Jeremy (paraphrased)
What is the home planet of the Ones Above (from Sixth of the Dusk)?
Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)
They are from a planet you have seen before.
What is the home planet of the Ones Above (from Sixth of the Dusk)?
They are from a planet you have seen before.
How much can you explain about Dalinar's armor and how he was able to "mentally unlatch his gauntlet"?
This is definitely something a regular person couldn't do with regular armor. You can see in his visions hints of how the armor used to work. This is similar to Shardblades, and more will be revealed later.
What are the pre-requisites for someone becoming Returned? Does it depend on how much Breath they have?
It does not depend on the quantity of breath, but I'm not revealing the specific pre-requisites, since I need to save something for Nightblood.
What's going on with the Mistborn movie, and how can I get involved?
One of the conditions I set for the movie is that there has to be an open casting call. The film branch of Little Orbit has purchased the rights. If they complete the game within 18 months, they can renew their rights and keep working on producing the movie; otherwise, the rights will go up for sale to someone else.
Is the order of the Ideals fixed? E.g. does Kaladin have to say the Windrunner Ideals in a specific order, or are they situation-specific?
Yes, the sequence is fixed. The oaths for each order are essentially a progression of understanding of the kind of person that each Order of Knights Radiant is trying to produce. The specific wording of each Ideal is not fixed, but the overall idea of each Ideal, and the order in which they are spoken, is.
Does Wit specifically treat people differently when he knows they're going to have a spren bond? (E.g. Renarin, Dalinar)
Yes, Wit treats people differently, but it is not because of present or nascent spren bonds. He has an opinion of what each person needs to hear. He isn't always correct in this opinion, but he tries to give people what he thinks they need. In Dalinar's case, he simply has too much respect for the man to be glib. In Renarin's case, he believes that the boy has had more than enough breaking down, and is much more in need of building up.
When Honor speaks of his inability to see the future, he likens it to a shattering window. Is this related to the fact that in the not-too-distant future, he himself will be splintered? Or is it more a matter of Intent; e.g., Cultivation (and Preservation?) is geared toward future development, whereas Honor is geared toward current behavior.
This is not related to his impending Splintering, it is a matter of differing Intents.
There are hints in Words of Radiance that the Thrill is tied to an individual entity that Taravangian has studied, possibly one of the Unmade. Does this have anything to do with the hints of why the Knights Radiant turned away? Were the Unmade some of those who did whatever-it-was that tore them apart?
[This is the one where he stopped me partway through asking, probably due to the wording]. Does it have anything to do with it? Yes. Is it the root cause or the primary reason? I'm not going to reveal that right now.
Syl gives Kaladin the choice to have any number of weapons or a shield. Pattern can be equally a sword or a small knife. Are spren limited to being items of war or could they be put to other uses? Could the surge binders less geared toward battle use their spren to make ladders, rope, etc?
No, this is not restricted to articles of war.
We know that Mistborn needed to Snap, and Surgebinders needed have the cracks in their souls filled. But what about the people in Warbreaker or Elantris? Is cracking and snapping only required on certain worlds?
This is universal to the cosmere; however, in certain magic systems / on certain worlds, this is easier than others.
Shards can talk to dead people. Are the Tranquiline Halls where everyone in the cosmere goes when they die? Or does each world have its own heaven.
There is an afterlife that is not heaven that the Shards don't know about, or can't look into. Each world has its own heaven depending on its religions. The real afterlife is different across the cosmere, and the Tranquiline Halls are different.
Do the Honorblades reflect the natural pairing of Surges, or did Honor decide which Surge pair to put in each Blade?
The pairs are natural to Roshar in the same way as the metals on Scadrial.
Are there Surges that could be considered as God Surges, like the God metals on Scadrial?
Progression and Adhesion, perhaps?
No, but they could be considered as such.
Were the Starfarers in Sixth of the Dusk from a world we've seen?
Yes. Good question.
In Dalinar's vision, why did Nohadon make a distinction between Soulcasting and Surgebinding?
Because they are distinct in his mind.
Was Allomancer Jak in the newspapers in The Alloy of Law just Hoid in disguise?
No. I actually just published a short story with him in it.
(He also said that he came up with the idea for him in an RPG writing group, or something along those lines.)
Can someone accidentally Worldhop?
*thinks for a moment* Yes.
Did Nalan's eyes change when he killed Ym? (And attempted to kill Lift)
*thinks for a moment* No, I don't think so.
Graves claims that if he had succeeded in killing Elhokar (and done it more quickly), Dalinar would have become an ally of Taravangian. Is there any truth to this idea?
They are predicting the future. There are people who firmly believe that that would be the case.
Are the Unmade and the Stormfather the same "class" of being?
Technically no, but they are on a similar level. It is a good analogy.
Hoid went through Cultivation's Shardpool to get to Roshar as opposed to Honor's. Yet, he notes he never got along well with Cultivation. Why did he choose her Shardpool rather than Honor's?
You're making assumptions!
Is it possible that it is Honor's?
It's possible.
Theoretically, could the Surges of Gravitation and Transportation be combined to gain time travelling powers?
What's up with Roshar's moons? Do they all have the same orbital period? What is that orbital period?
They all have the same orbital period. Peter figured out their orbital configurations; they orbit twice per day.
Is Mraize the leader of the Ghostbloods, or is there someone higher up in the organization? Is it Thaidakar?
Sanderson: There is someone higher up. RAFO on Thaidakar.
How does Nightblood work on Roshar?
Nightblood consumes any Investiture within the person, ultimately consuming their innate Investiture.
Does Vasher need to take any special precautions (compared to the rest of the year on Roshar) to ensure that he survives the Weeping?
Yes, but it is not too difficult. Larger gemstones last longer in the time between highstorms.
The Hallandren believe that the Returned are sent back in part to give up their Divine Breath at an appointed time. Was or is there such an appointed time for Vasher's Divine Breath?
RAFO. This is a Hallandren belief; it may or may not be true.
Is there anything unusual or special about the afterlife on Roshar?
There is a "far afterlife" or "real afterlife" that is cosmere-wide, but there is also a "middle afterlife" specific to each world. So Roshar's is different, but so is the afterlife for every world.
The "far afterlife" is where Vin and Elend go and where Sazed cannot reach them, correct?