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So one thing I was wondering about the slug genders, do you know what gender Boomslug is? Boomslug is always described as “it” in the book as far as I can tell, while the others are referred to as “he” or “she” at one point or another.
From what I can tell the characters basically guess/label the slugs as they see fit. I think FM thinks about how Spensa calls Doomslug she but it seemed to be an arbitrary call on Spensa’s part ... I don’t know how close the slugs are to real slugs, but irl slugs are actually hermaphrodites.
They are making it up.
Slug sexuality is not canon, but in my mind they are hermaphroditic, like banana slugs.
Which means they would all be both genders, technically.
Boomslug is tagged male at some point, but I don't remember when.
Hi, in the Cytoverse you introduced 2 slugs that you didn't really go into and I would really like to know what they do.
Brandon Sanderson
So one of them is an illusion slug. Is that one of the ones we've already talked about?
I knew that one a little bit because you listed it with the plushies. You just said "grey slug."
Brandon Sanderson
Grey slug! You will find out what the grey slug does in the sequel series that I just finished reading and editing the first book of. That's a RAFO you can have a card, but I promise it's coming.
Janci Patterson
Also, slug types which are not really revealed as a big deal and probably we should have come up with/used them sooner: hyperslug (yellow), boomslug (red), commslug (purple/orange).
Brandon Sanderson
So, Peter and Karen's daughter, I guess multiples, two of the daughters or many all three. But I know for sure Bridget, is very eager about creating a slug. Because boomslug Dallin, my son came up with. So I'm like we could maybe do this. They want a remote viewing slug.
Janci Patterson
Remote viewing?
Brandon Sanderson
Yes, a slug that creates a little thing you can see through to another location. That's what they have come up with.
Janci Patterson
That's awesome. Do they have a name for it?
Brandon Sanderson
They don't have a name for it. But they want us to canonize it and tell them which of these slugs is the remote viewing slug.
Janci Patterson
So I have, and I don't know what happened with Defiant, I have a list of all of the slugs that I- yeah.
Brandon Sanderson
So it wouldn't be any of those.
Janci Patterson
So probably it would have to be a different colored slug. So if they have a recommendation of what color slug they would like.