YouTube Livestream 36

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Name YouTube Livestream 36
Date Oct. 7, 2021
Entries 7
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#3 Copy

Brandon Sanderson

One of the things we're doing with these novellas is: I don't have time in the mainline books to devote to developing these characters. The mainline books are about Spensa (and, to a lesser extent, some few of the characters, like Jorgen). But I don't really have time to dig in; they're hundred-thousand-word YA action-adventure books. One of the goals with this [Evershore] is to be like: basically, Janci, FM is yours now. Let's make her a real character, rather than just the little bits that I can give in the novel. And it was really fulfilling for me to just basically turn over one of my children and be like, "Raise this child, FM." And then have you come back and be like, "What about this? What about this? What about this?" She'll still be in the books I'm working on and things, but I consider her now Janci's character that is playing a role in the stuff I'm writing, because she's now so vivid and alive. And that has been really satisfying for me as an author.

Janci Patterson

I thought it was really fun, too. Jorgen wasn't on my original list of characters, because I was given this list of, basically, people I could do anything with. And he's not one of those. But I thought it was really fun.

Brandon Sanderson

We were much more kind of collaborating on Jorgen.

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Mateo Fileti

Do you have any plans of writing coauthored stories for the Cosmere?

Brandon Sanderson

Basically, my coauthorship slate is full, right now. I've found about where I can handle it, and it's about three people. Right now, it's Steven Bohls, Janci, and the Dan Wells projects we're working on. That's about all I can handle, where I can get back to people at a reasonable time, and things like that.

That said, I have left one asterisk on there. Well, I guess I'm gonna put two asterisks. Two different, separate asterisks. Number one is that if this is successful and people like it, then probably. There's a reason I'm trying this out, that the first one I did was not connected to any of my worlds, at all. (That was The Original, with Mary Robinette.) And then eased into picking up a series that I was planning just not to be able to get back to. The finally easing into one I'm actively working on. And I kind of eased into that, just to see what people are enjoying. And they seem to be enjoying the active, working-on one the most, of all of those. Which is a plus for doing Cosmere-related things. But, again, it's kinda gonna be: do people like this?

The other askerisk is: I have told Isaac Stewart he is welcome to write, in the Cosmere, anything he would like to, and I will coauthor it with him. I will work on it to make sure. Because Isaac was there from almost the beginning. Peter was the person who was working with me before the Cosmere was released, but I met Isaac in 2004, and Isaac started working with me on Mistborn art right then in 2004. I've told Isaac he can do whatever he wants; he's got a blank slate to be involved in the Cosmere in any way he would like.

Janci Patterson

There's one he's had kicking around for a long time that I really hope he writes sometime.

Brandon Sanderson

We're trying to find time for him to be able to do that.

I would say that there's a good chance you get some Cosmere stuff in the future, but it's not near-future. Near-future, I want to make sure that I'm supporting the things that I'm doing. It would be very easy, I think, to go all James Patterson, where suddenly I'm not writing anymore, I'm only doing this. And I don't think I would enjoy that. Not a dig against Patterson, but I don't want to go that direction.

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Janci Patterson

If there were ever future Skyward novellas, could I name a taynix "Hoid"? They made the very good point that, technically, since we have old Earth, those would be in their literature. So, technically, one could...

Brandon Sanderson

That is reasonable. What I don't like to do is to confuse people on whether the cytoverse is in the cosmere, which it's not. But this would totally... I mean, in the Alcatraz books, someone at some point says that Alcatraz's mom killed Asmodean, which is a Wheel of Time joke, there's a mystery of who killed Asmodean. There's stuff like that. So yes, you may name a slug "Hoid."

Janci Patterson

I've seen the Boomslug sticker. Fun fact: we actually change the color of the Boomslug because it looked better on the sticker. They were black-and-red, and now they're red-and-black. Because Isaac actually sent me, "Here it is black-and-red; here it is red-and-black." And I was like, "It's cool. We can change it in the books." He was right; it looked better.

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Elijah Stormblessed

What news do you have on that one [Bastille]? Does it have a release date or timeframe?

Janci Patterson

It doesn't have a release date. It's Fall next year. I am doing a pass on it right now, this week. I actually just reread The Dark Talent yesterday. I wrote this book two years [ago], but I of course read all the books was very up on the continuity back then. And then I go to this revision, and people are like, "Where is Shasta?" And I'm like, "I don't know; where is Shasta? Better go back and read it."

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Does FM have any death metal in her playlist? Would Spensa like it?

Janci Patterson

I made FM's playlist. It's on my website. I did it in Spotify. Obviously, you can imagine her music as whatever it is, and whatever you're imagining is correct, but those are the songs that I listened to when I wrote those descriptions.

Event details
Name YouTube Livestream 36
Date Oct. 7, 2021
Entries 7
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