Sabrina Stormshard (paraphrased)
Where is Nazh from?
Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)
Where is Nazh from?
Could an awakened sentient object (e.g Nightblood) bond a spren?
Technically but the specific circumstances you would need are so bizarre, in practice no.
Can you Hemalurgically spike a dead thing, similar to how Breath goes into dead things? Could you spike a Lifeless?
Yes, if there was enough of the soul left for the spike to take.
What would happen if you made a cup of tea from the Tears of Edgli?
You would have a very interesting cup of tea.
Brandon threw us a bone on what the big world-hopping hint in Elantris could be: Raoden has misinterpreted one of the Aons.
On being asked if an Elantrian could wield Nightblood, he said yes it's possible but would be very dangerous - you'd have to figure out a way to connect Nightblood with a local source of Investiture.
On Shallan's origins as a character: mostly derived from a character in Dragonsteel and Mat Cauthon. Specifically mentioned that she has issues with authority figures.
On origins of Dalinar: from story he wrote as teenager - his brother is the king who gets assassinated and he has to decide whether to take over from his nephew or not. Hoid is the court magician
He described Khriss as a research scientist.
Hoid doesn't really have friends, more like people who find him less annoying (or he finds less annoying?). Talked about someone he might be more of a friend with - sounded like "Frost".
They're not written but we should eventually get annotations for Stormlight Archive. (normally does them during copy-edit but wasn't done that way for current books)
For the first 5 SA books he's heavily outlined them. For the last 5 SA books he has outlines for the main climax scenes. For the flashback characters for the last 5 books he's not settled on which ones or order but current plan is for Taln, Ash (aka Shalash), Lift, Jasnah and Renarin.
He also specifically stated that for one of the flashback characters that they would be already dead (sounded like definitely dead not maybe dead).
Would a non Returned be killed using Nightblood if it used up their Breath, or would they just become a Drab?
Yes, and very quickly, no matter whether they are Returned or not.
So the same would happen if they used Nightblood on Roshar with Stormlight?
Yes, just the same.