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JordanCon 2021 ()
#51 Copy


Do seons automatically know what they mean? Like, was Ashe created being like "I am Ashe and I mean 'light,'" or did he have to have someone draw him and see what happened? 

Brandon Sanderson

No, he knows intrinsically. Good question. 

Shardcast Interview ()
#53 Copy

Weiry Writer

Why are Seons stuck as floating balls of light in the Cognitive Realm, while true spren get to be people shaped? I feel that is unfair.

Brandon Sanderson

That is a little unfair isn't it. Boy, Sel has all sorts of unfair things going on. But they can leave Sel, so there's some sort of clue there. But lots of unfairness to everybody from Sel in various ways. But the thing that is not unfair is: they're able to get places.


Just gotta escape the deadly plasma, you know. No big deal.

Brandon Sanderson

If they can escape the deadly Investiture plasma covering the Cognitive Realm... not even covering, like... suffusing the Cognitive Realm where they are, the Expanse of Densities. If they can escape that they can go places. 

I'll be honest. I couldn't decided if I should use a seon there at the end or a Tamu Kek. In one draft it was a Tamu Kek, and then I thought, "Eh, seons are way more interesting because they have volition. Tamu Kek is just a bone." It was a Tamu Kek originally, and then it was a seon, then back to a Tamu Kek, and then I released it as a seon. 

Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing ()
#54 Copy

Questioner 1

When you were talking about spren being bound to the Cognitive Realm of their planet. Are seons similarly bound? Especially with-- Because the--

Brandon Sanderson


Questioner 2

Could you also pull them off, with the knowing how?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, but you’d have to get through the Cognitive Realm, on Sel. But yeah-- Yes, that is possible.

Orem signing ()
#55 Copy


Why do spren appear on Roshar and nowhere else?

Brandon Sanderson

They do, but they're in different shapes. Seons are the same thing that spren are, for instance. So there are places where you will see them, it just is going to depend on how the worldbuilding is built and how the magic is channeled and things like that. 

Skyward Houston signing ()
#56 Copy


What's the relationship between spren and seons?

Brandon Sanderson

They are the same thing from different magics.


Okay, exact same thing from different magics?

Brandon Sanderson

"Exact," may be a little too strict, but yeah.


So a seon can be transferred to another person, right?

Brandon Sanderson



Can a spren?

Brandon Sanderson
