Read And Find Out.
I assume the next book, probably?
Brandon Sanderson
We'll dig into that.
I wanted to ask about the Returned and the Fused. I haven't gotten all the way through [Oathbringer]... With the Spiritual Realm, is it very similar for how they don't return, versus the Returned coming back and the Fused staying?
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, there is a similarity there, for sure.
Is it related at all... So, a thunderclast. Is it similar to Awakening?
Brandon Sanderson
Kinda, but a little further out. You'll figure out-- that one's explained pretty well in [Oathbringer].
[Elantris] says the Shaod normally comes at night. Does it always come at night?
Brandon Sanderson
With Nightblood. Was the sheath part of its construction when he was Awakened? Or was that kinda afterward?
Brandon Sanderson
The sheath is not part of its construction. Good question.
So... when the intent was placed on it, was the sheath there?
Brandon Sanderson
So-- The sheath was not relevant to that. The sheath was not part of the original Awakening, and it's not part of the intent or anything like that. I'm not saying it wasn't there ready for it, but it is not part of the sword. In the same way.
So, at some point we'll figure out why it learned to stop once its in the sheath?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, kind of. It's a function of the sheath.
How do you pronounce Rock's full name.
Brandon Sanderson
We know, especially in Oathbringer, that Surges can work differently for different Orders, but we've also seen the Skybreakers and [Windrunners] with flight, and the Truthwatchers and [Edgedancers], they both can do Regrowth, so is there some way that those actually work differently?
Brandon Sanderson
Each of them works a little differently for each Order. There are slight variations, but they are each drawing upon the same source concept.
Is Book Four still planned to be Eshonai's viewpoint?
Brandon Sanderson
And, would she have been a Willshaper?
Brandon Sanderson
She would be the same Order as her sister.
Is Shallan's illusions similar to Essence Marks from Emperor's Soul?
Brandon Sanderson
Not terribly.
So, in Sixth of the Dusk? Who are the people from the sky? Is that an R.A.F.O.?
Brandon Sanderson
It is. Someone you've seen before.
If you were to draw a Line of Forbiddance on a portable chalkboard, could you actually knock somebody overside the head?
Brandon Sanderson
It wouldn't knock them over the head, because it kinda has the magnetic repulsion sort of thing, but we will get into moving things as we go further in the series.
What's the most important thing about writing a villain.
Brandon Sanderson
In my opinion, relatability. You have to see the evil in them being the evil in you, and the things that are-- See that they have something that makes them human, makes them redeemable...
How was Shallan able to bond with Pattern before she was broken?
Brandon Sanderson
She was open to him even before she went through a lot of that turmoil
I thought everybody had to be broken in order to--
Brandon Sanderson
Well, that's their philosophy in-world. But I'm not going to say whether it's correct or wrong. I will imply that there are other means as well.
The advanced civilization mentioned in Sixth of the Dusk. When will we see them again? And will they be interacting with Scadrial and the Stormlight Archive series?
Brandon Sanderson
It's gonna be a while before you see them make-- before you find out who they are and have them interact, because that's way in the future of the other books. But you will find out.
The Stormfather, has he bonded with anyone else besides Dalinar?
Brandon Sanderson
In the past? Yes.
If Elhokar had finished saying those words, what Order would he have been?
Brandon Sanderson
If a nicrosil Ferring and Misting Twinborn burned a mountain of nicrosil, would he become Harmony?
Brandon Sanderson
A mountain?
Yeah, like, he burned literally tons--
Brandon Sanderson
No, he would not. It wouldn't work that way.
If you had aluminum or silver, could someone using Gravitation or Adhesion, could they throw that? Or would they be unable to infuse it with Stormlight?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, they would be unable to.
Would a Soother be able to affect a Listener attuning a Rhythm?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, I think they would be able to.
...Would it dampen Odium's effect on them?
Brandon Sanderson
Potentially, yes.
In Edgedancer, when Wyndle is talking to Lift, and he says the Ring chose him? Is that a council in Shadesmar? Or is that, like, one entity?
Brandon Sanderson
*hands over a RAFO card*
Nale mentions that he's the only Herald that ends up joining his Order of Radiants, eventually. Are there any Radiants that joined other Orders?
Brandon Sanderson
No, good question.
There's a lot of situations where people hear voices or see visions, stuff like that. What would be the effect, if somebody had something like mental condition like schizophrenia or multiple personality? Because you talk about-- Because a lot of the magic is about their will, you know?
Brandon Sanderson
Schizophrenia in the cosmere is going to-- So, anytime you're seeing the future, and things like that, you're kinda glimpsing into the Spiritual Realm. That's why it happens so often, because the magic systems are the way they work, are coming down from the Spiritual Realm. Schizophrenia will make you more open to that, so you are more likely to actually see the future. But you won't be able to tell it from the things your mind is making up, which is gonna be really dangerous.
So, what if you had, like, one personality wanna do one thing, and another one trying to do something else, would it cancel each other out?
Brandon Sanderson
Not necessarily. I mean, we're going a little that direction with Shallan, anyway. You'll see.
Brandon Sanderson
In fact, in the origin of The Stormlight Archive, the first Surgebinding things I did, every order of the Knights Radiant was going to be able to Soulcast. Be able to change things from one to another. It was just, you would be locked into the element that was associated with your order of Knight Radiant, you could turn that into anything else you wanted to. That was one of my original pitches. I eventually moved away from that, a lot of the Orders were just feeling too similar in what they did, but that core concept is still there in Stormlight, and Soulcasting as a concept is there because the series is about change.
Can you drop a hint about which Shard authored the first of the letters to Hoid shown in the part 2 epigraphs [of Oathbringer]?
Brandon Sanderson
You have seen their world.
King Cole
What colors are the Shards Preservation and Ruin Associated with?
Brandon Sanderson