Brandon's Bookclub - Frugal Wizard

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Name Brandon's Bookclub - Frugal Wizard
Date June 23, 2023
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One of the things that I definitely wanted to do with this book as I was writing it was limit the ability of the fantasy world to impact the "real world" which, um, the story that Cecil and everyone is from may not actually be, it's certainly not our world, uh, maybe our world is one upstream from that, uh, is kinda what the implication might be or maybe they're a side step from one another, uh but I wanted to limit their ability to influence one another. One of the things that makes this book work is that you're kinda going into your own isolated world, where the real world can minimally influence it but it can't influence the real world in anyway, um, real world- I say real, they're both real, but the upstream world and things like that. Um this allowed me more flexibility with the narrative uh, in was I wanted to go. You don't have to worry, as a reader, what are the implications upon my world if this were discovered well, they're very- they're very greatly limited because nothing can transfer, uh, upstream. Uh, a useful tool for just letting the reader umm, suspend disbelief a little bit more, and focus a little bit more on the story that is happening.

Event details
Name Brandon's Bookclub - Frugal Wizard
Date June 23, 2023
Entries 1
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