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Can you give any history on Denth? I don't know what he did as one of the Five Scholars. What was his roll during the Manywar?
Brandon Sanderson
Boy, you know, I'd rather leave the history of the Five and the Manywar for the sequel. Denth was there, and at first he tried to stop it, work as a peacemaker, and eventually took Vasher's side. Until the death of his sister.
Yesteel from Warbreaker. At the time of Oathbringer, is he still at large?
Brandon Sanderson
RAFO, I'm afraid... I will let you know the fates of all Five Scholars, probably, in Nightblood, the book, when I write it. The ones you don't know already. It's a RAFO-- Well, if I write Nightblood... Of the cosmere books, it's probably the... most in jeopardy, other than maybe the Threnody novel.
Are/were all the Five Scholars Returned?
Brandon Sanderson
I read that you had said if you had written Khriss' essay on Nalthis, it would have been more or less that she was talking about the magic, and then mention that there were scholars on this planet that were spitting distance from, like…
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, yeah.
So, Vasher, and maybe some of the other ones have been off world--
Brandon Sanderson
Shashara has been, yeah.
...Are they known to the people at Silverlight? Like--
Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, yeah.
Like does Khriss know Vasher?
Brandon Sanderson
Know Vasher is a different question than know of Vasher. But they are widely regarded as early cosmere scholars... They are pioneers of this sort of stuff. So yes.
In the WoK epilogue, Wit talks about novelty and what we value. He tells the guards that he "once asked this question of some very wise scholars." Is he referring to the Five Scholars?
Brandon Sanderson
A bonus piece of information - my poor friend that I dragged along with me (who had only read Warbreaker) asked about the specific naming of Bio-Chromatic Breath.
Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson confirmed as part of his response that at least some the Five Scholars had visited worlds who had gone through the Industrial Revolution (and therefore would have more of a sense of scientific theory, that the Scholars would have picked up on).
I was wondering, is Nightblood a Shardblade?
Brandon Sanderson
Nightblood is an attempt by someone who didn’t know how Shardblades were made to create a Shardblade using a different magic system.
Did Vasher or any of the Five Scholars visit the Nightwatcher prior to the Manywar, or have any of them visited since?
Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson
First is Nightblood's mention of Yesteel. I believe this is the first mention of him in the book. If you've been paying attention, you probably realized that there was one person missing out of the Five Scholars. Vasher, Denth, Arsteel, Shashara . . . and this guy. You'll see him in the sequel. (And yes, he's much better at sneaking than Vasher or Vivenna.)
We have seen some Hoid-related groups on the diferent worlds of the Cosmere...
Worldbringers on Scadrial, Worldsingers on Roshar, Enefel on Sel (this one is a wild guess)
Is there a Hoid-related group on Nalthis? Maybe the Five Scholars are part of it? (That would explain the Shardblade/Nightblood thing you've been talking lately)
Brandon Sanderson
Hoid did not found the Five Scholars.
Regarding the sibling relationships of Yesteel/Arsteel and VaraTreledees/Shashara, were either pairing Returned simultaneously? If so, how did they know they were siblings? And do any of the four know their original birth names? Finally, is it coincidence that there are two pairs of siblings in the Five Scholars or is there something more at work?
Brandon Sanderson
I do intend to delve into questions like in your first point when I return to that world, so I'll RAFO for now.
When the Five Scholars traveled to Roshar, this happened post Recreance, so most Shardblades would have been dead, how did Nightblood gain sapience?
Brandon Sanderson
Shardblades weren’t the only Blades around that were active, there were Honorblades. Honorblades are self-aware, but do not manifest a spren in the Cognitive Realm.
Did the Five Scholars ever speak directly with Endowment in a way that they would remember?
Brandon Sanderson
*thinking noises* I'll RAFO that.