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How was Glys corrupted? Was the process similar to the lesser spren, like painspren?
Brandon Sanderson
It is similar, but Glys is self-aware, so slightly different process, but similar. It is through Sja-anat.
Did Sja-anat have to convince Glys to corrupt him then?
Brandon Sanderson
Were Glys and Tumi deadeyes before being touched by Sja-anat?
Brandon Sanderson
RAFO! Good question.
Sja-anat tries to convince Shallan she is not her enemy and tells her, "Ask my son." Is the son that she's referring to, is that Pattern?
Brandon Sanderson
No. Sja-anat is referring to--I'll try not to give too many spoilers on this--if you look through the books for a spren that does not seem to belong to Honor or Cultivation, but is bonding a Radiant, that is where you want to look for Sja-anat's influence.
Is it Glys?
Brandon Sanderson
So a Renarin question. Can we get <a little tidbit>?
Brandon Sanderson
You have seen spren that have not been touched the same way that Renarin's has. You have seen them. And I've been trying to very specifically show you, to give you contrast.
Does Odium know about Glys?
Brandon Sanderson
Who? Oh, Glys. *sighs* Yes, he does. But.
Glys, Renarin's Spren, is he a Cultivation Spren?
Brandon Sanderson
Could you say that he is equally bonded to a different entitiy/to a different Shard like Sylphrena is bonded to Honor?
Brandon Sanderson
You're asking... Is his like the windspren?
I mean allegion to his aspect.
Brandon Sanderson
Are you still talking about Glys?
Yes. Sylphrena is like 100% of Honor. Is Glys like 100% anything?
Brandon Sanderson
Are Glys and Tumi's names at all based on the names they were before they were Enlightened? For example, was Glys' name Glistening-through-water or something like that?
Brandon Sanderson
There is a relationship, yes.
Glys. Is that a full name? Or is that a nickname like Syl?
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, Glys is a full name.
chasmfriend's daughter
What does Glys look like?
Brandon Sanderson
I have intentionally not told you.
Wow, okay.
Brandon Sanderson
*pause* It is pretty relevant, what Glys looks like.
What does Glys look like?
Brandon Sanderson
...Ummmm, RAFO. *smiles* Looks like a big RAFO.
Is Glys a normal Truthwatcher spren?
Brandon Sanderson
You'd have to read the book, it's a RAFO.
FeatherWriter (Paraphrased)
I asked for some new info about Renarin, and this is what Brandon wrote to me!
Brandon Sanderson
To Alyx, Renarin sees a spren that nobody else does.
[the_archduke] missed the question but someone seemed to be berating Brandon in line about how poorly Glys treats Renarin, like it was abusive or something.
Brandon Sanderson
Brandon said that that relationship is different, even for a Nahel bond. And we will see a lot more of Renarin in the next book.
Why can't Rock see Renarin's spren?
Brandon Sanderson
That will be answered in [Oathbringer].