Calamity Denver signing

Event details
Name Calamity Denver signing
Date Feb. 19, 2016
Location Denver, CO
Tour Calamity
Bookstore Tattered Cover Book Store
Entries 20
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#13 Copy

Solarpunk Gnome

I just came home from a Brandon Sanderson signing here in Denver and got the chance to ask him a few questions about the havah....

My main concern was the attachment of the replaceable hem as it is mentioned in several places in the Stormlight books.

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon said that the hem would be a continuous piece attached to the underskirt, or as Ben/Inkthinker called it, the accordion (perhaps it’s an accordion skirt?). This hem piece is not easy to change according to Brandon, so it is probably sewn on and not attached with buttons or some other simple fastener. It is a simple enough operation that it is done with relative frequency, however...

Brandon also confirmed my suspicion... that due to the difficulty in finding fabric that is an exact match for something bought another time/place, people often purchase replacement hems in contrasting colors.

#14 Copy

PhotoFrog (paraphrased)

What types of Investiture can be stored in an Investiture mind [metalmind]?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Any, but some types are harder than others (they take more finagling, but technically any)

Direct submission by PhotoFrog
#15 Copy

PhotoFrog (paraphrased)

If all of the atium was burned at the end of era one to destroy ruin, how has Marsh survived into era 2?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Not all was burned, all that was in the well was, but there was a bag of atium left and some people had some other little bits of atium

Direct submission by PhotoFrog
Event details
Name Calamity Denver signing
Date Feb. 19, 2016
Location Denver, CO
Tour Calamity
Bookstore Tattered Cover Book Store
Entries 20
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