Pocatello signing

Event details
Name Pocatello signing
Date Dec. 9, 2013
Location Pocatello, ID
Bookstore Fred Meyer
Entries 5
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#1 Copy

Lady Radagu's husband (paraphrased)

Can AonDor heal chronic conditions, like poor eyesight? If so, does it require specialized Aon drawing to work, or will enough Aon Iens do the job eventually?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, AonDor could cure a chronic condition like poor eyesight. But you would have to get the specifics of everything, kind of like they're equations, correct. You'd have to know a LOT about AonDor and a LOT about the body to get it right. *pauses in thought* It's kind of like with computer programming.

#3 Copy

LairdDuncan (paraphrased)

You mention the phases of the moon fairly often in [The Way of Kings]--is this significant or something that we should be paying attention to?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

After working with the Wheel of Time community and dealing a lot with fans wanting to know when certain events happened in regards to some other event, Brandon added in [details about the moons] in order to give dedicated fans a way of determining the chronology of the events of the Stormlight Archive.

Peter Ahlstrom (paraphrased)

Mmm...that phase of the moon thing really doesn't sound right to me. It's true the moon was used that way in the Wheel of Time, but the way the moons are used in Words of Radiance really has nothing to do with phases.

LairdDuncan (paraphrased)

sorry, "phase" is the wrong word, and I don't think Brandon used the word phase either in his actual answer.  I guess he was more meaning which moon was up, etc.  Either way, his answer just seemed to indicate that you could use the moons to determine chronology.

Event details
Name Pocatello signing
Date Dec. 9, 2013
Location Pocatello, ID
Bookstore Fred Meyer
Entries 5
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